Gabriella isn't like the other girls, and I guess that is what makes her special. She has this spark, a light about her that draws me closer and makes me want to be near her always. Her laugh is like music, a clear and prominent melody that brightens my every day. And when she smiles . . . it makes me want to smile not matter what kind of mood I'm in. Actually, I'm smiling now just thinking about it.

The glint in her eyes shows her passion as she speaks. When she talks, it's like she's giving a gift, and I never want it to stop. She shows the most soul and drive I've ever seen from a single person. With her, I feel safe, and I want to protect her from ever being hurt. She has a fragile heart, a giving mind, and a free spirit, a spirit that gives her a contagious personality.

Her wavy brown hair shines with luster and reflects her personality with ease. When she enters the room, my eyes are drawn to her. She strides into my heart with goddess-like pale skin and rosy pink cheeks. With every graceful turn of her head or flick of a wrist, my heart melts.

Touching her hand feels magnetic, like the entire world is at our fingertips. If I could, I would give her anything. I'd fish the stars out of heaven, shot the moon out of the sky, and place it all in the palm of her hand. God must have made Gabriella on the best day of his life. She is the most gorgeous artwork that has ever existed.

When we kiss, unspoken words cross her perfect lips. I like to hug her as much as possible. The feel of my arms around the curve of her body is gentle. We're a perfect fit. She smells like the cool summer rain, a scent that adds to her mystic, magical glow.

Gabriella Montez loves me. She told me. And when she speaks those three pure words, my heart beats faster, and I can barely speak. When I repeat the same, her reaction is breath taking. She smiles her inviting smile, and her angelic laugh rings in my ears. As long as Gabriella is happy . . . I am happy.

The picture and mental description that runs through my mind will never match the real beauty she possesses. Words cannot describe her, they aren't good enough. I'm not good enough, and yet she looks passed my flaws and loves me unconditionally. My whole heart will always belong to her, I think about this as I watch her. She runs and jumps through flowers and long grass, with the sun caressing her in delicate warmth and light. As she runs, I follow, looking up at the clear blue sky, milky soft clouds, and the bright sun that shines purely for Gabriella Montez.

And I am serene.