AnyaO.C./ HalleJim/ SaveaMark/ KierstenMac/ ErikaRizzo
Time of Your Life
By Wave-rider42192
Ch. 1- Home in Reykjavik
It had been a long day at the University. Almost everything that could have wrong did. And to top it all off it was about 85 degrees Fahrenheit, abnormally high for a summer day in Iceland. Normally, I could just wear a light sweater and some sort of bottoms, but not this day. No, that day I was wearing the lightest thing I could possibly find so I wouldn't be dying as I walked to my flat. I'm sorry, I'm yet to introduce myself. I am Anika Marek; I am 23 years old; I live in Reykjavik, Iceland; and I attend the University as a health and nutrition major. Anyways, I was sweating like crazy by the time I reached the front door. I put in the key and opened the door. As soon as I did I felt a blast of cold air push against me. It was the most refreshing thing yes, but at the rate we were going with bills and rent, there was no way we could afford this. As I put my bags away, I yelled at my roommate,
"Kiersten! Why is the air conditioning on full blast! You know we can't afford it. We need to save our money or else we'll loose the apartment!"
"Hey, how did you know it was me who left it on? It could have easily been Halle. You always blame stuff on me. Give me a break." Kiersten bellowed back. Kiersten was like the sister I never had. She and I went far back, back to primary school. We bickered all the time, but no matter how bad it was, we always made up in the end. Normally with help from our other roommate, Halle.
"Would you two calm down? It's hot enough out without the two of you heating up the place and making everything tense. Now Anya, it isn't right to blame someone if you don't know for sure if it is their fault. And Kiersten, we really can't afford leaving the air conditioning on all day. That's why I have turned it off every other hour since I got home." Halle stated as she entered the hall. That's Halle for you though. She looks so small and meek on the outside but she stands up for what's right and doesn't let anyone bother her about it. Kiersten and I just looked at one another and very quietly whispered 'Sorry' to the other. When I looked back up at her, we just broke up laughing. We really were pathetic. We nearly blew our heads off yelling at each other, and after Halle came in and disciplined us, we were back to normal again. But when I really think about it now, what really was funny was that two equally stubborn, tall girls could be yelled at by another girl who was at least 3 inches shorter than us and very petite. Whatever, now we just continued right on schedule. We had already fought about something useless and now it was in our daily routine to tell each other about our day. Halle, the peacemaker went first:
"Well, today I went grocery shopping, so we have everything that we need for this week. I also got the mail. Anya, it seems like you have a letter or something out on the foyer table."
I quickly ran over and grabbed the envelope. It had the University's address on the return. 'I wonder what this is for…' When I got back, Kier was already in full swing about how she had the best day possible. From overhearing, it sounded like she had gotten a date with Erik Weiler, the cutest guy on campus. I had said hi to him a few times but I didn't really know him. I guess he was okay.
"So, Anya, how was your day?" Halle asked me. Good God that girl was like a psychiatrist.
"It was horrible. First the heat wave, then I couldn't get my car to start so I had to walk. Then, my paper on the American healthcare system was due today, and when I handed it to Professor Brachhenheimer, he said 'Ah, Ms. Marek. Let's hope this paper is much more interesting than the last. I'm afraid I may have drooled a bit on that one. And you came highly recommended as a writer'" I impersonated my sexist professor. Being the only girl in my Health Resources course makes it a little difficult to be taken seriously. I take almost all of my classes with my friend, Rolf Lukemann. He's a really great guy. Always smiling and laughing, and better yet, he takes my dream of becoming a physical therapist or doctor seriously.
"Oh, crap! We've got to get to Icepack. If we're late for our shifts again then we'll have Gustav on our butts!" Halle said, looking at the clock.
"Shit, my uniform isn't clean yet. Anya, do you have an extra shirt I could borrow?" Kier asked desperately.
As we all dashed up to our rooms, I remembered the letter on the coffee table downstairs. 'I'll read it in the car' Luckily, we were all changed and in the car 5 minutes later. Kier was driving, I was in the passenger's seat, and Halle was in the back. I opened the seal and began reading. It said:
Dear Ms. Marek,
It has been noticed by Dean Janislav that you have not completed your time as an intern. We have asked you to find a place of interest where you could intern. Now we are telling you that to complete your degree, you need to have at least 6 months training in a professional environment. You have a week to identify your choice and will begin the internship as soon as possible. If you do not comply, you will either have to take one of the internships the University offers or you will not be able to complete your degree.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Bjorn M. Dandrislav
Head of Health Sciences
Reykjavik University
As I read this I started to panic. What if I couldn't find something? I would end up having to get a different major. The people on the board would give me an internship completely irrelevant to my training. Unexpectedly, we reached the bar and raced inside. The first two hours of working had been a blur. I was bussing tables, when our other friends, Savea Michkin and Erika Yasanova, came into the bar. They worked at Icepack also, but had an earlier shift. I said hello to them and continued on working. I was cleaning the tables so determinedly that I could have taken the varnish off. To any average Joe that walked in, I was an overachieving busboy who took pride in their work, nut to those who knew me well, they could tell I was a nervous wreck about something. Erika came over to me.
"Hey Anya, what's wrong."
"Nothing." I lied horribly.
"If there was nothing wrong with you, you wouldn't be trying to suffocate the tables with cleaner and rags, would you?"
"Fine. I got a letter from the Dean at the U. Here, just read it." I handed her the letter.
"Oh, crap, Anya. What are you going to do?" she finally responded.
"I have no clue. That's why I was attacking the table." Erika flashed me one of her genuine smiles. She was a very bubbly person and saw the positive in everything. Her two favorite sayings: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. And then there's always her signature line: If all else fails, just smile! Even though she had a bubbly surface, Erika was very solid and comforting. She understood everyone's problem and tried to solve them. I guess growing up in different foster homes made Erika very open to change. She wasn't uptight like me. She made everything around her relaxed and calm. Erika broke me from my thoughts when she said:
"Hey, don't you have an uncle in the U.S. who coaches hockey?"
"Yeah…" I said, not following her at all.
"Well, why don't you see if he could use some help or something? Like… ask him if he needs a physical therapist or something."
"Erika, you're a genius!" Why didn't I think of it before? It would be perfect. I hadn't seen my Aunt Patty or Uncle Herb in years. Come to think of it, I don't think I have ever met my little cousin Kelly properly. I saw him when he was about 8 months old. I just had to call my mom and get my aunt's phone number! I gave Erika a huge hug and we bounded up to the bar where Kier was tending and Savea was talking to her and trying to get guys at the same time.
"Well, someone perked up!" Kier said cheerfully.
"Yeah, once again, Erika has the solution to my problems." I said happily.
"What's wrong?" Savvy asked.
"I got a letter from the dean about me interning and if I can't get a position in a week I won't be able to continue." I said casually.
"What jerks." I heard Halle coming up behind me.
"Yeah, well, Erika suggested that I ask my Uncle Herb if he needs any help for his hockey team."
"That's a great idea!" Savvy exclaimed.
"Yeah, except for the part where if he does need your help, you'll be in the States for at least 6 months." Kier said sadly.
"It's only 6 months, Kier. And I might not be going. But this is my dream, and ever since I started college, I have been discriminated against because I'm a girl. I kind of want to see what it's like in the U.S." I said cautiously. The last thing I needed was Kiersten angry with me.
"You have a point." She said finally. I felt better that she agreed with me. I checked the clock briefly. I had 10 minutes left in my shift. I finished up by bringing a table of guys some beers. Halle, Kier, and I clocked out, and headed out. Savvy and Erika followed behind us and followed us home. When we got out at the flat, Kier, being the weirdo that she is, went over and hugged Savvy, saying:
"Look, Mommy! I found a stray." I ran out and joined her, hugging Erica and taunted Halle by saying:
"Yeah, Mommy. I found one too! Can we keep them, please?" I said way too sweetly.
"Ha, ha you guys. Very funny!" Halle said sarcastically.
We walked into the flat to have our weekly gossip center. It turned out that Savvy, being the girly-girl that she was going to run in the Miss Reykjavik pageant. Halle was going to help with the summer solstice fair. Erika found an awesome comedy show, and Kier read a new book that she absolutely hated and told us all not to read it. I just sat there and laughed. God, I was going to miss my girls if I did end up going to the U.S. I decided I wouldn't worry about for the rest of the night. Tomorrow, I would call my mom and get the number.