(DISCLAIMERS)-Dun own em. Joss Whedon does and I hope he's tormented everyday by all the tragedy he made Connor and Angel go thru. They should b HAPPY and TOGETHER...which goes against almost everything in this fik haha.

(A/N)- Takes place after Connor sends Angel to the bottom of the ocean. Everything after that is pretty much erased. No one should kare about Cordy so she prolly wont even b mentioned...Well, not alot, atleast.

Also, after the next two chapters I have going on, Precious Destruction will b put on HIATUS kuz Im using up all my comp time for updating L&F S&S and this fik, plus getting out all my random short ones. I got this side one Im working on that was inspired by the movie FLIGHTPLAN.

Ending Prologue will b up soon kuz Im working on it now.

R&R if u wanna.

7 DAYS OF INNOCENCE- Beginning Prologue

destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy

Connor knew he had been followed, knew that scent. He felt that presence, that man, that gaze. He'd been followed for days as he walked the streets aimlessly, searching for a better place to sleep than the one he had already picked out. The vampire had always kept hidden, though, thinking he wouldnt notice. But Connor DID notice; he'd known all along. He punched a rip through Quor-toth, after all, knowing exactly where his father was, how would he NOT know that he was watching from above merely a building away.

And always a building away, never nearer, only watching.

It unnerved him. The man would watch then leave then come back and watch some more then just leave again. Connor knew the threat of the sun to his immortal father, but once the moon was back in place, so was the vampire, always there above him somehow and always watching. Almost like...he was keeping vigil.

Connor clenched his fist at the thought.

Nothing had touched him at all since he had been kicked out. Angel had told him repeatedly of all the things out in that world that could harm him, but as of yet, he not seen any of them. Now he knew why.

I can take care of MYSELF, Connor seethed, hand still clenched and eyes smoldering with anger.

He didnt like being watched over and he didnt need protection. Especially not from something he had tried to kill just weeks before.

He knew...He knew he'd been wrong. As he had run from the Hyperion, away from his real father back from his watery grave, Connor had been stopped by a man named Wesley. He'd smelt familiar, a long-distant memory he didnt bother worrying about, and his name was similar to the name that woman Fred murmured about to Gunn in the night as the boy lay in his room two floors up.

So, out of curiosity, he listened to the somber man with the dark blue eyes and grew angry as he heard the lies that came from him.

But...they hadnt been lies. He ran back to check himself. Angel's scent was in Holtz's room, on his clothes, the boy remembered, and around his neck, but Holtz had not died from that scent alone, and Angel had not created those marks. Connor smelt Justine. Justine was the stronger smell, clearly indicating she was the last person that had seen his "father" in the dirty motel. Justine's scent was in the room, on Holtz's clothes, and on his hands. But also...her scent was on the wound. On the wound the man had died from.

And Connor had tracked her down and found her, begging her to tell him the truth, that what he heard and what he smelt wasnt true. And she told him it wasnt. That Daniel Holtz had loved him. That Angel had killed his "father". It was what he wanted to believe.

And she had lied.

She lied and she broke as he smiled and nodded to the things that were said. And she had cried and told him the truth-that she killed Holtz herself, that he had wanted her to. She cried as she told him how Holtz had planned that for months and years.

"It was his revenge, you see. He was driven mad with revenge!"

She sobbed as she told him the history, the plans of revenge, the kidnapping, and finally the death.



It was his last revenge. Against Angel. Against Connor's true father.

"You were his last revenge!" She sobbed as she spoke, her later words becoming jumbled as she fell to the pavement, hands to her face. She sobbed as she looked up, hoping for death herself. She sobbed as she remembered then what she had done to the very man she loved. She sobbed as she witnessed Connor's face. She sobbed as she saw his eyes. She sobbed as she saw him shake.

And she sobbed as he just walked away.

The Destroyer.

Connor now knew. Now knew the truth. Daniel Holtz had had a family. That family had been killed. Daniel Holtz kidnapped a baby from a loving and immortal father. Daniel Holtz raised that baby to destroy. Daniel Holtz then killed himself. For revenge. And to get away.

Before he killed him too.

If revenge was truly his goal out of everything he said and did and made Connor believe...

The Destroyer.

Thats what he was. Thats what Connor truly was and will always be.

The Destroyer. Destroyer of hell. Destroyer of life. Destroyer of Holtz. Destroyer of family. And Destroyer of Angel.

Because thats what he'd done. He had destroyed everything the vampire ever wanted. All for nothing. All for lies. And all just because that was what he was- what he was raised to do. By Holtz, a man that had taken him to a dimension filled with evil just so he could be trained to kill a man that loved him.

And thats what Angel was. A man who loved him. Loved his son. Loved his boy more than the world he was trying to save. Loved him as he was the disillusioned Stephen, loved him as he fought, loved him as he destroyed, and loved him still as he ran.

It was all about Angel. Everybody wanted something out of him- wanted HIM in some way or another. People for saving, that nice and beautiful lady, Cordelia, for love, the others for companionship, Holtz for revenge, and him...

Connor had wanted Angel for a father.

What Holtz had said was true. It was confirmed the very night behind the nightclub. Connor was eager to go to Earth to meet the monster that had created him. To kill him of course- revenge for the unspeakable acts he and Connor's mother committed against Daniel Holtz and his family.

To kill him. That was what Connor told himself over and over again as he jumped through to the vampire's world. To kill him and nothing more. But it wasnt the truth. He had WANTED to see Angel. The urge was something he didnt understand and couldnt go against, because it came from somewhere deep inside himself, somewhere that was left untouched from nurturing and compassion and affection and tenderness and adoration...Love. Love was not there- it was never brought there and felt there.

He wanted love. He WANTED Angel.

Even as Connor fell through and laid eyes upon the vampire, he saw it. He raised his arm and aimed the stakes and still saw it. The human form and angelic face had eyes that held shock and disbelief. Hope and fear. Eagerness. Compassion. Indescribable joy. It was wary, but it was still there. Love. And it was that moment that Connor wanted it. Maybe not the vampire at the time, but the emotion the man possessed- what his eyes promised every time he looked upon the boy.

Holtz never looked at him like that.

But Connor was also sickened by the fact he looked for something he thought impossible in the vampire. And he ran. He was terrified by what he was becoming, by what he was becoming so QUICKLY. Holtz was his father; Angel was the thing he was supposed to kill. Holtz was good; Angel was evil. Holtz was human; Angel was a demon. Holtz wanted to save him; Angel wanted to...LOVE him.

Connor almost laughed as he wandered, still very much aware of the scent above him. It was funny really. The Destroyer with his own guardian Angel. He had leaned of the Fates and Powers That Be from Cordelia, the few nights he actually stayed at the Hyperion, but...

He never learned they had such a twisted sense of humor.

The nights dragged on, bringing the shadow from above with his lingering and suffocating gazes with it, and the days passed by, offering guilt-ridden solace from everlasting love and safety.

But then one night, it just stopped.

The familiar and now almost comforting shadow never returned, never watched from above or even below, and never reinstigated his scent trailing protectively after the boy.

During the day, Connor wandered. Every minute that turned into hours, he wandered farther and farther, telling himself thats all it was.


And wondering.

The words were so alike. There was a reason for that, of course. There was always a reason.

Wandering took him there. Wondering took him there.

The Hyperion.

It was nightfall by the time he reached the building, something Connor wished so badly he could change. Because now HE could be anywhere at all, not confined in some furnished hotel or standing in a dark corner. The night brought the vampire utmost freedom.

But he wasnt there.

Angel wasnt at the Hyperion. Connor couldnt sense him in the place. He could sense Fred and Gunn, and even Lorne moving further away as if leaving, but not HIM.

Connor frowned at that. Where else could he be? From what he remembered, Angel only did missions with his friends, stayed home at the Hyperion, and... hovered over his son. Cordelia had strangely vanished, and with her, the visions, so that left the Hyperion and hovering over him. Angel had not followed him for a full night now, so that left the Hyperion. The hotel was devoid of the vampire also.

He frowned again and stepped closer, almost reaching out to touch the gates, but tried to catch a lingering scent instead, and found it. Them, actually. Angel was everywhere. His scent traveled in all directions, weaving in and out of the place. And not one of them ended. It was a given, though. The vampire DID live there, after all...

Connor shook himself out of his thoughts. He wasnt going to follow him. That was Angel's hobby, not his. He didnt think he could actually face his immortal father, anyways. From a distance, hopefully far away, he could handle, but up-close...

No, he didnt deserve it. Not for what he did.

Shame racked his body at that instant, but he pushed it away, scowling in spite of himself. There was no need for guilt- Angel was a vampire. A monster. A demon.

Angel was something that loved him.


That word had left the demon's mouth countless of times, and every time, Connor found himself slowly wanting it, believing it, no matter how much his mind and even Holtz, himself, had yelled it wasnt true. Holtz had once said evil had many sides and faces, showed many colors- some beautiful and others not even imagined- and could manipulate to corrupt even the purest of people. And Connor had quickly believed Angel was the most beautiful of all colors, and even corrupted, it all felt right. Everything was ok.

But if evil was so good, then how could you actually measure good? Good wasnt meant to feel wrong.

Angel felt right.

Angel felt ok.

Angel felt so good.

Angel was EVIL.

Tears pricked his eyes at what he had lost and a strange and unknown feeling in his belly coiled and stretched, reaching for his throat and trying to force it open, but he choked it down, clenching his jaw shut, and willed the wetness back to where it belonged.

He had to leave. He had to leave before HE came back. And made everything right. He didnt deserve right. He was wrong. He needed wrong.

Connor turned away, head bent low, and willed his feet to move- to carry him away from that place- and finally, it was happening.

He walked away...

And smacked right into the dark-clad, broad chest of a vampire.

The vampire with a soul.

Angel's arms instantly circled the stone-shocked boy, preventing him from escaping, but Connor shook himself out of his reverie and started struggling, ignoring the simple fact it was futile with the strong arms tightening around him so gently.

"L-Let go! Let me go!"

"No, Connor," Angel tried to soothe, but his son only struggled harder. Connor finally turned to leap free, but Angel grabbed him back into his arms and brought him close to his chest again. "I should have done this sooner."

"What, follow me?" Connor yelled out accusingly, still trying to get away. How did he not sense him?

"No!" But Angel then blinked, relenting, and nodded to himself. "Well, that too..."

Connor instantly stilled. "You came to kill me?" He questioned it so quietly that, even with vampire hearing, Angel almost didnt catch it. "Well, go ahead then," he suddenly said vehemently, head bent low. "Im not afraid!"

"What? No. You've got it all wrong. Connor, look at me!" But when his son made no movement to do so, Angel turned the boy around himself, keeping a firm grip on terrifyingly bony shoulders. His eyes widened. "You havent been eating..." He could now sense it. How did he miss it before? He had been keeping tabs on his kid for days! The boy in front of him was unhealthily weak, and even though his pulse was pounding wildly, his body temperature had dropped, blood had thinned, and frame shook slightly with each passing, cool wind.

Connor still said nothing, looking down, and when Angel placed a gentle, cold finger under his chin and lifted it up, his face slackened further in shock. "Whats wrong? Youve been crying. What happened?" The vampire's eyes then narrowed in rage. "Who hurt you?"

"N-Nobody!...Nobody." Connor's eyes slitted in anger. "And I havent been crying! I dont cry!" But his lips trembled at that last word, nose sniffling, and he turned away quickly, scrubbing at his face harshly, embarrassed he had been caught in his lie.

"Alright, alright," Angel relaxed his grip then all together let him loose, hoping against hope the boy wouldnt instantly take off. "You dont have to tell me..."

"There's nothing to tell... And why are you here anyways?" Connor growled out. Where have you BEEN, he wanted to question, but pride prevented him from doing just that.

He didnt need him. He didnt NEED Angel.

"Last time I checked, I lived here." The vampire smiled thinly as his boy turned away again, huffing and crossing bony arms over a thin chest. His once-before fitting clothes hung baggy now on his slight frame. Angel silently cursed himself. My God, how did he not notice it before?

"Look...Let me take you out- get you some food. What do you say?"

"Not hungry," was the boy's instant reply, but the mere thought of eating sent hunger pains shooting sharply through his belly. Even as he started to walk away, his stomach grumbled loudly in protest, and just as he had gotten far enough where his mind finally flooded with relief that his father wouldnt follow, he suddenly felt a looming shadow. A strong and steady large hand grasped the back of his shirt collar and hauled him back as his arms wind-milled in surprise, but Angel only laughed at the sight, storing it away as a gratefully good memory, and silently dragged his son off to the nearest cafe, even as the boy indignantly but feebly protested in shame.

destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy

"Alright. Chicken Sandwich Classic, no sides, and a coffee," the Southern-accented waitress repeated, jotting down Angel's order. "And for you, honey?"

Connor looked back at his menu, hesitant. He hadnt eaten for almost three days. Anything was good at this point, but... "I dont know," he muttered quietly, eyes downcast.

"Do you want me to give you a couple more minutes to decide?"

"Pick for me," Connor said, speaking to his father, from the side of the menu, for the first time since they got there.

For a split-second, the vampire's mind was blank, but he quickly replaced the look with a charming smile directed at the lady. "Er, he'll have the same as me but with...two sides, right?" She nodded, smiling back with a slight blush. "Ok, uh..." They both looked at him as he stilled, one expectant gaze and one calm but unnerving stare. He started sweating. "Uh, mashed potatoes and fries...which is about the same thing," he said, lamely, but he looked to his son anyways, catching his eye. "Is that ok?" He gave a relieved sigh as the boy only shrugged. "And an orange juice, not coffee."

The woman laughed and took their menus. "Of course. Your drinks will be right out. The food will take about ten minutes. Anything else?" They both shook their heads and she was gone, leaving them uncomfortably alone together again.

At first, they both just stared, but then Angel picked up a spoon and played with it nervously, trying to think up a lively conversation to initiate. "So...uhhhh..." He pursed his lips in quiet frustration as nothing came to mind.

Connor looked at him warily, eyes dark and hooded, body language clearly signaling he was ready to bolt at any given chance, just like a frightened animal being tempted with an exit but blocked from the said freedom. Angel frowned at that. He was thankful he was getting somewhat of a second chance with the boy, but being back at square-one wasnt at all looking pleasant. He sighed, scratching his neck, and tried again at small-talk.


"Why do you eat?" Connor interrupted suddenly and Angel was absolutely grateful for it. "You...obviously dont need it."

"I like to indulge every now and then. Besides, its an old habit that cant die off easily, even after...so many years." It was almost humorous how they were both trying to step over the "vampire" subject in a public place. "Thats why anorexics kind of scare me," he tried to joke, but only got a blank look in reply. After a second, the waitress brought them their drinks, and a moment later, brought out the food.

Connor stared down at his plate dully, hunger clearly showing in his eyes, but he made no attempt to start eating. Angel frowned at him worriedly.

"Whats wrong? Dont you like it? We can change whatever you-"

"Why are you doing this?"


"I tried to kill you, Dad," the boy replied almost sarcastically as he straightened up in the booth. "Have you forgotten that already? I tried to kill you and youre doing this. Youre keeping me alive...Why?"

Angel was aghast. "Dont say that!" He looked around him, seeing if anybody had heard.

"What, afraid to admit its true?"

"No, its NOT true!" Connor was startled to see pain and desperation blazing out of loving brown. "Its not true, Connor. How could you THINK something like that?"

Connor stayed silent as his father sighed, looking down at his own food, and running a gentle hand through spiky brown roots.

"Look, please," Angel almost begged, eyes pleading as he looked back at his son. "Just please eat. Youre really unhealthy right now and it hurts to even look at you-"

"Then, dont look at me," came a hard retort.

"Connor, thats not what I-" But he stopped as his son ignored him, picking up his sandwich and devouring it quickly. "So, where are you staying at?" he asked hesitantly.

Connor stopped for a second and cocked an eyebrow. "You know where. Youve been following me around for days...Dont do that anymore, by the way."

"Connor...I...I only want to pro-"

"I dont need your protection!" The boy's eyes flared. "I can take care of myself! Ive done it before and I can do it now, especially here!"

"You shouldnt have to." Angel's eyes were sad. It pained him to see the boy acting that way- pushing away comfort and safety as if he didnt want it. What kind of young life had his son endured without him? He desperately wanted to know, but he also didnt want to find out. He'd then have to track down a certain ugly urn, release the soul, and butcher that soul into a million different little pieces.

Holtz along with it.

"Our worlds are different. We go by different rules," Connor shrugged simply, turning away as he sipped his juice.

"But now, youre here and you can go by these rules." Angel leaned forward, gathering enough courage to speak. "I want you back with me, Connor. Please. Come back with me."

The boy froze, his hand still around the cup. His voice shook as he turned disbelieving eyes onto the older man. "W-What?"

"Connor, youre still my son. I..." The vampire pushed his food aside and leaned in closer. "I need you and...and I want you to live with me again. Son, I-"

"Dont CALL me that!" Connor suddenly yelled, startling the elderly couple in the booth behind him. "How can you still think that when looking at me! After what I...After what I did!"

"It doesnt matter," Angel shook his head, trying to make the boy believe, desperation showing in his eyes. "It doesnt matter at all anymore, Connor. I lo-"

"DONT SAY IT!" Connor jumped up, his drink flying and spilling everywhere as everybody turned to watch the scene, but he didnt take notice. His eyes were wild and chest heaving as he backed away from the table, away from the man that had suddenly jumped up also, hands held out in a pleading gesture. "DONT SAY THAT WORD!" He shrieked, body shaking now as he got closer and closer to the exit. "AFTER WHAT IVE DONE, HOW COULD YOU! AFTER WHAT IVE DONE! AFTER WHAT IVE DONE!" The whole restaurant was now watching them.

"Connor, listen to me!" Angel begged, trying to move closer.


The kitchen doors swung open and the manager suddenly appeared. "Take it outside, guys! This is a family-oriented restaurant and I wont stand for this kind of thing!"

And that was all Connor needed. He bolted for the exit and took off running out the door, as his father chased after, throwing down money on a random table haphazardly as he left.

Connor looked both ways and took to the right, picking up speed as he saw the vampire close at his heels. His lungs burning and stomach doing flip-flops as it unsuccessfully tried to settle his newly consumed food, he leaped from sidewalks and over parked cars as he scaled dilapodated apartment buildings, climbing onto their roofs and dashing to the next.

Angel gazed up almost in awe for a second, still on the ground below, amazed by the boy's speed, before he did the same, albeit slower since his son DID seem to excel in areas he never could. He finally got to the top and became fearful, noticing Connor nowhere in sight, until he spotted his thin child two buildings away, bent over near a roof garden, quietly being sick.

Connor's stomach twisted again, clenching tight, and more food and bile rose, releasing onto the cement below him. He bent forward and clutched his belly protectively as he heaved again, tears finally trickling free. He had gone too long without eating, so his body emptying out its contents was an excruciating pain, one that practically blocked out all other senses, especially awareness of approaching figures from behind.

A large and gentle hand reached out tentatively to rest on a thin and shaking shoulder, Connor flinching in the process, but too overcome with his sickness to actually move away. Angel stepped closer and gripped him more securely, rubbing soothing circles onto his son's trembling back.

"Dont," Connor gasped out, still bent over but finished with his acts. He wiped at his mouth and tried to straighten, but clenched his teeth to smother a gasp as that feat moved his small body more into the protective hands of the vampire. He shrugged out of the grip and tried to walk unsteadily away but gasped again as his stomach lurched painfully, making his body bend forward to lessen the hurt.

"We shouldntve rushed it like that," came a sad but observant steady voice from closer behind him.

Suddenly, strong arms wrapped around the boy, not pushing down on his stomach, but, instead, gripping his sides tightly, and he was quickly and painlessly lifted into the air, one arm now supporting under his legs and the other around his back. Connor almost squeaked in surprise at the action.

"W-What?" he strangled out, staring up, wide-eyed, at soft and smiling features.

"Im taking you home, Connor," Angel said quietly, bringing the boy closer to his chest.

For a moment, Connor couldnt speak, couldnt even try to form words, being held by the man had shocked everything out of him, but after a few quiet and calm minutes, he finally relented, however, turning his head away from the embrace.

He had never been HELD before...Not gently, atleast.

His took him ages before he could ask it, though- ask the question that had been confusing him for hours now. "Why did you stop?" It came out so small and weak, he almost didnt hear it himself.

"Stop what?"

"Stop following me last night? And tonight..."

Angel grinned down at him warmly. "I never stopped, Connor. You just got closer while I went farther away looking for you."

Connor gazed back up at him, mulling over those words, bewildered, but instead of questioning it more, he turned away again, hiding the faint and embarrassed tint of red that clung to his cheeks. "Not your home, my home. I want to go there," he said sullenly, but breathed in deeply, the cool wind ruffling his sweaty bangs from off his pale forehead.

And Angel simply gazed down at him and smiled, seeing his son, at last, securely in his embrace. "Ok, to your place then."

But it would never be Connor's HOME.

destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy

"How is he?" Fred asked, jumping up from her seat as the vampire walked in through the Hyperion doors. Angel shrugged off his trenchcoat tiredly, and turned to his friends.

"He's...alright," he nodded, as if trying to reassure himself.

Gunn shook his head, frustrated. "Angel, man, why are you doing this-"

"I want him back, Gunn." Angel interrupted harshly, giving his friend a pointed look. "I want him home with me where its safe. You should see him out there..."

"I-I thought you said he was ok," Fred stuttered, eyebrows raising.

"Yeah, he's safe from anything out to kill him, mostly because of me," Angel started pacing, a deep frown of anxiety engraved on his features, "but he's not safe from HIMSELF."

"Wha-What do you-"

"He's hurting himself, Fred. He wont eat and he's not sleeping well. He's cold. His clothes are torn..." He sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. "I...I want him back, guys. He's my son."

"Angel, he tried to KILL you! He almost succeeded in that, too! AND he deceived us all while you were gone!" Gunn shouted, trying to get through to the other man, but Angel only shook his head, looking away.

"That was Holtz's deceit- he was deceiving us all, especially Connor, and Connor knows that now. I can see it in his eyes. He's ashamed and angry with himself. He made a mistake- we all have- and now he's alone out there confused, in a world he knows almost nothing about. I should have never kicked him out- I dont know what I was thinking-"

"You werent doing pretty much of anything, if I remember correctly! Did you forget that? He starved you for MONTHS! You were completely emanciated when you got back here."

"That wasnt his fault, Gunn. He was lied to. He thought I killed Holtz. Justine made it look that way." Angel sighed again, running a tired and shaky hand through spiky hair, looking just as worn out as he felt. "I dont blame him at all. I did at first, but I was crazed with hunger- the bloodlust does that to vampires after a long period of time without...food. Besides, Im the one at fault here."

"What the FUCK, man! How the hell do you figure that!"

"Gunn!" Angel shot the man a warning look, but then deflated, finally sitting down. " I should've never trusted Holtz so easily. He's been holding a vengeance against me for years. I just...wanted to believe him. I...I wanted Connor so badly it blinded me from everything else. If I had only realized what he was planning..."

"This isnt just about him, Angelcakes," came a somber voice from behind them. Lorne entered the hotel, decked out in a white suit, and threw off his sunglasses, shooting the vampire a serious look not seen too often. "Your kid doesnt seem to like you a whole lot either. Holtz is dead; that child's not and he's just as powerful as you are, maybe even stronger since he's fueled by hate."

"He's only confused, Lorne. He's been lied to his whole life so it doesnt surprise me that he's not so quick to trust us just yet. I love him. If I just gain his-"

"I DONT BELIEVE THIS!" Gunn finally exploded, throwing his hands up in the air and bringing them down onto his bald head. "AM I THE ONLY ONE THAT GETS THE PSYCHOTIC BRAT TRIED TO KILL HIS OWN FATHER? THAT HE BASICALLY TRIED TO KILL US ALL?"

"ENOUGH!" Angel bellowed, rising to his feet and fixing them all with heated glares, but furious eyes rested upon the gang member. "I WONT HAVE YOU BAD-MOUTHING MY SON! ITS MY DECISION! HE'S COMING BACK AND THATS FINAL!" He turned and stalked away, starting his ascent up the carpeted stairs.

"A-Angel, we're only-" Fred tried to reason, but was instantly cut off by the immortal as he shouted over his shoulder angrily.

"No! End of discussion! And if you all dont like it, then GET OUT!"

After hearing a door slam loudly, the trio gazed at each other, shocked by the outburst.

"I dont believe that guy! How could he stick up for that little..." Gunn trailed off, huffing, as he sat down.

"Connor's his son, Charles," Fred admonished quietly, chewing on her bottom lip as she stared down at the floor. "I-I think we were wrong treating Connor the way we did..."

"Are you kidding me? The kid had it coming! He lied to us for months while Angel was suffering on the bottom of the ocean! Doesnt anybody remember that little detail? I thought you were on my side, Fred!"

"I am, its just...this isnt about us- this is about Angel and his son. I just think we...judged Connor too harshly..." She looked back towards the stairs, where Angel had left to.

"No, you judged that puppy right," Lorne informed, pouring himself some brandy. He gave them both an insightful glance, swishing around the liquor in his glass as he remembered. "That boy isnt a baby anymore. He's not innocent- he was forged in the hells of Quor-toth, may I remind you. If he had stayed here on earth, everything would be different, but its not- Angel has to realize that. The DESTROYER. You dont get that kinda name from hell, itself, by only surviving. He was practically filled head-to-toe in darkness, the last time I read him, and he wasnt even whistling a tune. There's really no way you can get around that fact. In every manner of speaking, Angel is coddling a killer, a young killer, even if it is his own son. Its going to destroy him in the end."

They all were quiet, letting the words sink in, until a shadow from the doorway spoke up, eyes a chilling blue. "Youre wrong. Its going to save him in the end. Its going to be the only thing that will save them both."

"Wesley," breathed Fred, running forward to hug the forlorn friend. "How are you?"

"Im fine, thankyou," he smiled, then looked around as if searching for somebody. "Is he here?"

"Yeah, Angel's upstai-"

"No, not Angel. Connor. Has he come back yet?"

"No, uh, he didnt return with him," Lorne said. "And Angel's pretty torn up about it. Its best to leave him alone for right now."

"I expect so, I guess. Anyway, Im more worried about the boy. I tried to speak to him again but he ran from me before I even had the chance."

"'Again?'" Fred asked. "When was this?"

Wes shot her a confused look. "Just now. He took off down the street. Hadnt he come from here?"

They three looked at each other then shook their heads. Fred's eyes widened in realization. "I should get Angel." She ran up the stairs and disappeared, then a split-second later, Angel appeared, looking confused, annoyed, and angry all at the same time, but when his eyes laid upon Wesley, he quickly turned all-business.

"Wes, whats wrong?"

The Britishman frowned. "Im not sure. It may very well be nothing, but...when was the last time you saw your son?"

"Tonight, why?" Everyone noticed his stance quickly turned rigid when Connor was brought up.

"Just now?"

"No, about an hour ago. I took him back to his place and stayed with him for awhile. Why? Whats going on, Wesley?" His voice suddenly turned sharp. He played no games when it came to his son.

"...Well, I saw him outside and he was running away from here, very quickly, might I add." He gave the vampire a look. "And that was about five minutes ago."

The immortal's coat was on and he was at the door before anybody could blink. "Wesley, youre with me. Guys, stay here in case he returns and KEEP him here." The two men walked out, one faster than the other.

"What do you think that was all about?" Fred asked, looking scared, as she turned to Gunn, but the black man only shook his head, still staring at the door.

"Well, whatever it was," Lorne spoke up, standing off to the side with a strange look on his face, "it's not going to end pretty. I have a feeling, kiddies, that this night will end in blood...And ALOT of it," the psychic said darkly, gulping down the rest of his brandy.

destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy

(A/N)- Heh. I luv Connor.