Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or The Decemberists...I wish I did though.
A/N: Yes, I'm back. I'm sorry it took me a while to update; my stupid laptop blew up…literally. Like it sparked and caught fire. So here we are, finally. It's quite different from my old story so I hope you enjoy it.
This whole idea came about because of a Decemberists song. I suggest you listen to it before reading, but if not, that's okay. No harm done. I guess you could call this my Ode to The Decemberists because I want to marry them. :D
In this fanfic, as well in Cigs, Inuyasha has no ears. Sorry kiddies but it just wouldn't fit. But the next one I'm thinking he will.
ALSO this fic takes place sometime during the 1800s…say 1810-1860 or so.
I want to dedicate this story to all my lovely reviewers, especially Lord Kagome who really inspired me to get going on this story. But I also would really love to dedicate this story to my two best friends, Michelle and Nick, who come over every Friday to deal with me and my ghost shows. Love you guys!
The Barrow Boy
Chapter 1-You're the Old Town
Bi Polar
Kagome snuggled under her warm comforter, her big blue eyes glowing in the dark. She looked all around her room, checking for monsters or bandits; the creatures in her mother's wild stories. Souta and she had always loved listening to those stories. Her door opened with a loud creak, she looked up and let out a sigh when her mother walked in.
"Hello Kagome dear, are you ready to be tucked in?" Mrs. Higurashi smiled at her 8 year old daughter.
Kagome nestled deeper into her blankets. "Yes, mummy."
"Now, my dear, what song would you like to hear tonight?"
Kagome went through her mind's library of her mother's songs, her lovely songs; that told stories that hung about in her mind for days on end. "Eli, The Barrow Boy, please, mummy!" Her favorite.
"Okay." The older woman brushed her daughter's bangs away from her brilliant blue eyes. Then breathed deep and started to sing with her heavenly voice.
"Eli, the barrow boy, you're the old town
Sells coal and marigolds and he cries out, all down the day
Below the tamarack she is crying
Corn cobs and candle wax for the buying, all down the day
Would I could afford to buy my love a fine robe
Made of gold and silk, Arabian thread
She is dead and gone and lying in a pine grove
And I must push my barrow all the day
And I must push my barrow all the day
Eli, the barrow boy, when they found him
Dressed all in corduroy, he had drowned in, the river down the way
They laid his body down in a church yard
But still when the moon is out, with his pushcart, he calls down the day
Would I could afford to buy my love a fine gown
Made of gold and silk, Arabian thread
But I am dead and gone and lying in a church ground
But still I push my barrow all the day
Still I push my barrow all the day'"
Mrs. Higurashi finished her song and looked down at her daughter. Kagome grinned. "I love that song." Her small voice squeaked.
"Me too."
"Where did you hear it, mummy?" Kagome cocked her head to the side and gave her mother a questioning stare.
"Your Grandfather used to sing it to me when I was a little girl just like you." Mrs. Higurashi smiled again and put a finger to her daughter's nose. "It was a legend, back in the town we use to live in." Her smile faded slightly but she snapped out of it and returned to her content nature.
"Oh…I like it."
"Well, it's time to get to sleep now, missy."
"But mummy!" Kagome squirmed in her bed.
"Kagome…" Mrs. Higurashi said, shaking her finger in a motherly sort of way.
"Fine." Kagome crossed her arms grumpily. That night, when she closed her eyes she saw Eli the Barrow Boy in her mind, his ghostly figure pushing his cart down the cobble streets, longing for his lover.
When she was younger she had wished to live her mother's old village, but she was 16 now; and growing up. There was nothing in that sodding town but myths and non-existent ghosts. But here she was, sitting in a carriage with her mother and brother on their way to live with her grandfather in that God forsaken village.
Kagome let out a deep sigh, staring out the window. She listened intently to the clatter of the horses' hooves on the road ahead of them. She wondered if her life would ever be the same. If she would wake up in the morning and still feel like she had when she was living in Devonshire. She doubted it. She doubted everything now.
Her brother, on the other hand, was barely able to contain his excitement. He hadn't liked Devonshire, as she had. Souta desperately wanted to hear more folklore and see spectacles. He reminded Kagome of herself when she was his age.
"Kagome, Kagome!" Souta bounced up and down in his seat with anticipation. "Do you think we'll see Eli?" He whispered the last part as if the spirit was in that very carriage with them.
She had a mind to tell him ghosts weren't real, she had stopped believing in them long, long ago. But she smiled quietly at his enthusiasm. "Maybe Souta, maybe."
Mrs. Higurashi gave a small chuckle at her two children. Then in a small quiet voice she began to hum the tune that Higurashi's had passed down from generation to generation. It's slow haunting melody making both of the children close their eyes and listen.
When she finished, none of them said anything. They just sat there, looking out the window and wondering if he was really there, if he wandered in the black of night with his barrow.
The carriage slowed and Kagome felt her stomach flip with her nervousness. Her door was opened by the driver her mother had hired and she felt like a noble. She held her head high even though she was uneasy.
Holding up her dress so it didn't get dirty, she stood by the coach waiting for her mother and brother to join her outside. Kagome stood fixing the creases in garb and making sure she looked presentable for her Grand-papa who she hadn't seen in over six years.
Mrs. Higurashi stepped out of the carriage and looked at her daughter with smiling eyes. "You look lovely Kagome."
Kagome felt semi self conscious with the older woman staring at her like that. Her mother had made her wear the silk blue dress that she had bought especially for this; she had purchased a similar green one for herself. The dress hung about her feet almost touching the ground. Its silken blue fabric was arm's length, keeping her warm in the September weather.
She checked her hair in one of the puddles on the dirt path. Her curly bun was still in perfect shape and she sighed in relief. She wanted to make a good impression, even if he was just her Grandfather.
Souta hopped out of the carriage last, holding 4 bags and groaned when he jumped in one of the puddles getting his stockings wet. Mrs. Higurashi shook her head at her son. Boys will be boys.
"Oh my, oh my!" The 3 Higurashi's turned to the house to see an elderly man standing in the doorway. "It has been awhile, hasn't it?" His kind eyes sparkled with mischief.
"Grandpa!" Souta ran to the doorstep, dropped the bags, and gave the man a hug around the waist.
"Oh my goodness. Souta! You've grown into a fine young man." The older man returned the hug and smiled down at the unruly hair of his grandson.
Kagome and her mother took 3 more of the bags and stood at the doorstep. "Hello Grand-papa." Kagome spoke softly, almost timidly. Souta stood back and went to get the rest of their luggage. The older man grinned widely at his granddaughter and held out his arms for her. Kagome had forgotten how kind her grandfather was and smiled a relieved smile.
"My, my. You have grown. And into quite the beautiful young lady too, I might add. I'm sure you were fighting off the suitors back in Devonshire." He chuckled lightly. Kagome pulled away from her grandfather and blushed at his comment.
"And my dear Kasumi. It's so wonderful to see you again." Kagome stood aside to see the father and daughter reunite.
"And you too papa. I've missed you so." Kagome's mother bit back tears as she gave her father a hug and kiss on the cheek.
"Well, it's getting quite chilly outside, come on in. I'll make you some tea or coco, doesn't that sound lovely?" They were ushered into the cozy home and out of the autumn wind.
Kagome's grandfather led them into the pleasant red colored living room; the fire was going, warming all of them up instantly. They took a seat on the couches and sunk in. She smiled at her Grandfather's furniture; it was old and comfortable…just like him.
He came out of the kitchen with drinks for everyone. "It's magnificent to see all of you once again." He gave a smile again.
"We've missed you Grandpa." Souta said, taking a sip of his coco.
"Well, it's going to be charming having all of you stay with me. Later I'll show all of you your rooms."
"Actually I was going to go check out the town." Souta spoke up.
"That's not such a good idea, Souta."
"Well, it's getting dark out."
"So? I'll bring a lantern."
"Lanterns don't save you from everything."
"What do you mean Grandpa?" Souta leaned in closer to his grandfather, interested in what he was trying to say.
"They wander at night, the spirits of the dead." The older man spoke in a whisper.
"You mean Eli?"
"Eli…and others."
"Oh yes. There isn't just one ghost per town you know." He chuckled.
"Have…have you ever seen one? Even better, have you ever seen Eli?" Souta spoke with quiet amazement.
"No. I haven't seen him. But…" At this Souta almost stood from the couch in excitement. "I've heard him."
"You have?" Souta murmured.
"At night. It's an eerie sound, it is. He calls out for buyers in hopes that he may buy his lover a gift."
"Like the song?"
"Exactly like the song. The poor soul."
Kagome rolled her eyes at her family. They always did this, told stories that were so outlandish that it was almost disgusting.
Souta and Kagome had to share a room with two beds. Kagome sat on her's and stared out the large window that her bed was pressed against. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't help but wonder if Eli was out there calling out for the one he loved.
Mrs. Higurashi came into the room and tucked her two children into their warm snug beds, singing Souta's favorite song, before she left.
"Eli, the barrow boy, you're the old town…."
A/N: Okay, now it seems a tad slow right now, but it should pick up pace in the next couple of chapters. Just be patient, okay? Please review. No flames either because I have a tender heart.