Last chapter! Enjoy!

Chapter 23
3 Vows

Right now, you are sitting in the front room with Harry. He was telling you stories when I came in here to write this and you were giggling, so I assume it was stories about Fred and George. You're only 5 right now, James, and I don't plan to give this to you until your 17th birthday (though I may change my mind in time and give it to you earlier, depending on how you question everything that happened). I just had to write it all down. I feel guilty each and every day for what happened. I feel equally nervous, though, that once you find out about it all, you will blame me forever. I know that I deserve to be blamed, I just don't want you to hate me. Your mother loved you so much and she would have done anything for you, James.

My selfishness and my illness has done a lot of damage to our family. I love your father with all my heart, I just fear that I have put him through so much and have put everyone else through so much by continuing to be with him. The world you grow up in will be different, thank Merlin. You will be able to love who you love. For your father and I, no matter what he had done for the world, hadn't gotten that luxury. What happened to your mother changed that, and we will forever be grateful for the families that won't have to live in fear from now on.

Harry and I have been through a lot, James. We went through seven years of friendship before we even started to become more. I just needed you to know our story. Your father and I have experienced pain and loss. With our own relationship we have experienced hurt and confusion. My guilt and regret about the past weighs, even now, on our relationship. But no
true love story is happy, James. And your father and I are as true as they come. So it's a struggle each and every day- not to be together, but to get each other through our difficult moments. You will hear about the things we have gone through. We will eventually tell you about things that happened to us while we at school and we will eventually tell you about the war and my illness and your mother's death. These aren't things that you should know about now, but eventually you will. And hopefully, this letter will help you process it all.

I will never fail to tell you about your mother. I will tell you about her every single day. You were her proudest achievement and filled her happiest moments. James, I never want you to ever think that it was your fault or that she didn't love you because those things are so so far from the truth.

To myself, I make three vows.

I, Ronald Weasley, vow to never let you forget your mother and her love for you.

I, Ronald Weasley, vow to continue on my love story, however unhappy and hard it may be at times, with your father.

I, Ronald Weasley, vow to never ever stop loving you, my son.

And so, the story of Harry and I and our new son, James, continues. But this story will be locked away until I think it's time for you to read. I love you, James.



A/N: It has been a long journey, but it is now over! I hope you all enjoyed it! Please leave some reviews to let me know what you thought! To clarify, since the very first chapter, I always had planned for Ron to have a baby with Jennifer and for her to die...I loved leading people to believe that Ron would die, because it was fun and added some spice! haha. Thanks for sticking around and finishing the story out!