"Alright guys. I gotta go." Travis said as he looked at his watch. He was at the bar of the hotel he was staying at with his co-workers and his bodyguard, Bruno.

"Oh, come on, man. It's only midnight." Travis's co-worker, Ryan, said.

"I know, but I have a flight in three hours. I need at least two hours of sleep." Travis said.

"He's right. We need to get some sleep before our flight." Travis's assistant, Stacy, said. "See ya later Sweetcheeks." She slapped his butt and walked away.

"For some reason, I don't think she was talking about the ones on my face. Make sure she doesn't get into my suite." Travis whispered to Bruno. The two walked to their suites and went to sleep.

Two Hours Later

Travis woke up at 2 am not satisfied with the sleep he got. He changed his clothes and freshened up. Then, he packed the rest of his stuff, making sure he didn't leave anything and he brought his bags downstairs.

"Get enough sleep last night, TK?" Bruno asked.

"Afraid not, Bruno. Where's Stacy?" Travis said.

"Right here." the men turned to find Stacy in a skimpy outfit. The guys looked at each other.

"Great. Bruno, checked us out of the hotel right?" Travis asked.

"Yes, TK." Bruno answered.

"Cool. Let's go, then." Travis said.

"Well, I guess I'm sitting by you." Stacy said.

"Um, actually you're sitting three rows ahead of us. I need Bruno sitting by me. Considering he's my bodyguard. You understand." Travis said.

"Yeah. I understand."


"No problem." Stacy boarded the plane and Bruno and Travis stood there and watched.

"Make sure I make sure we have two separate suites." Travis said to Bruno. Bruno nodded. The two boarded the plane and took their seats. After putting his bag under the seat in front of him, Travis looked across the aisle. He jumped at who he saw.

"Bruno. Switch seats with me. I like window seats."

"Sure boss." Bruno and Travis switched. Bruno looked across the aisle just as Travis had. He jumped.

"You just saw Stacy across from you, huh?" Travis asked.

"Yeah." Bruno said.

"Who would've thought my stalker would be my assistant?" Travis said. When the plane took off, Travis pulled out his laptop and played demo CDs given to him on the street. Some he liked, some he didn't like. He had the whole flight to decide. That is if he didn't fall asleep.