Fate Lines Twisted
Author's note: part of my inspiration for this first chapter comes from another story called Snakes and Foxes by roterriter, since after reading that story I think it is possible that Naruto's mother may in fact be Anko.
This story will be an AU but I won't change it much from the original story line if I can help it.
Pairings in this story are as yet still undetermined, however, I'm kind of leaning towards a Naruto Hinata Sasuke love triangle, but I'll let you guys vote on that later on probably. Oh yeah this fic will also probably take along time to finish since I'll probably make it an epic.
If you guys feel the need to correct me, give me ideas, wish to see something happen in the story or even flame me feel free to do so.
Praise is also good ; )
Disclaimer: Naruto is owned. But only by Masashi Kishimoto
Another A/N: Btw as I was writing the A/N I suddenly remembered that the third Hokages name was Sarutobi but ATM I'm just too lazy to change every 'Sandaime' to 'Sarutobi' so just bear with it for this chapter. In future I MAY re edit it, the key word is MAY. Thanks for your time and enjoy!
1: Beginning of the end
It was a nice night in Konoha; the moon was shining bright, the air was crisp and cool and best of all, it was peaceful……
Ok scratch the peaceful part and replace it with terrifying beyond imagination because the Kyuubi is coming.
In the tallest building in Konoha; the Hokage tower, Yondaime; leader of the village who everyone depends on because they can't take care of themselves was brooding, watching the path of destruction that was the Kyuubi moving slowly closer and closer to Konoha.
He was brooding because a sacrifice was going to be made tonight.
If it was just him then it would have been fine, but the cause of his brooding lay in the fact that his yet unborn son would be making a sacrifice with him.
'Are you okay Arashi?' a voice came from behind him.
Twisting his chair around, he came face to face with Sandaime, of whom he just relieved of the position of Hokage a few weeks ago.
'Yeah, I'm just a little worried about the seal; I hope that it will be enough to contain the demon.' He replied grimly.
'I'm sure it will work fine, but are you sure that I can't do it, it is such a terrible twist of fate that after everything you and Anko have been through you are reunited only to lose your life now.'
The Yondaime thought of his childhood love that he had just reunited with a year ago, after not having seen her for years when she had escaped with Orochimaru when he had been found a traitor and mass murderer in his attempts to find an immortality technique.
She was found a year ago on the outskirts of Konoha all bloody but still alive. And after she had recovered she had revealed everything that she had been doing for the snake Sannin and of the existence of the cursed seal which had prevented her from confessing in the first place, and together with Sandaime, Arashi had developed a counter seal which uses the victim's will power to counteract the curse.
While she was recovering, it had taken Arashi a few weeks before he could convince her that it wasn't her fault.
It was then that she had also revealed that her love for him had broken the hold of the cursed seal in her mind long enough so that she could escape.
Getting his mind back to the present he saw that Sandaime was looking for a reply.
'Sorry old man but you just don't have the amount of chakra needed to perform the technique so that it can contain a giant demon because you are O L D old. No offense.' he laughed.
Getting a twitch in his eyebrow Sandaime whacked him on the head with his walking stick which Arashi even with his flash technique couldn't avoid.
'I may be old but my experience puts yours to shame.' He smirked
Rubbing his head Arashi replied with a muttered 'yeah yeah.' Then his face grew serious.
'How is Anko at the moment?' he asked.
Noticing the change of mood, Sandaime decided to be honest.
'She….isn't doing too well.' He said gravely.
Arashi was instantly on his feet and in Sandaime's face.
'What do you mean! What's wrong?'
Okay. Wrong move. Sandaime sweat dropped.
'To put it simply the experiments on her body that Orochimaru had put her through is making her chakra react unusually to her contractions. In fact it is raising the amount of chakra in her body for every contraction she has. Since the human body has a set amount of chakra for each person unless something is done about it she and the baby will die from chakra overload.'
'Then what the hell am I doing here? My wife is about to die and I'm not there with her!' Arashi cut in.
Sandaime put up a hand motioning for him to stop.
'Don't worry I had been consulting some old scrolls Tsunade had left behind, I have devised a way to stop it.'
'Then why isn't Anko doing well then?' Arashi calmed down.
Here comes the hard part. Sandaime dreaded.
'In using this method to stop her body from chakra overload, I am going to stop the flow of her chakra temporarily, however doing so will weaken her body in such a way that when I reinstate the flow, her chakra reserve will be very miniscule. Not enough to live on, in fact she will lose her life as a Shinobi and will need chakra transfers everyday to live for the rest of her life.' Sandaime checked Arashi's reaction.
Lose her life as a Shinobi and needing chakra transfers everyday…
Arashi fell to his knees in shock.
'I..I…' he whispered.
'….I'm afraid there's worse news Arashi.' Sandaime continued somberly.
Bringing his head up slowly Yondaime replied with a bitter 'What else could go wrong in my life?'
'… I'm afraid for your wife and your child's future Arashi, when you are gone who will be able to protect them, you have made your fair share of enemies and Anko's past isn't easily forgotten by the people, not only that but the fact that your son will become a jinchuuriki, which according to recent information from Jiraiya the Akatsuki are after…' Sandaime hated being the bearer of bad news but somebody had to do it.
'...You won't protect them for me..?' Arashi inquired feeling slightly betrayed.
'It's not that I won't, but more the fact that since it's most likely that the council is going to reinstate me as Hokage, my time will more or less be too preoccupied to keep an eye on them. And most of the people in this village will be nurturing their losses after tonight and will vent their frustrations on your wife and son and since Anko's ability as a Shinobi will be gone, it will be very unsafe for them here.'
Suddenly Arashi just broke down sobbing.
'It's not fair to them, they don't deserve all this….old man what can I do?' the young Hokage looked pleadingly at Sandaime for advice.
'…' Sandaime was silent for a while thinking of a way to ensure the safety of mother and son.
Finally he spoke up.
'Arashi I think the best course of action would be to split up your family.'
Arashi halted from his crying to look at him as if he was crazy.
'What on earth did you…..'
'Listen' Sandaime continued. 'If your child was to be raised as an orphan he will be a hero to all of Konoha, whereas if the people know that Anko was the mother they may not accept it, since her past with Orochimaru has destroyed her good name. It will also be good for Anko since being the bearer of the Kyuubi container won't exactly help her in regaining her status as a Konoha citizen.'
Arashi sighed deeply.
'So Anko can never let Naruto know that she's his mother?'
'Naruto eh? You named your son after a fish cake?' Sandaime chuckled before continuing.
'No not exactly, when things have died down perhaps the truth will be able to come out.'
Arashi contemplated what Sandaime had said before nodding.
'As much as I don't like it I…agree.' He let off another huge sigh.
'I'm not going to be able to be with him since I won't be here, but how is Anko going to take it? To be with him but not able to let him know who she is.'
Sandaime just nodded in agreement.
'You, Anko, and your son are going to make a lot of sacrifices tonight; I swear on my name that I won't let those sacrifices go in vain.'
'Thank you.'
Suddenly a medic nin burst in through the doors.
'Sandaime sama, the preparations are complete.'
'Ok let's get going' he nodded to Arashi.
And with that the two of them made their way to room of which Anko was currently having contractions.
The sight that beheld the two Hokages was frightening.
In the middle of the room on the bed lay Anko, however her whole body was flaring with chakra and she was in her cursed seal form screaming in pain like a banshee. The medic nins that were positioned at four corners of the bed, creating a field of chakra were staring in awe and fear having never seen anything like this before, but they stood there ground preparing for the treatment that Sandaime had devised.
As soon as Arashi saw his wife he tried to run to her, but Sandaime held him back.
'Don't go near her just yet Arashi, those four medic nins are trying to stabilize her chakra since if I stop her chakra flow while it keeps fluctuating then it may put her body into shock and we'll lose her.'
Arashi calmed down a bit but the look in his eyes indicated anything but.
Seeing that he wasn't going to do anything rash, Sandaime approached the field of chakra slowly so as to not disturb the delicate balance that the four skilled medics had acquired. When he got in front of Anko he concentrated some chakra in his body then hit in rapid succession the 6 main points of chakra flow; the head, the two arms, the torso, and the two legs.
Suddenly all traces of chakra disappeared from Anko and her skin reverted to normal and she just lay there as if she was lifeless.
'Quick! We need to get that baby out of there now!' Sandaime yelled.
A medic nin came running up she performed some seals then placed it on Anko's stomach which loosened to flesh a bit while another reached in an gently pulled the baby out. Soon the sound of a baby could be heard.
'Alright now get back. And you four at the bed intensify the field, there's going to be a large explosion of chakra.'
He then unsealed the flow of chakra by hitting the 6 main points again.
It was quiet for a second then a large wave of chakra burst from Anko's body blowing Sandaime and the four medic nins away, however the majority of the wave was stopped by the field.
'Ahhhhhh!' Anko screamed with tears in her eyes as she sat up, her body was in pain all over and she felt extremely weak.
Seeing that it was over Arashi was instantly by her side.
'Anko it's alright, everything's alright'
Seeing Arashi by her side she immediately embraced him, then noticing that her tummy was now flat she started to panic.
'My baby! Where's my baby?'
'Calm down calm down' Arashi comforted. 'Naruto is fine everything's ok'
'Where is he? I want to hold him.' Seeing that she won't calm down till she had the baby in her arms Arashi motioned to the nurse to give her the baby.
As soon as she had the baby in her arms she started crying, knowing that he won't be having a father, and she will be losing her husband.
'Look Arashi, our son looks just like you.'
Yondaime just smiled with tears in his eyes.
At this touching scene everyone in the room got a bit teary eyed themselves
Guess I have to interrupt, since we are almost running out of time
Sandaime REALLY hated being the bearer of bad news.
'I'm sorry to interrupt you two but I have something to discuss with you Anko. Can every one leave the room please.' He directed at the medic nins.
Soon it was just Sandaime, Anko and Yondaime.
He then relayed everything to Anko that he had relayed to Yondaime; the effects of the technique that he had used on her, the end of her Shinobi career, what the future was going to hold for her and Naruto.
Chakra transfers everyday
End of your Shinobi life
Your son will be raised in an orphanage
Anko's mind was just relaying all the things that she has just been told by Sandaime, however the thing that struck her the most was the fact that she will have to give up her son.
'NO! MY SON WILL STAY WITH ME!' she screamed.
'Anko, this is for the best..'
Sandaime shut up.
Arashi gently placed his hand on her shoulder to calm her down, which she did.
'Anko, I…I…Don't like it as much as you do, but…. it must be done.' He said softly.
Instead of another outburst like Sandaime expected, Anko started crying again.
….I think I'm just going to let Arashi do all the talking now He sweat dropped.
'I'm sorry Hokage sama, I let my emotions get the better of me' Anko sniffed.
'It's just that the thought of when I finally have my family it is torn apart in an instant.'
'It's okay Anko.' Sandaime sympathized. 'You have all the right in the world to let out your emotions.'
'Old man…. may we please be alone so we can say our…..good byes.' Yondaime requested.
'Take all the time you need.' And he left.
Then it was just the two of them, however silence hung in the air for awhile, because while they both had much to say they didn't know how to say them.
'Anko..' Arashi started off 'I…I..'
Grabbing his hand, Anko pulled it up to her face and leaned her cheek on it.
'I know. I love you too, from now till forever.' Then she pulled him in for a final kiss.
Outside of the room Sandaime was waiting patiently, waiting for the couple to say their goodbyes. So he was rather surprised when Arashi came out with the baby in five minutes.
'Arashi, are you done already?' he inquired.
He turned to look at Sandaime with tears streaming down his face.
'Anko and I understand each other, we don't need words.'
Nodding understandingly he then turned to the subject at hand.
'Are you ready?'
Eyes turning steely as he watched the Kyuubi's path of destruction once again he gave a single nod.
Then the two Hokages sped to the border of the village to confront the Kyuubi.
When they arrived it was a horrific sight to behold; corpses and blood littered the ground and surrounding trees and the sound of battle could be clearly heard ahead. To put it simply it looked like hell on earth.
The Kyuubi will pay for all the blood that he has spilled tonight. Arashi vowed.
As they pushed on, a team of Jounin came to meet them. The captain came forward.
'Thank Kami that you have arrived Hokage Sama! We are in desperate need of your help!'
Arashi observed the team before him and noticed that they were exhausted with a few of them missing some limbs.
'What's the current situation captain?' Arashi asked.
'Our numbers are low. The Kyuubi uses a lot of large scale attacks and all the weapons and jutus we have used have little or no effect on it.'
'Thanks for your help captain, now get your men who are wounded back to the village and tell the hospital to get all medic nins to be available. All of you who can still run, spread the word that it is time to retreat back to the village immediately.'
'But Hokage Sama, what about the Kyuubi?' the captain asked.
'I'll be stopping it once and for all right now.' Arashi replied
Immediately protests erupted from the group.
'No Hokage sama!'
'It's too dangerous!'
'You can't do it alone Hokage sama!'
Arashi silenced them with a raised hand.
'Believe in me, I have researched and have devised a technique that will put him away for good. Now go!'
The Jounins hearing the demand reluctantly left to carry out the orders.
'Old Man, you should leave now…'
Sandaime realizing that it was now time, gave him a hug.
'Arashi, this village will forever be in you and your son's debt after tonight, you have proven that you are more than worthy of the title of Hokage. I and the whole village will miss you.' Sandaime said with tears in his eyes.
'Thanks old man, same here, gee we sure had some good times together.'
'That we did.' The two chuckled.
All of a sudden two people jumped out from a tree.
'Senseiiiiii waiiiit!'
'Kakashi? Rin?' Yondaime was surprised 'What are you doing here?'
'I found the scrolls in your office sensei' Kakashi ignored the question. 'This technique that you're going to use will kill you!'
Arashi let off a sigh.
'…..I know'
Rin burst in to tears.
'But why didn't you tell us sensei?' she cried.
'Because I know that you two will try to stop me. But as Hokage this is my responsibility.' He paused to wipe away a tear from Rin's eye
'But since you both found out.' He continued. 'I may as well give you a few final words.'
He turned to Kakashi.
'Kakashi, I know that you still blame yourself for Obito's death, all I can say is that it isn't and I hope that one day you will understand that. Grow strong, okay kid?'
Kakashi with emotion only in one eye silently nodded.
He then turned his head to Rin.
'Rin, you're a good kid, you have exceeded my expectations in the medical field, in fact you made teaching so easy because you learnt like a sponge; absorbing everything I put out for you. Take care of yourself and especially Kakashi ok?' he laughed.
Kakashi just stood there looking kind of indignant.
'Well.. look like there's just enough time for a…..GROUP HUG!'
And with one arm he swooped Kakashi and Rin and hugged them. Although from Sandaime's point of view it looked like he was…. strangling them with a head lock. It wasn't until he noticed that the two kids were turning blue that he decided to intervene.
'Alright Arashi I think its time to finish this.'
'Yes it is' he replied sadly finally letting go of his two students who were now both on the ground trying to get as much air as possible.
'Wait sensei! I just have one more question. Whose baby is that?' Kakashi asked.
Arashi glanced at Sandaime, who discreetly shook his head.
I suppose the less people that know the less chance of it being found out…
'He's an orphan Kakashi, his parents were killed by Kyuubi, but after tonight he will be Konoha's greatest hero…'
Kakashi nodded respectfully
'Alright you guys, I 'm sorry but I can't waste anymore time, all of you go back to the village now.' He ordered.
With a final goodbye the three of them left to go back to the village.
And Arashi was left all alone with Naruto.
He glanced at his son, who by some miracle hasn't been making a lot of noise throughout all of this.
'Well Naruto, this isn't exactly the father and son bonding activity I had in mind. But I hope that when you know the truth you'll be able to forgive me for this.'
Arashi then performed a few hand seals and slammed his palm onto the earth.
'Kuchiyose No Jutu!'
The familiar pattern appeared on the ground and then an explosion.
And Gamabunta Boss of the Frogs was summoned to the field.
'Arashi! Why have you summoned me at this time of night!'
'Uhhh Gamabunta… look straight ahead.' Arashi sweat dropped.
Gamabunta looked forward and saw his question answered in the form of a nine tailed fox.
'Okay….this is bad. Arashi I don't think even I can win this battle.'
'I know Gamabunta, but all I need you to do is distract him for a moment till I finish this jutsu to seal him, but in doing so I will die.'
Gamabunta nodded respectfully.
'I will miss you Arashi, you were my best subordinate.'
'Thanks boss, never would have expected that out of you.' Arashi replied while chuckling.
'Well since it's our last battle… let's make it a good one!'
'I'm with you on that!' turning to the fox 'You hear that demon? Your destructive ways will end here!'
The fox just howled out an evil laugh.
'Pitiful insect, you are a fool if you think anything can destroy me! I am Kyuubi! Lord of the Underworld and leader of the Tailed Demon Clan! You are wasting your time! Take this!'
The fox breathed a huge stream of fire towards Gamabunta who narrowly avoided it.
'Arashi! I'm going to spit out oil!' the frog boss called out aiming at Kyuubi.
'Read you loud and clear!' Arashi replied whilst making the seals.
'Katon Karyuu Endan!' and breathed a stream of fire at the spewing oil igniting it.
Kyuubi didn't even try to avoid the approaching fire dragon bullet, but rather just let it hit him full on. As he had expected he didn't feel a thing.
'Ha! What a pathetic display. Your weak techniques disappoint me insect.'
With that said he mad a mad dash at Gamabunta who had his katana drawn.
Gamabunta had chopped off one of Kyuubi's tail.
'Ha! Not so cocky now are you fox?' he gloated.
The fox just grinned maliciously.
'On the contrary, I am.' Even as he said that, Arashi and Gamabunta saw that the tail was already regenerating.
'DAMN!' Gamabunta croaked and tried to go in for another strike.
'No Boss, Don't!' Arashi shouted, but it was too late.
The Kyuubi just grabbed the hand holding the katana with one paw, then used his remaining one to claw at Gamabunta's face.
'Ahhhhhh! My eye!' Gamabunta screamed in pain.
The fox just laughed at the scream, and attempted another strike, however Yondaime jumped to where the paw was about to strike and hastily created an extra large Rasengan to stop it.
'ARGHHH! What the Hell did you do!' the fox screamed pulling his paw back.
Yondaime however spoke to Gamabunta instead.
'Gamabunta, Use Suiton Mizu Endan!' he ordered.
Gamabunta quickly concentrated his chakra and shot out two water bullets out of his mouth.
Since Kyuubi was so close, the impact of the water bullets was tremendous and knocked him back couple hundred yards away.
Seeing that Kyuubi was stunned for the moment, Arashi then gave his next order.
'Gamabunta use the Water prison technique! Hurry!'
Gamabunta wasted no time and quickly formed the seal; a large body of water formed from the air around Kyuubi and entrapped him, encasing him in a large bubble.
'Ha! You think this will hold me for long!' Kyuubi gloated from inside, though he was a bit embarrassed that he actually got trapped in the first place.
'No, just long enough for me to put you away!' he retorted and quickly performed the necessary seals.
'Fuuinjutsu Shiki Fuujin!' he yelled.
Yondaime suddenly felt a cold presence behind and saw that it had worked; he had summoned the death god. The death god was unlike anything he had ever seen, it had long white locks of hair, black eyes, demonic like teeth that held a blade and beads in his hand.
But the thing that unnerved him the most was the soul that was tangled up by the Death god's beads and he knew that it must be his.
Oh well time to finish this…
Raising Naruto, who btw had been asleep through the whole thing, high up in the air Arashi shouted to the Death God.
'Shinigami! Seal the soul of my enemy Kyuubi, the Demon lord into the body of this newborn!'
Acknowledging the order, the Shinigami plunged his hand into the tangled up soul. As soon as he did, Arashi felt a pain beyond the likes of anything he ever felt before. But through it all he checked on the Kyuubi and saw that he was howling with madness and pain so he knew that the jutsu was having an effect.
When the death god finally ripped out Kyuubi's soul, Arashi was stunned to find that it looked like a small fox cub.
HA! The lord of all demons has a kit for a soul!
If the situation hadn't been so dire he would probably have started laughing right there and then.
After another minute or so the soul was finally and completely sealed within Naruto, and Kyuubi's body just disappeared in a puff of red smoke from within the bubble.
I….I…Di..Did it. It's over. Arashi sighed with relief.
But even as he thought this, he could feel the life slipping away from and him, and his body felt like it had no energy left, so he started to fall with Naruto in his arms from the top of Gamabunta's head. On the way down he thought about everything that he loved and cared about.
The village.
The people.
Kakashi and Rin.
And last of all Anko and Naruto.
Then everything went black.
Gamabunta seeing that his subordinate and his baby were about to make a crash landing stuck out his tongue and skillfully grabbed them both, he then placed them both gently on the ground.
'Arashi you have done well. I am thankful to have had you as my underling. The scar that I will have on my eye will forever remind me of the fabulous battle we had today.'
And with those final words he faded away from existence.
Soon after, the cries of a baby could be heard.
That baby was Uzumaki Naruto Container for the lord of all demons and only heir of Uzumaki Arashi the fourth Hokage of Konoha who now lay lifeless next to him.
Author's note: Whew! Well that was the first chapter, what a killer! Writing a battle scene was much harder than I thought it would be! But if you guys enjoy it I guess it's worth it. Next time I will put up a preview for the next chapter as well.
Till next time Later!