Chapter 3: Island Life

"So …" Ron said, trying to break the sudden awkward moment. "Can I get some help carrying the stuff in?"

"Your American-style humor continues to be amusing," a familiar voice spoke up from the royal guard as an Amazon Warrior turned to smile at the gapping Ron and Kim. "Of course…" Yori beamed at her old friend and his companion. "It will be your honor to carry the luggage."

"Yori?" Ron gaped, and Kim's eyes narrowed on the familiar Asian beauty. "What are you doing here?"

"Simple answer, Ron-san," She smiled as she walked up to the duo, bowing to Hippolyta then to Kim. "I am an Amazon."

"But…" Ron blinked in confusion.

"You think you were the only exchange student at the Yamanouchi School?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips. "Queen Hippolyta periodically sends us out into the world to study fighting styles learned in Man's World. For reasons I haven't been told, I was sent to Yamanouchi. Perhaps it was fated by the gods so that I could meet you, so I may then vouch for you to join us here on Themyscira."

"Let us go get you settled in," Hippolyta said, motioning toward the palace.

Kim and Hippolyta walked into the palace with Ron following behind with their luggage. "You have an interesting male friend," Hippolyta commented to Kim as they made their way through the Grecian halls.

"Ron is a one of a kind…" Kim commented awkwardly.

"This is exactly what Yori reported," the Queen nodded, "I am pleased that Anastasia raised you to be healthy and strong…"

"Ronald, you may take this room, next to the Princess's" Hippolyta instructed, "This will be your bedchamber, Diana."

"Wow…" Kim breathed as she and the Queen walked into the room. "I've seen villain lairs smaller than this bedroom…" She said, looking around the lavish room. The walls were white marble, like the rest of the palace, with white Grecian pillars on each corner. In end of the room was a large door way to a large covered balcony where a massive bed sat half inside and outside the room.

Ron started to enter behind them with Yori when a pair of arms encircled him with one dagger to his throat and another to his crotch. "Take another step into this room and I will personally cut off your penis and testicles, cram them down your throat, gut you to retrieve them before I cram them up your rectum."

"Artemis!" Hippolyta scolded as Kim prepared to jump to her best friend's aid. "Stand down."

"This man is attempting to enter the Royal Princess's bedchamber," the woman known as Artemis growled, inching her knife toward Ron's personal area.

"I won't go in, I won't go in, I promise," Ron whimpered, "Cross my heart!"

"The promises of Men aren't worth the rotten breath that came with the spoken words," the Amazon growled shoving him back out of the room, and Ron got a good look at his attacker. She was slightly taller than himself and Kim, with much longer red hair, several shades darker than Kim's, and curves that'd make Bonnie jealous.

"Diana, Ronald, meet Artemis of the Royal Guard, one of the best," Hippolyta introduced.

"Nice to meet ya," Ron smiled before squeaking and shrinking back when Artemis growled angrily at him.

"Maybe you should get settled in your own room, we can meet up later, k, Ron?" Kim said, awkwardly looking at her best friend.

"Sure, KP, give me a yell if you need me," Ron said, grabbing his bags and went into his smaller but equally nice room.

"She won't," Artemis said hatefully, standing by the door as Kim, Yori and the Queen entered Kim's room.


Kim stood in awe of her bedroom. "I take it you are satisfied with your bedchamber, Diana?" Hippolyta asked with a smile. Kim walked over to where the Queen and Yori stood by her large bed. She then noticed a toga and a pair of bracers on the bed.

"Change of clothes?" Kim asked, looking at the toga. "And what are these?" She asked, as the queen picked up the large silver bracers with a single red star on each.

"These are worn by all Amazons, symbolically reminding us of our history," Hippolyta said as motioned for Kim to remove her gloves and watch.

"Long, long ago, before you were born," Hippolyta smiled softly as she gently slid the right bracer onto Kim's wrist. "Themyscira was part of the Grecian mainland. Have you ever heard of a man from ancient times called Hercules?"

"He was a hero in ancient Greek myths," Kim replied.

"In some cases, he was indeed a hero, and indeed he helped many people, I cannot deny this," the Queen nodded with a furrowed brow, "But he came to us, came to me. I had heard tales of his heroism and bravery and welcomed him into my palace's walls… and… my bedchamber."

"Hercules was as handsome as he was powerful; it didn't take long for me to fall to his charms… that was my mistake. Once he was fully welcome in our city, he signaled his army, men outnumbering our people three to one. The Amazons fought bravely, selflessly… but we were defeated and enslaved, shackled to be slaves to do the bidding and pleasures of the men who held us prisoner."

"Hercules burned out villages to the ground, then used us as pleasure slaves and workers to build an extravagant city for his army," Hippolyta sighed, "And a palace for himself. My sisters and I prayed to the gods to free us… And after many years, our Goddess Athena answered our prayers. She drove Hercules and his men from the city we had built for him, and then broke it off from the mainland… sending it out into the waters… hiding it from the eyes of men."

"Athena broke our chains but left our shackles, and we wear them proudly to remind us of the betrayal of man, and how the goddess freed us. She decreed that no man shall be allowed to set foot on this island." She said as she finished securing the left bracer on Kim's arm.

"Ron…" Kim breathed, suddenly concerned for her friend.

"The gods have given him their protection, we are sworn not to harm him," Hippolyta said, "But know this: should he ever hurt you… he will have an island of Amazon Warriors after his head."

"Ron's… Ron's my rock, Your Highness," Kim said awkwardly, "He's my best friend. I've trusted him with my back and my life since I was four years old. He's never let me down, and I doubt he'd start now."

"Very well… on the shelf are manuscripts of our history. I would like you to familiarize yourself with it…" Hippolyta requested, "We will meet for breakfast, and I will answer any questions you might have. For the time being Yori will be your aid. Is that satisfactory?"

"Yes, that's fine," Kim nodded.

"Have a good evening, Diana," Hippolyta greeted before leaving Kim to get settled.


Several hours of reading and questions to Yori, Kim was bone tired. She stepped out onto the balcony and closed her eyes as she felt the tropical breeze sweep her hair and seem to flow through her thin toga.

"Look who's gone native," Her eyes lit up and she turned to see Ron on the next balcony, less than two feet away from her own.

"Ron!" She moved to the closest corner to his balcony and he did the same to hers.

"You look better in a toga than I do…" She said looking over her best friend. "They have sandals to fit those skis?"

"The Ronman was surprised they did too, gonna have make some pockets for this thing for Rufus, maybe a pouch or something…" He smiled, and the two life-long friends laughed together. "And I'm not so sure about your assessment there, KP. You definitely look the Princess there, Your Worship." Ron gave a dramatic bow.

"Thank you…" Kim flushed slightly and leaned toward him across the railing.

"No prob, KP," Ron said leaning against his railing.

"No, I mean it. Thank you." Kim looked down at the ground, one story below them. "I… you came all this way, put your life on hold just so I can find out where I came from and be with me as I go… I can't thank you enough, Ron, I mean that. I… I don't know what I'd do without you… I don't think I could go through with this without you."

"Again, no prob, KP," Ron smiled brightly, "Wherever you go, whatever you plan, you can count on me to have your back. No matter what."

Kim looked back up at him with bright, adoring eyes. Ron used to think the Puppy Dog Pout was the most powerful of Kim's looks. It had just gotten shot out of the water. She leaned forward, her eyes wide, fearful, and curious. Her lips were slightly pursed and pouted. Ron felt like he was a piece of metal being drawn to a magnet.

Eyes slowly fluttered close as they leaned across the railing, toward one another.

Hearts pounded in their chests, and they could feel each others' breath on their faces as they drew closer…

And closer… and…

"WHA!" Ron yelped and his eyes flew open as he lost balance and fell over his railing, falling to the garden below.

"RON!" Kim cried out in alarm, wincing at the sound of his colliding with the hard ground.

"I'm ok!" Ron wheezed as he sat up and smiled at Kim.

Kim put one hand over her face as she giggled. "Oh Ron…" she breathed with a fond smile on her face. "Good night, Ron," Kim waved, going to her bed.

"Goodnight, KP," Ron called back, as he climbed to his feet and dusted himself off. "Goodnight…" he said softer, looking up at her balcony, "My Princess."


"So what are we looking for again, Dr D?" Shego asked with a bored expression as she followed her employer through an ancient Greek temple recently unearthed.

"There's something down here putting off a great deal of energy, Shego," Drakken replied, "Once I find it and master it, I will be able to take the world!"

"So any idea what this thing is?" Shego asked, with a quirked eyebrow.

"…it's… uh… something… that puts out… power…or energy… or something like that…" Drakken said awkwardly.

"That's what I thought…" Shego tisked.

"Words hurt, Shego," Drakken pouted before they entered the central temple.

"Wow, that's a big purple diamond," Shego grinned, suddenly liking this plan.

"Interesting…" Drakken narrowed his eyes.

"We can sell this thing off, and probably buy my own country," Shego caught herself and smiled sheepishly. "Our own country I mean…"

"I suddenly have a bad feeling about this…" Drakken frowned looking at the markings around the temple. "I… don't think this is a temple…"

Drakken looked around the pedestal that housed the massive diamond. "It doesn't have any symbols that appear to symbolize any kind of praise to any of the Olympic Pantheon… It looks more like warnings…"

"Whatever, let's break this diamond out of the pedestal and get out of here if your that much of a pansy!" Shego said, her hands erupting in green flames.

"Shego! No!" Drakken tried to stop her but it was too late, and Shego shattered the stone pedestal.

The flash of light was far greater than Shego was expecting and both were blinded by light.

When their eyes refocused they were shocked to find the diamond was gone, and in its place was a beautiful woman, standing tall and elegant with long flowing purple hair with matching lipstick, eye shadow, and flowing cross toga/gown. "Thank you for the help, Mortals," the woman grinned at the pair. "Being trapped in that prison for a few thousand years gave me a charley horse like you would not believe!"

"And as a thank you, I'm going to make you both my humble servants." She grinned, "For a few thousand years anyway."

"Look, I've already got a boss, and he's self employed," Shego said defiantly.

"Oh so you work for him?" the woman's purple eyes turned to Shego curiously. "Is that all?" she asked with a grin.

She flicked her fingers and Drakken's cloths fell to the floor, with a small blue piglet squealing, tangled in the pile of clothing. With another flick, the piglet floated toward her, "awe, he's adorable…" The witch smiled deviously at Shego. "Unless you want him to remain Piggily Wiggly, and eventually my barbeque pork sandwich, I think you'll accept servitude to me…"

Shego stared at the piglet that was her boss, before slouching in defeat, "Ok, fine, you got it… but… can I at least get your name?"

"Of course, my dear," the woman smiled. "My name's Circe. And I think this is the beginning of a wonderful partnership!"

To Be Continued…

Sorry for taking so long to update this… and as an apology for the long wait, here's a sneak peek at my upcoming fic series: KPX

Enjoy the chapter and enjoy the preview and don't forget to review!

"The mark of a true hero, is one who, though only receives spite and scorn, risks their lives for others if for no other reason than it's the right thing to do."


And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

I have a dream today!

-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

"KP," Kim looked up from the bench in the locker room to see Ron standing there in his new uniform. "It's time to go."

Kim nodded and looked down at her own black and yellow uniform before she slid her mask over her face, to protect not only herself but her parents and brothers. "Let's do this…" she said getting up and walking out with Ron.

I'm just a step away
I'm just a breath away
Losing my faith today
Falling off the edge today

In a small suburb in Maine, a teenage girl looked out the kitchen window to see police cars and black SUVs marked MRD pull up into her family's driveway.

"Mom? Dad? What's going on?" She asked as her mother and father came up behind her just as the front door was kicked open.

Meanwhile, a hundred miles away, a black jet rocketed toward the scene. Inside the stealth jet Kim sat in the cockpit, pushing the throttle before glancing to the young man in a similar uniform but with a ruby quartz visor beside her. He nodded and looked back at the rest of the team. "Hang on," He said as Kim hit the afterburner.

I am just a man
Not superhuman
I'm not superhuman
Someone save me from the hate

"LET HER GO!" The girl's mother screamed as armed guards pulled her toward an armored truck while pushing her parents toward the squad cars.

"MOM! DADDY!!!" The girl screamed as the government agents manhandled her.

It's just another war
Just another family torn
Falling from my faith today

They were just about to shove her into the back of the truck, when a finger tapped one of their shoulders. "Excuse me?" a guard looked back to see Kim placing her whole palm on his back. "You're not taking her," Kim smiled before lifting him by her open palm, before tossing him across the lawn.

Just a step from the edge
Just another day in the world we live

"Cyclops!" Kim called out, and her friend with the visor hit a switch that opened the visor on the other guard, releasing a beam of concussion energy right into his chest.

"Good throw, Guardian," Cyclops said to the redhead, before calling out: "PUSH UM BACK, TEAM!"

Who's gonna fight for what's right?
Who's gonna help us survive?
We're in the fight of our lives
And we're not ready to die

In a matching uniform, a man with long white wings flew overhead with Ron in his hands. "Target in sight, Angel," Ron smirked as he looked down at the police.

"Roger that, Animal," Angel smiled, "Bombs away!"

Ron rolled along the ground as he hit right in the middle of the mob of cops. He flipped to his feet and lashed out in a fury of punches and kicks, extending a long, blond pensile tail from the small of his back that wrapped around the arm of an approaching cop behind him and threw him to the ground. "Reinforcements on the way, team…" He said as he dropped to all fours and looked in the distance with narrowed eyes, a moment later every loose dog in the neighborhood rushed the cops.

Who's gonna fight for the weak?
Who's gonna make 'em believe?

One cop tried to get into his car and escape, only to find the wheels frozen to the ground. "Where you think you're going?" A young man apparently made of ice smiled through the window.

I've got a hero, I've got a hero
Living in me

The cop looked forward only to see a pair of massive bare feet slam through the window. The Beast smiled at his friend. "Excellent distraction, Ice Man!"

"Any time, Beast," Ice Man salute.

I'm gonna fight for what's right
Today I'm speaking my mind
And if it kills me tonight
I will be ready to die

"RON!" Kim called out, and the two lifelong friends jumped back to back. "You ok?"

"Yup, you?" Ron grinned, and she smiled and nodded. "Let's finish this."

The two turned and rushed the remaining cops, effortlessly jumping and dodging gun fire. Kim placed her palm to a squad car, and threw it before them, creating the planned distraction. The cops never even saw the two teens jumping the car and laying taking them down with a volley of punches and kicks.

A hero's not afraid to give his life

With the police and MRD either unconscious or running, the team regrouped and turned to the family. "Get what you can carry and run. This is a safe haven you can go to." Cyclops said, handing the father a card with the address to Xavier's School for Gifted Young People. "You'll find friends there," he said as the black jet slowly lowered toward them with a gang plank lowering on the bottom with another redheaded girl in uniform standing by in the jet.

"Wait, we don't even know who you are…" The daughter said softly as the group climbed on board. Kim and the others glanced back to them.

Kim smiled and proudly stated…

"We're the X-Men."

A hero's gonna save me just in time

"Do you honestly think your band of children will be able to stop the future, Charles?" Eric asked, with a sarcastic smile.

"They won't have to, Old Friend," Charles said, glancing back, "Because they are the future."

KPX: The First Class… The Mutant Age has BEGUN…