A/N: Hey there Wonderland readers! I'm baaack! Yay. claps So I'm here with chapter 4, hope you all enjoy it. Think of it as a gift for being so patient with this scatterbrained writer.

Disclaimer: Same old, same old… Don't own Gakuen Alice…

Natsume slowly reached up to touch the red sore spot where Mikan slapped him. It was throbbing slightly. He winced inwardly. 'Damn that hurt…' he swore in his head. He glared at Mikan, and slowly, her expression of anger and embarrassment turned into one of realization of what she had done and horror of what Natsume was about or could do to her.

Natsume approached her slowly his eyes burning with cold anger. Mikan gulped and backed away, but to no avail. Each step she took back, he gained by stepping forward. Natsume growled. He was getting tired of her little game.

Then Natsume did something Mikan didn't even expect.

His hands suddenly turned into fire.





Mikan stopped in her tracks as she stared in horror at Natsume's hands…which were now replaced by balls of burning fire. A strangled sort of cry escaped her mouth before it slammed closed again in a straight line. Every part of her body seemed to be frozen even though a small voice from inside of her was screaming at her to move, run, something! Just get away from the fire!

Hotaru blinked at the sight. What was Natsume doing? Why was he revealing his Alice to her? This wouldn't be good if Mikan got involved in all of this! But then…Hotaru darted her eyes towards the frozen Mikan. Just then…when Natsume said that he was using his Alice before except it wasn't working…It could only be the effect of another Alice!


In all her years of knowing the ditzy brunette she had never seen any signs of Mikan possessing any special talent of any sort.

So why…

Hotaru mentally slapped herself. She shouldn't be thinking about trivial things such as this! All she needed to do know was get Mikan out of this place, away from Natsume and his fire. She inwardly swallowed. And his fire...

Before Mikan went berserk. (DUN DUN DUUUUN!)

While Hotaru's mind was processing all her information, Mikan continued to stare at Natsume.

'Why…' Mikan thought her horror slowly turning into fury. 'Why is he on fire?' Her breathing became labored; her breaths came in short and jerky. The simple answer came to her mind, an answer the peaceful Mikan wouldn't normally think, but it came nonetheless.

'Because he's evil.'

Natsume was surprised to say the least when he saw the vulnerable fearful look she had previously after slapping him, turn into an angry, furious look. Why the hell was she angry? He should be the one angry—he was the one who got slapped! Maybe a little burn to those caramel locks might give her a little jump start…He began to stalk towards her again, but was once again surprised when Mikan stood her ground and glared at him defiantly. Surprise, surprise.

Hyuuga Natsume did not like surprises.

"Listen polka-dot," he started menacingly his hands burning even more, but poor Natsume didn't even get to finish his sentence. Why? Because Mikan, in all her rage, lunged full force and tackled a shocked Natsume to the ground and promptly began pounding him.

Everyone else was even more shocked, and Shoda was furious. Her green eyes blazing she marched over to where Mikan was currently punching Natsume's hands. "How dare you do that to—Natsume-kun!" she screamed her anger quickly evaporating when she stared at Mikan and Natsume.

With every punch Mikan delivered to Natsume's flaming hands a blinding white light went between them and a tiny bit of the flames disappeared. Shoda gaped at the sight and everyone behind her started to talk amongst themselves obviously shocked. Ruka's mouth was wide open and Hotaru's normally impassive face had a look of confusion, astonishment, and intrigue.

'Could this mean,' Hotaru thought her eyes lighting up at the newfound discovery, 'that Mikan actually has an Alice?'

Now Mikan, not paying any attention to the surrounding people and their amazement, continued pummeling the poor fire-user. Natsume would have burned the annoying girl's ass off…along with her polka dot bra…but for some stupid reason his Alice wouldn't work! He knew that reason. It was what he had shown the others earlier. But, now, he needed his Alice to at least stun the girl! Freaking hell! She was like a barbarian pounding him like that, screaming random unintelligible words. He managed to catch "Fire!" and "Evil!"


Did the girl have a problem with fire or something? Natsume managed to figure that out, but looking at the pure hatred in her eyes as she kept her gaze on the remaining flames on his fists, he had a feeling it went way beyond "a problem."

Suddenly the screaming girl was snatched off of him by an impassive Hotaru. "Hotaru! How could you? He's fire! He's evil!" Mikan screeched trying to break free of her friend's grip. But, Hotaru held on to Mikan tightly, indicating Natsume to get off the ground.

Natsume scrambled up trying to regain his lost pride. Stupid girl. He started for her, venom in his eyes, but Ruka immediately stood in front of him shaking his head. Natsume stared at Ruka in disbelief. 'Why?' he seemed to ask with his eyes. Ruka shook his head once more. "That's enough Natsume," he said softly but firmly. Natsume paused before turning around and marching down the hallway. Even he knew when to give up.

Meanwhile Hotaru was trying to restrain Mikan from jumping after Natsume. "Stop being such a baka, Mikan," Hotaru snapped, her nerves frazzled. She didn't expect Mikan's reaction to Natsume's Alice. She had expected Mikan to faint, then Hotaru could drag her home and reassure her that it was all a dream.

And she defintely didn't expect Mikan to have an Alice.

There was no doubt about it. The way she had deflected Natsume's flames to slight flickers was unbelievable. 'Besides...' Hotaru mused dragging a shouting Mikan away from the scene, 'I'm sure that Natsume was planning to hurt her, so the fact that he himself called off his flames is highly unlikely.'

But, now since Mikan had an Alice, things were going to be different. Hotaru couldn't just place her back in her house. Even if she could manage to wipe Mikan's memory they would still find her.

Hotaru's eyes narrowed into slits. Yes.

They were the cause of all of this.

Mikan groaned as she groggily opened her eyes. 'Ugh...my head...' she thought wincing. She sat up to discover that she was in the same bed as before. She gingerly raised a hand to brush against her forehead, as all recollection of what happened came rushing into her head. She groaned again. She had acted so foolish! But...

Mikan's hand dropped to her lap and fiddled around with her fingers.

She couldn't help that she hated fire. And that boy...the one Hotaru called Natsume...

He practically was fire. Mikan shuddered. That thought...no fact, taht he was fire, scared her! It really scared her! And her reaction to his fire just made a bad impression in front of all those other people. It looked like Natsume was the head honcho of whatever of going on here, someone everyone seemed to respect, and she attacked him!

She buried her head in her hands. "I can't wait until I can get out of here and go home," she muttered.

"I'm afraid that's not an option anymore."

Mikan's head whipped up and turned towards the doorway. There stood that blonde boy from before, back against the frame of the doorway his arms crossed.

Mikan's face turned red when she saw him. He was probably the most attractive guy she had ever seen and...

Mikan squeaked and ducked under the covers. 'Smooth Mikan,' she thought dryly.

Ruka sighed before walking over and taking the covers off her head. Mikan looked up at him sheepishly. He sighed again before grabbing a chair and sitting beside her. "Listen Sakura," he started seriously looking at her start in the eyes. "You've heard me before. You can't go home. You're not allowed."

Mikan blinked as his words crashed onto her like a wave. Her anger rose. "What the hell do you mean I can't go home, blondie!" she shrieked grabbing him by the shoulders.


"Why can't I go home!" Ruka peeled her hands off his shoulders and looked at her in pity.

"I'm sorry Sakura..."

"Huh?" Mikan cooled off a bit seeing the look on his face. "What is it?"

Ruka was panicking. How the hell was he going to explain this to her? 'I might as well,' he thought glumly. 'She's going to find out eventually...'

"Do you remember Natsume's fire?" At the mention of Natsume's name Mikan's eyes darkened and her nails dug into Ruka's hands. Ruka winced. 'Ouch...' She nodded sharply. "Well, basically Natsume's got a power called an Alice, but his Alice is fire. Everyone here has got an Alice but it's not necessarily like Natsume's. Take me for instance," Ruka whistled and a small rabbit came bouncing into the room and onto Ruka's lap. Mikan gasped.


Ruka smiled, "As you can see, my Alice is animal pheremone. All animals are attracted to me and I can understand their feelings and stuff."

"Sugoi!" Mikan cried petting the rabbit lovingly. She looked at Ruka in excitement, "So that means Hotaru has got an Alice too?"

"Yes. She's got the invention Alice." Mikan nodded.

"Wait...is that why Hotaru went to Alice Academy? Because she has an Alice?" Mikan never got to know much about the private school Hotaru went to, only that the name and it was for special students.

Now, Ruka's eyes went dark. "Yes, but I'll tell you about that later. The point is, do you kind of understand what Alices are?" Mikan nodded. "Good. I tried to put it as simply as possible. There's much more to Alices than that, but we'll get to that later."

"But..." Ruka looked at her in confusion. He thought he had covered the basic things that she needed to know about Alices.

"What does this have to do with me?" Ruka inwardly groaned. He knew he would have to answer this question eventually.

"The point is Sakura..."

"You're one of us now."

A/N: Muhahahaha! Finished! Dark-chan is back in action! Yesh! Okay, this chapter was a little bit more serious than the other chapters, but this is how it's going to go. Anyone mind sending me a better explaination for other part of Alices? 'Cause I really needed to make a basic explaination because Mikan's such a spaz.

I'm happy to receive any comments from you, please review! I know my writing sucks, but give me a break I'm only 13! Anyways constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. And I'm happy to read any ideas that you have for the story! Thanks!

P.S. I'm planning to have OC's in my story. So if you can come up with a good personality, appearance, or Alice send it in your review or message me! That's all for now! Bye!
