Sekowari: Here's the second part. Tells you of the happenings during the last fight with Gyumaoh. I didn't include battle scenes. Dunno how to write those. Gomenasai! Ah yes, and R/R!

Alone From Now On

The Sanzo party couldn't hold on any longer. Gyumaoh was much more powerful than they had thought. They couldn't win. Everyone was badly wounded. At the last moment, however, Goku turned towards Sanzo.

"…Sanzo, I have to." The priest merely glowered at Goku, but said nothing. What choice did they have left?

And so, Goku took off the diadem. A ripping sensation filled his body. He screamed in agony. But with that came power. He could already taste the blood. Seiten Taisen – a tool of destruction.

It all ended too quickly. It wasn't enough for Goku. He wanted more lives to be taken. He turned to face Gojyo. The said person smirked, while wincing slightly.

"Oi, bakasaru! You shouldn't be picking fights with your elders."

Seiten Taisen merely sneered. With a swipe of his claws, Gojyo collapsed into a pool of red. Struggling, he said, "Saru…you're so…stupid…"

With that, he closed his eyes for the last time.

Goku now headed towards Hakkai. The healer gasped with pain.

"Please…stop this…" But his pleads were to no avail. Goku killed off his companions one by one without any hesitance or sorrow.

Now, it was just him and Sanzo left on the battlefield. The priest raised his shourejyu and pointed it at Goku.

"Hey. You better cut the crap now, or I'll shoot." However, his words didn't get through at all…neither did his death glare.

Goku charged at Sanzo with immense speed. He just managed to dodge the attack. The priest was getting really tired of this. He waited until Goku came near, and grabbed him. He then put his hand on Goku's forehead and started chanting. The diadem appeared once again. The saru struggled and fell down onto the floor in front of Sanzo.

After awhile, Goku became conscious again. He looked up. Gold met violet. This time, he remembered what he had done to the others. Overcome with shock, he sobbed loudly, and didn't bother to wipe away the streaming tears.

"Why is this happening? Gojyo….Hakkai….It's my entire fault. Everyone should have survived this!" Sanzo gazed down at him. Goku stood up and smiled sadly.

"S-Sanzo…we'll always be together, right? You promised me! Don't leave me alone…again…"

Sanzo reached out slowly and gripped Goku's shoulders. "Ie…it's over. Get out of my sight."

Stunned, Goku staggered backwards. This was his worst fear come true. He had never expected Sanzo to actually say those horrible words. But then, after what he had done, it was only natural that Sanzo didn't want him around anymore.

With one last longing glance at his saviour, he turned and ran off.

'The sun will never shine for me again. All I want is to hide from it in shame. The truth is, I've been alone all along…'

On that fateful day the Sanzo-ikkou was broken forever. And the survivors, shrouded in darkness for the rest of their lives.
