Okay I've only posted the prolouge as kind of a test chapter. Let me know what you think. This will be very angsty and Yuki will cheat on Kyo. He's pretty much a bastard so if you love Yuki like way too much, then don't bother reading. I love Yuki and all, but I just see him as always hurting Kyo. That's how it is in almost all my YukixKyo fan fics.lol. That's what I'm good at. So yeah I'm gonna shut up now. Enjoy.


"I'm my happiest when I'm with you."

A voice says.

"Me too. I love you."

Another voice says.

"I love you too."

Two lovers are silouetted agianst the night sky.

Kyo and Yuki sit on the roof , wrapped in each others arms.

They had kept their realationship secret for quite sometime, and it was becoming taxing.

"Yuki-Kun? Kyo-Kun? Where are you?"

Tohru calls from the house below.

The lovers quickly spring apart and scramble down the ladder.

Kyo lets Yuki go in first, and makes sure to pause a moment.

This was how it always was and unknown to Kyo, Yuki was growing weary of it.

Okay so do you want the story? If I don't get at least a couple of reviews with people intrested, I won't post more.So review.