Hello all! Here's the newest chapter brought to us by the lovely Ella (aka Michelle). And the next chapter is going to be written by a new author that we brought on board, so look forward to that!! I hope that you enjoy the chapter! And please review because Ella is a review whore! Lol.

Chapter 15

Lucas dropped the drinks he was holding to catch his fainting wife. More glass shattered across the floor as he carefully lifted her into his arms. Nathan fought his way through the crowd, clearing a path for Lucas and Brooke. He led them to one of the guest rooms where Lucas carefully laid Brooke down on the blue floral comforter. Nathan ran off to grab some water and Haley was doing damage control downstairs. Jake had run off to find Jenny. Peyton came into the guest room at that moment, Chris following closely behind her.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here?" Lucas spat.

"Checking on her," Peyton replied while Chris shot Lucas a look of warning.

"I thought that I made it clear that you were to stay the hell away from us."

"Hey, you better watch your tone when you're talking to my wife," Chris exclaimed, shooting Lucas the death glare.

"I have an idea. How about both of you go?"

"Fine, Chris let's go help Haley out downstairs."

"I'll be right there Peyton," Chris told his wif,e kissing her forehead. Peyton nodded and smiled at Chris before walking out the door.

"Listen and listen good. She's finally happy. If you mess that up for her, I swear to God you'll wish you'd never of been born," Chris told Lucas.

"I'm not afraid of you Keller."

"You will be," Chris promised before heading out the room. Nathan returned with the water for Brooke and shot his brother a look.

"What was that about?" he asked.

"It was nothing." Nathan shrugged his shoulders and handed Luke the cold compress he had found in the freezer. Lucas took it, nodding his head at Nathan and applied it to Brooke's forehead.

Haley came running into the room. "How is she?" Haley asked, worry etched on her face. Over the years Brooke had become her best friend in the world. She didn't know what she'd do without the spunky brunette to make her feel better or to confide in.

"I think she's okay," Lucas replied as Nathan wrapped his arm around Haley's waist. Lucas noticed that Haley's face instantly changed from worry to guilt and back again within five seconds. He wondered what was wrong and made a mental note to talk to her about it later.

"Do you have any idea why she fainted?" Haley said.

"No idea," Lucas replied.

"Maybe her memory came back," Nathan whispered. Lucas felt his heart sink. If her memory came back then surely she'd remember what had happened at their wedding. That would mean they'd be apart again and Lucas didn't think that his heart could handle anymore of the two of them being apart.

Sensing Lucas's suspicions, Haley pulled herself away from Nathan and placed her hand on Lucas's shoulder. Lucas smiled at her and returned his focus back onto his wife. His wife. If she got her memory Lucas doubted he'd ever get to call her that again.

At that moment Brooke began to stir. "What happened?" She mumbled.

6 months later (2020)

"So what do you want to happen with your marriage?" Amy, their marriage counselor asked.

Brooke stared at the red head, her thoughts wandering. What did she want from her marriage? The two of them had been separated for the last six months, ever since she had remembered their wedding night. But wasn't it just the same dance all over again? She knew that she loved him and that she always would, but could she really keep doing this to herself? And not just to herself, but to the kids.

Brooke would always put her children first. They were number one in her life. Could she really keep putting them through this? This affected them just as much as it did her, if not more. She had to think of them before she thought of herself. Would it be better for them if they got back together? Or would it be better if they just ended it once and for all?


The counselor's voice pulled her from her thoughts. She shook her head to try and clear it. "I'm sorry. What?"

Amy shook her head, a small smile on her face. "Never mind. We'll finish off there for this week. There is something that I want the two of you to do before our next session. I want you to spend an evening together. I want you to spend some time together alone, without the kids. You remember what it used to be like before the kids, work and life got in the way, don't you? Try and take the time to rediscover one another." She looked between the two of them. "Do you think that you can do that?" At their nods she smiled. "Okay, until next week then."

Brooke smiled at Amy and headed for the door, Lucas following closely behind her.

"Hey," Lucas said gently, grabbing her arm. Brooke turned around to face him. "When should we do that thing that she wants us to do?"

"Umm well tonight is no good. I promised the kids that we'd go to Chucky Cheese tonight." As his face fell, she felt a tug on her heart. "But I guess you could come… if you want… I'm sure Davis would love it." Lucas's face lit up again and Brooke smiled in spite of herself.

"Okay. I'll meet you guys there at six okay?"

Brooke nodded, climbing into her car. She'd see how things went tonight before making any decisions. But deep down she was thinking that it would be nice to be a family again.


"Chris! Can you come here please?" A nine month pregnant Peyton called. She was overdue by two days ago and was feeling very irritable.

Chris poked his head into the living room and raised his eyebrows in question. "What's the matter Peyt?" he asked. With Peyton calling him to do this and that every two minutes he had no time for himself. He hadn't been able to get anything productive done. But of course he wouldn't change a thing.

"I need you to get me some water." Peyton explained, pouting. Chris nodded his head and went into the kitchen. He knew they were both at the point where they wished their baby—their little girl—would make her arrival into the world.

Chris came back a couple of minutes later and handed her the glass. Peyton smiled gratefully at him. "Thanks."

"Anytime. Do you need anything else? Are you comfortable? I can get you another pillow or something."

"No, we're fine." Peyton smiled at him, flicking on the television. Chris continued to hover over her and Peyton looked at him, raising her eyebrows.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

"You're sure you're okay."

Peyton sighed. "Yes Chris, I think I know my own body by now thank you." Peyton shot back.

Chris just looked at her. "Positive?"

"Chris! Just go before I kill you! I'm fine! We are fine! Now leave me alone!"

"Peyton you're going to upset the baby—"

"Good! Maybe she'll finally come out! Now get the hell out of my sight before I kill you." Chris threw his hands up in surrender and retreated back into his studio. Peyton was so easy to set off these days, it wasn't even funny. She wasn't the only one who wished this baby would make her arrival into this world.

Once Chris left the room Peyton reached for the phone. She stared at it for a while, debating on whether or not she should call Brooke. She had wanted to call her during the entire pregnancy, to just talk to her best friend and have Brooke tell her that this pregnancy would not end like the last one. Even to just hear Brooke's voice would have helped. Sighing, Peyton remembered what had happened the last time that she had seen Brooke six months earlier. After she had woken up and heard the whole story, she'd stormed downstairs and told her that it was over. There would be no more Brooke and Peyton. Their life-long friendship was done.

Sighing Peyton turned on the phone and ignored the butterflies as she dialed the all too familiar number.

"Hello?" Emma's voice said.

"Hey, is your mommy there?" Peyton asked. In the background Peyton could hear Brooke telling Jack to leave his little brother alone.

"Yup she is. Who is this?"

"Just an old friend. Can you give the phone to her please?"

"Uh-huh," Emma said before handing the phone to her mother.

"Who is it?" Peyton heard Brooke ask Emma.

"I dunno. Some lady."

"Hello?" Brooke asked.


"Davis put that down mister! Sorry. Kids, you know?"

"Hey." Peyton replied softly.

"Why are you calling here Peyton? I thought I had made myself perfectly clear!"

"You did. I just—"

"No Peyton. I told you that we're over. We're done. My marriage is on the rocks because of you. My children are living with a single parent because of you. It's because of you that we don't speak anymore. And part of not speaking is that you don't call my home, my cell or my office. Okay?" She disconnected the call without any kind of goodbye.

Hanging up the phone, Peyton's mouth was still opened in shock. She could not believe that Brooke hung up on her. Well in a way she could but…no there was no excuse for what she had done. Peyton understood that. She should have left them alone to have their happy ending. They deserved it and she had blown it.

A sharp pain in her lower back pulled Peyton from her thoughts. She rubbed the spot and went back to watching the news, thinking nothing of it.


As soon as Brooke hung up the phone, her guilt began to set in. Sure Peyton kissed her husband a few hours after they were married, but she had been seriously messed up. And in a way that was Brooke's fault because she knew that when Peyton had lost her boy she hadn't been the same. But Brooke had been too caught up in her own life to really care. It was terrible but true.

Davis toddled over to her. "Momma, up!" he demanded.

Brooke smiled at her youngest son and bent down to pick him up, kissing him on the top of his head. At just two years old he was a spitting image of Lucas. Except for his smile, he had her smile right down to the dimples. Sighing Brooke glanced down at the phone, debating on whether or not to call Peyton back. Glancing at her watch she decided against it. If she was going to get her monsters ready in time to meet Lucas she needed to start now. Peyton could wait. They had all the time in the world.


"Nathan! No! How can you still have him working for you?" Haley yelled.

"Who cares Hales? People screw up! Jake is one of our oldest friends! He did it for Jenny. I think it's perfectly okay to forgive him!"

"Oh, you would Nathan! You can't just go around forgiving people for stuff like this!"

"Why not Hales? I've forgiven you a million times for dumb things!"

Haley's face flushed red. Her eyes snapped open wide. "Like what Nathan?" Haley asked, her voice dangerously low.

Nathan glared at Haley. "Oh I don't know. How about the time you left for your fling with Chris Keller!"

"You did not just bring that up! That was years and years ago Nathan! I was 16 and stupid!"

"Oh okay, well what about the time you left Lynn and I for over a year?"

"I was clinically depressed Nathan! I couldn't handle it! And like you can talk, you were the one who left me to take care of our two children, your business and the house when you went through your stage after surgery. So don't try and make me feel guilty! I will not feel guilty, Nathan Scott! Do you know how many things you've driven me to do?"

"What I've driven you do to do Haley? Enlighten me on what I've driven you to do!"

"I had an affair Nathan! You remember Eric? I slept with him!" Immediately after Haley screamed that out, she clapped her hands over her mouth. She did not mean to tell him. Ever.

Nathan just stood there, staring at her. Haley wished that he would say something, anything. Instead he just stood there, staring. Haley almost wished that the ground would just swallow her whole. The phone rang, breaking Nathan's stare at her.

"Hello? She is? Okay we'll be right there." Nathan said hanging up the phone. He turned to Haley. "That was Chris. We have to go, Peyton is in labor. We'll deal with this later."


"Jenny! Wait up!" Nikolas called out, running down the hall to meet her.

"What do you want? My dad paid your dad back," she stated, whipping around to face him.

"I just wanted to talk Jenny," he told her, taking in her raven black hair and deep chestnut brown eyes.

She raised an eyebrow at him, indicating that he needed to get to the point—and quickly. "I don't have the rest of the afternoon you know," she told him, in her typical fashion—full of attitude, covering up the small vulnerable little girl inside.

"Listen Jenny, I was wondering if maybe…maybe we could go out sometime…you know?" He stuttered, mentally kicking himself for bringing this up.

Jenny's face softened for the briefest moment, before returning back to her usual frown and cold eyes. If she allowed herself to admit it, she did like him. But she could never date him.

Why? Because of who his brother and father were. She was terrified of them and if she started to date Nikolas then she'd have to see them. She didn't want to put herself through that. To see their sneering faces and the way they always looked at her like she was a whore. She had been desperate and there had been no other option. She wouldn't put herself through that ridicule again. She simply wouldn't.

She took a deep breath before she spoke. "I'm sorry Nikolas but no, I can't."

"Why not? Give me one good reason Jenny."

"I just can't, okay?"


"I have to go, my dad is waiting." Jenny mumbled brushing past him and out the doors, trying desperately to not let the tears fall.


"She's perfect," Peyton cried, holding her small daughter in her arms.

"She's beautiful. Just like you," Chris told her, kissing her forehead. Peyton smiled at her husband and stroked the baby's cheek. She played with the baby's tiny perfect little fingers and made sure the pink blanket was covering the baby properly.

Chris sighed. "She needs a name Peyton."

"I know," Peyton said softly.

"What do you think?"

Peyton thought for a minute. "Savannah. Savannah Elizabeth, Anna for short. After both of my mothers." Peyton's eyes teared up as she thought of the two women she had been able to call "mom". Peyton didn't understand why she was suddenly getting teary. The damn hormones must still be raging.

Chris wiped away a stray tear that had fallen. "Savannah Elizabeth Keller. I like it."

"Me too. I love you, you know that right?"

"I know. I love you too Peyton."


"Dad, why are we here?" Jenny asked, following Olivia and Jake through the doors of the hospital.

"Because Peyton had her baby and she's an old friend so I wanted to stop by and see her." Jake explained as he laced his hand through Olivia's. Olivia smiled at Jake causing Jenny to roll her eyes.

Although Jenny and Olivia got along a little better now, Jenny still resented her for taking time away from Jake that he could be spending with her. She saw Haley approaching from the other direction and Jake shot Olivia a look.

"Come on, Jenny. Let's go visit the gift shop so Jake and Haley can talk, okay?" Jenny didn't really want to go but she went anyway.

Jake offered Haley a weak smile, hoping she'd be civil in a hospital.

No such luck. Her eyes narrowed as she spoke. "What do you want?" she spat.

Jake just looked at her. What could he say? He knew she was angry and he was sorry. But he was stuck and there was nothing else he could do. "I'm…I'm sorry Hales."

Haley's eyes blazed. Her cheeks flushed. "Oh that's great Jake. Really great. You're sorry. Sorry! You stole money from me! From Nathan, Jake! I thought that we were close friends. But obviously I was wrong. We trusted you with that position."

"Haley please, I was desperate. I didn't know what else to do I—"

"No you don't get to explain. You stole money from us Jake! Stole! I put you in charged of that division because I thought I could trust you. Obviously I was wrong. Had you needed money, all you would have had to was ask. That's why there's a problem, Jake. All you would have had to do was ask," Haley told him before turning around and walking away, leaving a stunned Jake alone in the lobby.


Brooke smiled as she watched Davis toddle after his older brother and sister. She felt Lucas looking at her and turned around, offering him a small smile. Tonight had been perfect. It really was like they were a family again. Maybe the therapist was right. Maybe all they needed was a bit of time together.

"What?" she asked when she realized that Lucas was still looking at her.

"Nothing. I just, you're beautiful."

Brooke blushed. She hadn't heard him call her that in a long time. "Thanks Luke. So listen, I can get my sitter to stay tomorrow and maybe you can skip out on that novel of your's early. We can have dinner, just the two of us like Amy told us to."

Lucas smiled at his wife, happy that she was beginning to come around herself. Lucas couldn't imagine life without her. These past six months had been hell, but he still saw her all the time. If she filed for divorce then he'd see a lot less of her. That thought alone was enough to kill him.

Davis came running up to Brooke, tears streaming out of his blue eye. Brooke immediately scooped him up and began trying to calm him. "Oh honey what happened?" she asked, stroking his hair.

"I falled downs!!" He choked out in between sobs.

Brooke felt her heart break, she hated seeing her kids upset about anything. "Shh baby. You're okay. Mommy is right here. So is daddy." Davis reached out his hands to Lucas and Brooke handed him to her as her cell phone began vibrating. She flipped open her phone to see that she had a text from Haley.

"Peyton had the baby. Would be nice if you came."

Lucas looked at her curiously but she was busy having a mental struggle with herself. Glancing at Lucas and Davis she knew what she needed to do.

"Luke, I've got to go. It's not an emergency, but there's something I have to do. Can you take the kids home and stay with them for a few hours?" Lucas nodded as Brooke handed him her key and kissed Davis's forehead. Emma and Jack waved bye to her as she quickly headed for the door.


Brooke arrived at the hospital and couldn't convince herself to get out of the car. She knew that Peyton could use a friend now and she wanted to get past what Brooke had done, but each time that she had forgiven Peyton she'd been betrayed again.

But they were such a tight-knit group that she would still have to see Peyton. Wouldn't it be better to keep her close, to be able to keep an eye on her? What was that saying? Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer? Peyton may not be her enemy, but she wasn't sure if she was a friend either. Better to keep her close, especially if she decided to take Lucas back.

With her mind made up, Brooke headed into the hospital. She found Haley and Nathan in the waiting room. "Brooke! You came!" Haley jumped up, wrapping her friend in a hug. "I was hoping that you would."

"I wasn't sure if I was going to." Brooke shrugged. "I sat in the car for fifteen minutes before I came in."

Haley nodded. "Well, at least you came. Her room's the second on the left. Chris just left so there's no one in there."

"Thanks, Hales. For letting me know that she'd had the baby. We need to fix things between us." With a small smiled she turned and headed for Peyton's room.

Brooke stood just inside the door, watching Peyton holding a beautiful little girl. "Hey buddy."

Peyton glanced up from Anna at her former best friend's voice. Brooke offered Peyton a weak smile, walking hesitantly to the side of the bed.

"I thought you said that we were over." Peyton looked down at Anna, trying to hide the pain in her eyes.

"I did, but I think that we should move past it. Peyton, I'm sorry you weren't in your right mind at the wedding. I should have seen that, but I was too caught up in my own problems."

Peyton looked at Brooke for a moment. She hoped that Brooke wasn't playing some kind of sick joke on her. She was going to need her best friend's help with this baby. She didn't want to treat her like glass and she would need Brooke to help her make sure that she didn't do that. Brooke had three kids of her own and would help her. "I'm sorry too."

"I missed you, Peyton Sawyer. Sorry Peyton Keller"

"I missed you too Brooke Scott."

"So who do we have here?" Brooke asked, taking a look at Anna.

"Savannah Elizabeth, Anna for short. After my moms."

Brooke smiled and was about to speak when there was a knock on the door. Both girls turned their heads as a man walked in. He had light brown hair that was greying around the edges. He was tall and slightly built.

"Yes. How can I help you?"


Peyton shrugged. "Maybe. Who are you?"

"I'm your biological father."