Author's note: I don't own Mai-hime or Mai-otome yeah...don't sue me please. This is my first story ever. Never wrote before in my entire life. English is my second language, so please be kind if you see any mistake. I'm not a professional, so this story might be another crappy story. If you want to take part or anything, let me know and perhaps we can collaborate. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Chapter One
Three hundred years ago, a war broke out between the HiMEs and became known as the Golden Era. It became an ancient legend that had been passed down from generations to generations. A legend about women who had to make sacrifices, a legend about inevitable destiny, and above was a legend about love. Now, exactly three hundred years later, the legend will perhaps once again repeat itself.
The Fuuka Space Academy welcomes their student once again as the first day of school begins. Kazehana Mashiro, the headmaster of Fuuka Space Academy, is sitting on her wheelchair looking down out of the window to watch the students arrive from the space shuttles. Although she appears to be an eleven-year-old girl, she is definitely older than she looks.
"Mashiro-sama, your tea is ready," a pink haired maid says softly from behind.
"Thank you, Fumi-san," Mashiro responses without moving, "but I think I'll wait a little bit more for it to cool down."
"Mashiro-sama, this year..."
"I know, let's just hope that our last HiME will become aware of her power soon. We need her as soon as possible."
"Why can't we tell the others her identity?"
"They will meet by destiny. We cannot interfere..." Mashiro turns around and sips the tea Fumi prepared for her. Then silence takes over the room.
"Dude, look at that chick!"
"Oh My God! She is sooooo pretty!"
"Is she new?"
"Damn! Look at that body…."
What the hell is wrong with these people? Natsuki Kruger wonders if every new student gets the same attention that she's getting. And she doesn't like it at all, not even one bit. Today is Natsuki's first time ever in Fuuka Space Academy and if it wasn't for the mysterious death of her mother, she wouldn't be here right now. Whoever they were that killed her mother, she will find them and take her revenge…even if it's the last thing that she would do. The crowd surrounding her and those eyes that are following her are just too irritating.
Six months ago, Yamada told her that all of the answers she wanted…she'd find them at Fuuka Space Academy. He was Natsuki's spy at first, but now they are more like friends. She still remembers the last thing he said to her…
"If you apply to Fuuka Space Academy, they will definitely accept you. The tattoo that you described to me, turned out to be some kind of a secret in the school. I don't know what it's supposed to be. There'll be someone that I'm working with there with you. I told him you'd be coming so…"
"How do I find him?"
"He'll find you."
What is so special about this school? It just seems normal to Natsuki. Every year, there is recruitment for potential Fuuka students. Many would apply, but only strong and intelligent individuals get in. Only fifty students will be picked each year, except this one. Natsuki was the fifty-first, and she is still surprised herself that she got accepted in. It isn't a big deal to Natsuki or anything. But the fact there is a fifty-first student accepted to F.S.A for the first time ever in two hundred years, the media, the school and even the F.S.A. students are making big fuzz about it. Too bad they don't know who the fifty-first student is. Just then, the sound of the announcement lady over the P.A. system interrupts Natsuki's thoughts.
"New students please follow down the hall to Auditorium B from space shuttles rooftop. Old students who just returned from Earth and those who live on campus will enter Auditorium B through the fifth floor. We welcome all of you back for another exciting year at Fuuka Space Academy. You have exactly 30 minutes before the welcoming ceremony starts. Hope to see you there! Have a great day everyone!"
Oh great, there's a welcoming ceremony. Natsuki hates being exposed, and she has a feeling that the welcoming ceremony will be somewhat unpredictable. There are, after all, only fifty-one new students.
Meanwhile, in a secret meeting room…
"Alright! Ladies, the reason I called y'all here is because I've got good news for you!" Midori Sugiura stands up on top of the table.
"Cut the crap already! Just say it, you're wasting the time. And with you standing on top of the table, we all can see your stupid underwear." Nao Zhang scowls annoyingly at her sensei. The other nine girls in the room laugh out loud together as Midori blushes and jumps off the table.
"Ahem…Ahem…Anyway, as I was saying before some brat interrupted me; I want to tell you girls that the last one of us is here."
"You mean…someone with powers like us?" Mai Tokiha stands up from her seat.
"Yes, and according to my source…her name is Natsuki Kruger. During the admission process, she has one of the greatest fighting skills I've seen so far. That girl got a sharp mind. But she skipped school and came late to class many times. A LOT of tardiness from her old school record. It looks that our new girl will be a handful…Shizuru and Yukino…I'll leave her to you guys, student councils."
"It'd be our pleasure," sipping her tea, Shizuru smiles Viola and Yukino Chrysant nods in return.
"Great! Mikoto, Nao, and Shiho…PLEASE don't cause any more trouble for the new girl. Nao, I expect you to take care of these kids since you're older."
"Hey! We're not little kids!" shouts Shiho Munakata.
"Yeah, we got bras! See?" Mikoto Minagi lifts up her shirt to expose her sport bra, but then Mai jumps in before Mikoto embarrasses herself ever further.
"MIKOTO!" Mai yells and pulls Mikoto's shirt down.
"Any…way," Midori sweat drops and continues, "Akane and Akira, you two will be the ones who give the tour to Kruger and explain some of the you-know-what to her. Don't scare of with one of your crazy ninja moves please Akira."
"Whatever," Akira Okusaki says coolly as Akane Higurashi giggles.
Just then Yukariko Steinberg walks into the room. Then the girls and Midori turn their attention to Yukariko.
"Everyone, it's time for the welcoming ceremony."
AN: I'm a big ShizNat fan, so expect some kind of relationship between them in the future. Feel free to criticize or leave props. Thank you for reading once again!