40 Weeks

Hello! Okay, so this is starting out pretty well, I don't know where all its gonna go, and the chapter lengths will definitely vary. Today is my birthday, so I don't know how much I'll be able to write, but I would LOVE the reviews! Alrighty! Have a great day!

A/N: I Don't own Grey's Anatomy, the characters, or anything. I really wish I did, but I don't. Also, this doesn't have Addison in it, because, well, I don't like Addison. She went back to New York with Mark.

Week 1

Meredith slung her black leather bag onto the bar. She opened it carefully and removed a shiny tube of red lipstick. A smile came upon her face as she applied the lipstick and smacked her lips. She gave a smile to Joe, and sat down on the barstool.

"What'll it be tonight, Dr. Grey?" Joe asked with a smile.

Before she could answer, a strong voice answered putting his arm around her.

"Three shots of tequila for each of us."

Meredith smiled up at the man. "You know, I am capable of ordering for myself." She grinned.

"Yes, but you always get the same thing, every time, every night we come, and I have a thing for ordering drinks for beautiful women." He grinned back.

Meredith rolled her eyes, and took her shots.

"Good evening, Dr. Burke." The man said as Preston Burke took a seat beside them.

"Hope we're not interrupting?" Dr. Burke said motioning to the lady on his arm.

Cristina nodded toward Meredith, who did the same thing back.

"Dr. Yang." Meredith's date nodded. "Dr. McDreamy." She nodded back.

Two Hours and Four Slightly Drunk Doctors Later

"Well, we best be going off, Cheerio!" Derek laughed with a very bad, drunk British accent.

Burke smiled, "G'day Doctor!"

Meredith grabbed her heels that had come off in the process of dancing on the pool table with Derek, and they walked the four blocks to her house.

Fumbling for her keys, Derek kissed Meredith's neck.

"Derek, I cant find the" giggles, "keys."

Derek pushed Meredith's small frame against the doorbell and kissed her more. Meredith just dropped her bag onto the ground and wrapped her arms around him.


Izzie's eyes fluttered open as she heard the doorbell repeatedly ringing. Pushing the covers off her, Alex stirred.

"Shhh, babe, I'm just going to answer the door."

Alex nodded and rolled back over into a deep sleep. Izzie grabbed her robe and walked quietly to the door.

Walking down the quiet halls of the house that she shared with Meredith, she saw Meredith and Derek pressed up against the door. She knocked on the window.

Meredith turned. "Look, Derek! Friendly Izzie is going to let us in, so that we can go to bed!"

Derek smirked, "Going to bed, but not to sleep."

Izzie opened the door. "hello lovebirds. Are we drunk this time?"

Meredith giggled. "Thank you, dear friend, you are…fabulous!"

Izzie rolled her eyes and locked the door after them.

Meredith led Derek to her room and they shut the door. Thankful that they were gone, Izzie climbed back into bed with Alex.


Meredith awoke to the smell of blueberry pancakes, and a bad hangover. She nudged Derek lightly, and he rolled over to face her.

"mmmm….good morning beautiful."

Meredith smiled, "good morning handsome."

This was their morning ritual, they had done this every night for the past month that they weren't on call, and she was starting to be very used to waking up to him.

"What's that smell?" Derek asked.

"What's today?" Meredith asked back.

"Saturday morning. What's that smell?"

"Well, its Saturday. That's Izzie's blueberry pancake day."

"You have days?"

"Izzie likes to bake."

"But, you have food on a certain day?"

"She's the only one who can cook, otherwise we would starve."

"There's always takeout."

Meredith smiled. "Get dressed, I'm hungry."

"You sure you don't want to continue where we left off?" he said with a seductive smile.

"Hmm, you, or blueberry pancakes?" Meredith joked, kissing him on the lips.


Meredith walked hand-in-hand with Derek to the kitchen, and just as she got there, both their mouths dropped. Izzie and Alex were baking and canoodling, but then there was George and…..

Hahaha. This is kind of fun. Alrighty, REVIEW. It is my birthday, a review would be lovely. Haha, I can use that excuse for 5 more hours! Haha.