Alright. I know. Its been forever. And I do apologize. But here's an update, enjoy and REVIEW! 3

(I do not own anything!!! All characters belong to Shonda Rhimes.)

Week 20

"Halfway there." Meredith mumbled as she fumbled to put her scrubs on. Her belly definitely protruded now, and she was just thankful that her job required tennis shoes, because no other shoes were longer comfortable.

Derek, in all of his hotness, walked out of the bathroom, cleanly and looking sharp. Meredith glared at him. Dammit, why did Derek get to look great when she couldn't look anywhere near okay?

"Good morning beautiful." He said charmingly as he slid two arms around her belly and kissed her on the mouth.

"Good morning." She mumbled back. It was so hard to be unhappy with herself when he was being so friendly and pleasant.

"Good morning, good morning, good morning !" Izzie sang as she passed by the open door that was Meredith and Derek's bedroom.

"Why so cheery?" Derek asked with a smile to the singing Izzie.

"No reason. I just love my life."

"Alex." Derek and Meredith said at the same time.

"Well, I guess he's pretty great too." She said with a grin as she zipped up her jacket.

"And where are you going on your day off?" asked Meredith.

"Oh you know, just going to help Alex screw."

Derek let out a hmphh and a funny cough.

"I meant he's building some more bookshelves and I'm going to help him with the screws because he's not too good with a drill."

Meredith started giggling.

"I didn't say I was screwing him Meredith." Izzie said with a grin at her friend's snickers.

"Oh its not that Izzie. Well, I mean obviously it is, but" Meredith replied as she stepped into the hallway.

Izzie gave her a questioning look.

"I just didn't know that Alex knew how to read, that's all."

Izzie smiled and playfully smacked her arm as she continued down the hallway. Halfway down, George stuck his head out the door. "And where are you going?" He asked Izzie.

"To drill Alex!" yelled Meredith from down the hall.

George gave a knowing nod and shut his door back.

"Thanks Meredith!" Izzie said sarcastically as she started down the stairs.

"Anytime. Call me if you need some materials to teach Alex to read. I mean, if you have time when you're not…using power tools…and…" it would have continued if Meredith had not started laughing.

"Goodbye Meredith!" Izzie said with a laugh as the front door shut behind her.


"Meredith. You're twenty minutes late." Bailey barked as Meredith joined Cristina and George during rounds.

"I'm so-"

"O'Malley, could you give us the update on the patient we're about to see."

"Eliza Isaac. Age twenty-three. Has several heart conditions, and is back for another open-heart surgery. Also thirty-five weeks pregnant."

"That can't be great with the stress of a baby on her heart." Cristina remarked.

"Lets not say that to her." Bailey commented as they opened the door to the in-patient room. "Actually, while I'm thinking about it, George, you and Meredith take this case, I'm going to continue rounds with Yang."

Cristina shot a look of despair to Meredith as she followed Bailey down the hall and around the corner.

"Ready or not." said George as he and Meredith walked into the room. "Good morning Mrs. Isaac." George said as he walked over to the bed to take her vitals.

Miss Isaac was dressed very chic-ly in a fitted tank band tee and black sweater with a slim jean.

"Miss Isaac. Miss. Call me Miss." She said with a sigh as she lay her head onto the pillow behind her. Her pregnant belly was rather large and her hands rested there because there was simply no where else to set them.

"I'm sorry Miss Isaac."

"Actually, you know what? Call me Eliza. I'm twenty-two years old. I don't have to be called anything fancy. I'm young."

"Okay Eliza." George said with a smile. "How are you feeling?"

"As well as can be expected. I wish that the baby would come soon. And I don't know. I want all of this to be finished so that I can move back home to Minnesota and raise my son."

"Well, that will happen soon. Let me just run and get your lab results from yesterday, and I'll be back. Meredith will stay with you."

Eliza nodded and gave Meredith a quick smile.

"Mind if I pull up a chair?" asked Meredith as the door shut behind her.

"Not at all. How far along are you?" asked Eliza as Meredith lowered herself down into the chair.

"Twenty weeks today. Twins. It's twin boys." Meredith said as she smoothed her top over her belly so that it was not exposed.

"Twins. Wow. I definitely could not handle that. I guess you know how far along I am."

"Thirty-five weeks, right?"

"Thirty five long weeks." Eliza said with a laugh. "He's great though. My son. I love him already. I'm sure you're wondering how I could possibly be in this situation."

Meredith was used to this. A lot of times patients just wanted someone to talk to.

"Well, if you want to tell me, or talk about it, I'll listen." Meredith said wisely. She didn't want to be in a situation where she was actually asking the patient for information about their personal life outside of their physical health.

"He was wonderful. I met him in college, this year, and he was wonderful. He doesn't know I'm pregnant though."

"You're having his baby, and you haven't told him yet?"

"Well, I was going to. But he's that kind of guy, you know?"

"What kind of guy?" Meredith asked with an inquisitive look.

"That guy. You know. A party boy. Sweet, and nice, and funny, but he likes his party life. He loves girls, and his friends. He never cheated on me when we were together but he seems like he loves that life. And I didn't want to spoil it for him.""How do you know that he wouldn't love to have a baby? Why did you break up?" Meredith asked hopefully. Hoping that he wasn't such a bad guy after all.

"Well, I found out I was pregnant. Then I just stopped returning his calls, and I avoided him on the quad, and I don't know, dropped the classes we had together. I didn't want him to hate me.""You know, it's half his. Half his child, half his "fault" or half his blessing. It takes two. You know that."

"I know. I just love him so much that I didn't want to spoil it. That perfect love. Spoiled seemed so desolate and I'm lost without him but I would rather leave before he leaves me."

"How do you know he would leave you? I have a feeling he's a better guy than you give him credit for. You're having a baby after all, that's a big deal. You need him."

"I know." Said Eliza, her voice cracking.

Meredith saw George coming down the hall, and quickly said, "If you want me to do anything, call anyone," she paused, "Let me know, okay? I'd be completely happy to do that for you."

George came bursting through the door.

"You alright?" Meredith asked.

"Oh yeah. Totally fine. Eliza, your surgery is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay. I'll be ready then. If you don't mind, I think I'm going to take a nap now."

"Sure, absolutely. I'll be back to check on you later." said George as he gathered his files to leave.

George headed out the door followed by Meredith. Meredith heard Eliza calling her and turned back.

"Oh, and Meredith? Would you mind making a call for me?" Eliza said with a smile.

Meredith nodded. "Absolutely."


"Spongebob Squarepants, Spongebob Squarepants, Spongebob SQUAREPANTS! Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh. Yeahhhh." Sang George.

"George? Yeah, Hi." Said Derek as he walked by the living room.


"It's three o clock in the morning. You're watching Spongebob Squarepants. In your Spongebob boxers. On my couch. Eating Reeses Puffs out of the box."

"I am indeed. I have the day off, I had a hard night, and I'm living the life." George replied as he put his hand down to reach for the Oreos.

"Triple stuffed." George said proudly.

"Oooh can I join you?" Derek asked with a grin.

George pushed the Cheez-Its and gummy bears aside to make room for Derek on top of his Scooby Doo pillow.


Twelve hours later.

Meredith paced.

Meredith paced up and down outside the OR. A man, Patrick had just shown up for Eliza. Meredith had called the day before, and he had rushed across the country from Minneapolis just to see her. She had mentioned that Eliza was pregnant but she didn't say how far along she was. Now, she waited outside the crowded OR for word of Eliza to bring back to Patrick.

Burke sighed.

Burke sighed a long sigh as he looked over the body that once held Eliza Isaac. She had died. Too many heart surgeries. They had taken her off the machines and tried to let her heart beat for itself. It failed miserably. Burke felt so bad. It wasn't his fault, and there was nothing he could do. They did it all. Every way to revive her. He covered her with the sheet and stared into the mirror above the sink. He pushed his hands against the sink and then rubbed his face. This day was not going to look up after this.

Cristina stared.

Cristina stared at Burke from the window where she had sat and watched the surgery unfold. She stared at his harsh looking face as he covered up the girl that had not meant anything to her. However, the thought of her short life made Cristina feel as though she should crawl up and mope herself. She was not happy with the feeling of being so lucky to be alive. It wasn't that she was not grateful for her life, but everytime she realized how lucky she was, something bad seemed to happen. It just wasn't a good idea.

Bailey held.

Bailey held back the tears as she cradled a small baby boy in her arms. "In case anything happens, I've always wanted my baby to be named Patrick Morrison Isaac. Morris for short. Just in case." Bailey had just nodded and smiled, not thinking that she would unexpectedly die, and that Bailey would be left alone to fill out a birth certificate for the same Morris that she was holding in her arms.

Patrick cried.

He sat there in Meredith's arms as he sobbed for Eliza. And for Morris. And for not knowing. He sobbed for all the great things that had happened, and the things that he was gypped out of after Eliza's death. He cried for the things that he didn't know about his very uncertain future now. How was he supposed to raise a baby without her? How was he supposed to love the son that was born on the day that she died? He cried because she did not know how he had changed. Before he was a party boy, but he was now a man, with a job, and a career path set up. He had an apartment, and a future. And a baby?


Meredith crawled into her bed late that night, still reeling with thoughts of Eliza, and Patrick. Thoughts of how lucky she was to have Derek, which she had no problem expressing to him when he crawled into bed later…

More to come soon. REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW.