It wasn't one of those sissy baskets of apples. This was a monster of a barrel, almost larger than Syaoran, full of apples so shiny you could see your reflection in them. Fai sprawled out on top of the barrel, rolling it back and forth.

"Mmm, isn't it great?" he mused. "This could last us a whole month."

"I am not eating apples for a month straight," Kurogane said. He took another bite out of his apple, enjoying the crisp sweetness of fresh fruit. "Too sugary. Did you steal these?"

Fai stopped rolling and perched on top of the barrel, pouting.

"Of course not, Kuro-wanko. I won them at the fair." He slid off the barrel and snatched Kurogane's apple. Kurogane grabbed at it, but Fai just giggle and held it out of arm's reach. "I won the strong man contest!" Fai proclaimed, taking a large bite out of the apple. He crunched on it with a loud "Mmmmmm!" of satisfaction, then handed it back to him. "Thanks for sharing, Kuro-ruu."

"I don't want it back," Kurogane growled.

"Awwww, why?" Fai whined. "I'm not sick."

Because that's weird? Because he didn't want to swap spit with the wizard?

"Because your stupidity might be contagious," Kurogane said, crossing his arms. Fai giggled.

"You're already caught that," he chirped, tapping Kurogane on the nose. "Silly Kuro-wan."

So... I have almost through H written, but I'm posting em a few days apart, just because I'm a bitch like that... And because I'm too lazy to update more than once today. Critique is tasty by the way. Thanks.