Hi everyone!
It's been so long since I posted on FFNET, but I've had severe writers block for over two years now, though I have had the opportunity to post a random chapter here and there. I was also going through (And still am) many serious personal issues that have taken a lot out of me. I am still in a lot of pain due to my medical conditions, and suffering from depression, so with all of that my writing has taken a back seat.
I'm so sorry that a lot of you whom wrote to me over the years and might not have gotten a reply. I was a big mess. You have no idea. I had a complete breakdown. I did read and loved each and every one of your emails, reviews, and letters, but replying was not always possible for me. You got me through some very dark times though. I just wanted you to know that. Without you all, I would have had nothing. You made me smile and laugh when I just wanted to cry. Let me know that there were people out there who still cared for me and my writing. I wrote primarily for me, but I also wrote for all of you who loved my plots and imagination. It was wonderful to know that you all cared when I disappeared and I really hope that you're still fans of my work and will read all of the new stuff I post. :) I love you very all dearly.
It has been exactly 20 years since I first began writing Fanfiction, can you believe that? I'm amazed! I hope to keep writing for the east of my life. I truly love it that much.
Some of you were concerned that I was no longer writing, but worry, I never abandon a Fanfic and have already started posting some new chapters for Fanfics and a few new ones as well. All Fanfics are being dragged out and edited. The smut/slash ones won't be going up here on FFNET due to them forcing me to remove all of my M rated ones already and threatening to ban my account if I ever reposted them. This site hasn't been a good place for Authors in a very long time and I no longer want to post my Fanfiction on FFNET, but I don't want to lose all of you.
So, you can find all of my Fanfiction up on my own site destinysgatewayDOTcom (Replace the DOT with a .) Baring a few put into AO3, my site exclusively has my Fanfiction. You can favourite me on my site and you'll get an email each time I update. I would love if you'd post your own Fanfics there too. We have over 4,300 amazing stories up there for romantic pairings of practically any Fandom you can think of.
I have began continuing the sequel to Sending Over The Edge, which is called Sending Into The Flames. Chapter One and several teasers have been posted on my Fanfiction Facebook group also called Destiny's Gateway. I am continuing with all of my Sailor Moon and Hellsing plots.
If you want to talk to me day or night, I am always on the group. You can talk to me about my Fanfics or anything about Fanfiction or Manga or Anime in general. We have almost 500 Members and are like a big family. If you ever need help with your writing or advise, I and others there are more than happy to help you out.
Just search on Facebook for Destiny's Gateway and join. I would love to see you there.
If you'd like to join my personal Facebook page, just do a search for Aurelia Destiny. Or enter this into your browser: facebookDOTcom / AureliaDOTDestiny (Replace the DOT and take out the spaces around the /) I post regular teasers for my Fanfics and share plot ideas. . Ask me about my writing, or just chat about anything. I love talking to people on there.
I have posted all the proper full links into my FFNET profile, if you'd rather just click than copy/paste.
My biggest news is that I am branching out into writing original short stories and novels, which I am submitting to various magazines and will be self-publishing on I have several short horror tales and a few romances that I am working on, but my major project is The Shadow Warrior Series. It is about Vampire's and Wiccan's and is packed with smut and some slash, with each book based on a different pairing. I have nine books planned for that series and have the first 8 chapters up on my site for everyone to read. It's already got a following. Lol. The first book, A Dark Longing is 80% done. It should be up on Amazon within the next month, after I complete it and it goes through editing and several more drafts. :)
Well, that's about it. On the off-chance that this message gets me deleted from FFNET, I hope that enough of you will have read this to know how to find me and I hope to see you on Facebook and my site Destiny's Gateway.
Much love and hugs to you all,
Princess Destiny