Sesshomaru brushed his hair to the side, sniffing a strong scent of coffee that floated from the kitchen. He had scattered documents all over the table and was adjusting them for his next court case. The living room was finely kept, the furniture were dusted, and the floor was nicely polished. The toast that he left in the toaster finally popped out, releasing a mouth watering fragerence that made his mouth water. It was really quiet, and that was the way he liked it. He got up and took the toast and slammed a pile off scambled eggs and a few bits of bacon.

He had been awake for the pass 2 nights trying to get whatever he could on the case that he was doing. It was something about a blacksmith, and some crazy guy that he said had tried to kill him numerous amounts of times. He looked to the small fireplace, which stood a small sword that stood in the mantle. It was a family heirloom that he took when his father finally passed away. The truth was that he never wanted to be a lawyer, more into the fantasy of a freelance writer, but his father cut him short when he tried to take a seperate path down his road.

So here he was, age 28 and a lawyer still deep in his prime. He sipped the coffee, and walked outside, and headed for the bar, it was still early, but he didn't really care. He had 2 more days to prepare for the case, there would still be time or probably more than enough to finish the assingment. He took another sip of the coffee, it was terribly bitter and he loaded a bunch of sugar into it, watching as the black texture turn brown.

The morning was still very chilly, but living in Tokyo, there were still numbers of places that he could venture to for a drink. He felt theerge for a Martinee, and he looked around to the bright colored lights that somehow sparkled in the bright morning sky.

"Sesshomaru, is that you?" The voice was familiar, and he couldn't help but look back.

"Oh its you..."

"You could at least still say how you are doing little brother..." His clothing were shaggy red and seemed as if they hadn't been cleaned in a long period of time.

"I would but it seems that I don't have the time..." He looked back up at the bar,"how about a drink on me Inuyasha?"

"Uh sure..."His black hair was long, and he hadn't cut it in ages.

"Lets go..." The unlikely pair walked inside, with much tension in the air, and they took a seat near the bartender.

"So how is your wife doing?"

"Just call her Kagome..."

"Well how are the both of you doing?"

"We're barely making it by, especially with our first baby boy He's about 3 months old... Why didn't you make the baptism? I found your number, but when I tried to call again, it said that.. that you had changed numbers..."

"I was busy," Sesshomaru took a swig at a bottle of wine, feeling the after taste perk him up.

"Cmon at least call us..."

"I won't call you and that whore..."

"Hey don't call her that! Its not my fault you-"

"Thats in the past... Enjoy your beer..." Sesshomaru left the bar quickly, and had planned to stay longer, but Inuyahsa left a horrble pain in his mind.

"Merry Christmas..."

"Screw you Inuyasha... Its not even that Christmas yet. Your two weeks off."

"But I know that I might not ever see you by then to tell you. At least come over to our place for Christmas... With your familly.. Its next Saturday. I can't call you because I don' have your number..."

"Our first meeting since I left for college.(Sigh) Take this..." He threw down a bunch of folded bills from his pocket and tossed it to Inuyasha. There was about 200,000 yen that he had planned to give him over the years, but the events before, made him cut off all relations. He had thought that one day he would find him, and he could give him this last token... "Have a great life with the wench."

"Sesshomaru..." He left quickly in the crowd, he knew that Inuyasha would try to follow him, but he lost him in the maze of people, andvanished into the nearest bar, starting up his morning, putting Inuyasha to the back of his mind, after getting lost into 5 drinks.