AnimeAddict99- Okay, this is the first thing I've ever written for the Naruto category! Yay! Anyway, this poem is basically about Sakura waiting for Sasuke's return, and then finding out that he has died.

I'm not a huge SakuSasu fan, but hey, I have no problem with it...I think it's a cute couple. But...ItaSaku kicks butt.

Rated: PG (K plus)
Hints of SakuSasu


She Still Needs Him

Pink, bubblegum hair is filled with dirt and ash.
It's once flowing, full of life, feature has disintegrated,
leaving a flat cardboard lining.
Exuberant emerald eyes are dimmed,
A hopeless gaze wandering off into some far off land of what could have been.
Well kempt hygiene has flown away, leaving pale skin, as well as cuts and bruises.
The striking azure dress, replaced by a dull cloak that shades and covers reality.

She still needs him.

Emotions raging left and right.
Love is hate, rage is compassion.
Mixed feelings emerge,
Happiness is clouded,
stormy rain showers of despondency are formed.
Hope for his returning is gone,
a wavering girl its result.
Need of being in his affectionate embrace remain.
Want of his warm whispers of compliments and confessions still linger.
She knows he might never fully return her love…that he will never come back to her side.

Yet, she still needs him.

She is drifting apart, a hollow shell in her place.
A hermit to everyone but his ghost.
Wrapped up in his touch,
His presence giving her chills.
Turning her head, he is not there.
Far off, he remains, for reasons she denies.
The wind wisps past her skin,
Goosebumps rising as others admit their love to her.
But her ears were severed years ago…they only long for his voice.

She still needs him.

Still, she wanders the lonely path,
Leaving her mark in each friend, each family member.
Cherry lips that have ceased smiling are planted across her face.
Small, fragile hands clasp one another in a mannerly form.
Sentiments of togetherness slowly wish to fade from her mind.
She will not let them.

She still needs him.

Rumors of his death fill the gospel air.
Her world, first wobbling, has now spun out of control.
Liquid tears fill her jade eyes, a journey now ended.
She lingers by his empty grave- for his where-abouts are unknown.
Worst fears confirmed, she weeps.

She still needs him.

Years pass by, another love by her side.
They connect, a spark that is rare.
Their hands fit in each other's like small puzzle pieces.
Every night she goes to sleep,
He lies by her side.

However, her eyes still do not shine,
Her hair not as flamboyant,
Her clothes not as joyful,
Her emotions not as open,
Her embrace not as passionate,
And her voice not as cheerful.

Because somewhere in the back of her mind,
She knows still needs him.


AnimeAddict99- Hope you've enjoyed it! Tell me what you think. Please review!