Charmed My Way

A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated in a couple of months! Now thanks to those who reviewed: Thanks! Glad to know you're giddy over my story. lol

PiperandLeoFan101: Thanks!

babiexox: Thanks!

de-anneisapurplemonkey: Thanks!

leoandpiperluva: Thanks!

Alyssa Warren: Thanks! You're right, school is an evil conspiracy. lol

heather1021: Thanks!

Ellie: Hey Ellie, thanks! Bite shoulder and twitch! lol. I know what you mean. ROTFL : )

A/N: wow, 8 reviews cool. Now on with the story…

Chapter Six

Piper slowly opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times to get used to the light. She sat up and looked around, her eyes fixed on one thing. Leo's bare chest. It was uncovered by the duvet and was rising and falling rhythmically. Piper lifted the duvet, got out of her bed and headed for the bathroom. It was a Saturday, so she didn't have to worry about waking Prue or Phoebe. After she had brushed her teeth and everything, she walked back to her room. When she got back in it and closed the door, she saw Leo was sitting up and stretching.

"Morning." She smiled as she sat on her bed.

"Mornin' " He said back.

"Sleep well?" She then asked.

"Yeah, surprisingly it's not that bad on the floor." He said and then smiled as Piper patted the side of her bed.

"Do you wanna sit up here instead of down there?" She wondered.

"Thanks." He answered as he got up and sat on her bed. They looked into each other's eyes and Leo scooted closer. They closed the gap between each other and Leo gave Piper a soft, tender kiss. They were still kissing when someone knocked on the door. Leo pulled away so Piper could answer.

"Come in." The door opened and Phoebe walked in.

"Hey, I didn't know you had company," Phoebe started, "But I was wondering if you know where Prue is."

"Um, yeah. She's next door with Andy."

"Thanks." Phoebe said, she then she turned around and walked out of the room closing the door behind her.

"I better get breakfast started." Piper said as she started to get up, but Leo pulled her back down onto the bed. "Hey!"

"Come on, stay a little longer." He said wolfishly.

"No, I got to get breakfast on." She tried to get off the bed and this time he let her. Piper grabbed her jeans and her top off the chair and headed for the bathroom to get dressed.

When she walked back into her room, she saw Leo on the sleeping bag, fully dressed, putting something back into his bag.

"You ready?" She asked as she put her pj's away.

"Yeah." Leo answered as he got up. He walked over to her and took her hand, and then they both walked out of the room and headed downstairs for breakfast.

When they got downstairs, they found Phoebe eating toast at the table in the kitchen.

"Do you guys want pancakes for breakfast?" Asked Piper as she let go of Leo's hand and walked over to the fridge.

"Yeah!" Answered Phoebe and Leo in unison.

"Hey Pipe, are Prue and Andy coming over for breakfast?" Phoebe asked after a couple of minutes.

"I don't know," Piper replied after a second, "Why don't you ask them." At that point, both Phoebe and Leo turned around and looked behind them and saw Prue and Andy standing there, holding hands.

"Morning." Piper, Phoebe and Leo said.

"Morning." Andy and Prue replied.

"What's for breakfast?" Asked Prue as she and Andy walked over to the table and sat down.

"Pancakes." Replied Piper as she finished making the pancake mixture. She then started making them.

Once everyone had had one, Piper started on the second batch. Just as it was being made, Phoebe asked it she could try and flip it. Piper paused then nodded slowly. She handed the frying pan to Phoebe, walked over to Leo, who had sat down, and sat on his lap.

"Ready?" Asked Phoebe. The others shared a look and then nodded. Phoebe flipped the pancake and then waited for it to come down. Only it didn't. All 5 of them looked at the ceiling above where Phoebe was standing a saw the pancake stuck to it.

"Oops!" Phoebe said as she looked back at the others. Then started laughing. Soon all the girls were laughing and Leo and Andy were looking at them, trying to get what was so funny. Piper patted Leo's shoulder.

"Don't worry, it's sister stuff." She said before laughing again. Andy and Leo just looked at the laughing girls and then at each other. Then their attention was turned to the pancake, which was rapidly becoming unstuck. Andy opened his mouth to warn Phoebe about it, but it was too late. The pancake dropped from the ceiling and landed straight on Phoebe's head. Andy and Leo both started laughing at that. Phoebe just looked at them before lobbing a piece of it at both Leo and Andy's heads. Leo got hit in the middle of his forehead but Andy ducked just in time and the piece of pancake hit Prue instead.

"Oops." Phoebe smiled slightly. Prue turned around slowly and faced Phoebe. At the same time, Leo wiped the pancake off of his forehead and noticed Piper was laughing, but trying hard not to, on his lap.

"You like that was funny?" He asked her. Piper nodded.

"I'll give you something to really laugh about." He said as he started tickling her. Piper broke out into fits of squeals and giggles. Andy looked at them and shook his head. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Prue chasing Phoebe, trying to get her back about the pancake. He just sat in his chair and laughed at the other four.

A couple of minutes later, Prue had finally caught Phoebe and they'd both fallen to the floor from laughing so much. Leo and Piper were leaning on each other; she was trying to get her breath back. Andy was standing up, cleaning away the plates. Once he put the plates in the sink, there was a knock at the door. He answered the door and it was Leo's mum.

"Hey Andy, is Leo still here?" She wondered.

"Yeah, he's in the kitchen, I'll send him next door once he's got everything." He answered.

"Ok, thanks." She said before turning and walking back next door. Andy closed the door and walked back to the kitchen. He found Piper and Leo standing up and helping Prue and Phoebe up off the floor.

"Hey Leo, that was your mum at the door, she wants you back home." Andy said, putting his arms around the now standing Prue.

"Sure." He answered and turned to Piper. "Help me get my stuff?" He asked her. She nodded and they both walked out the kitchen and up the stairs.

"You two alright?" Andy asked Phoebe and Prue.

"Yeah." They both answered.

"Come on, we better clean up in here." Prue said.

About 5 minutes later, both Piper and Leo walked into the kitchen. He had his bag in one hand and Piper's hand in the other.

"I'll see you guys later." Leo said as he and Piper headed for the door. When they got there, Piper opened the door and Leo stepped out.

"Hey, do you wanna go on our first date tonight?" Leo asked after a beat.


"Cool, I'll pick you up at 7?"

"Sure. See you later then." She said as she lent in. The kiss only lasted a couple of seconds because Andy came out of the kitchen and walked up to the door, so they broke it.

"Hey, I think I'll go home with you." Andy said as he walked out the door. "See ya Piper." He said over his shoulder.

"Bye Andy." She turned back to Leo. "I'll see you tonight."

"Yeah." He leaned in and kissed her and then followed Andy. Piper closed the door and wondered over to the living room, where her sisters were sitting.

"What do you guys what to do today?" Asked Prue. Piper noticed Phoebe smiling which usually meant shopping, so Piper spoke up.

"How bout we go shopping, I need something to wear tonight anyway."

"Ooh, Piper's got a date." Smiled Phoebe. Piper's cheeks started turning slightly red. "We definitely need to go shopping for that." She added.

"Alright," Agreed Prue, "Can you guys be ready to leave in 5 minutes?" She asked them. Both Phoebe and Piper nodded.

"Well go then." Prue said looking at them. They quickly scrambled off of the sofa and up the stairs. Prue followed them with her eyes, laughing the whole time. After a moment, she too got up to get ready.

5 minutes later, all three of them were walking out of the house and towards Prue's car. Prue and Piper got into the front seats and Phoebe hopped into the backseat. As they started driving towards town, Prue turned on the CD player. An upbeat pop song came on and Prue turned it up. All three girls were singing and by the chorus, they couldn't sing because they were laughing so much. When they finally reached the mall, they'd calmed down a bit but were still a little giggly.

As they walked through the swinging doors of the mall, a guy walked past and Phoebe gave him a flirtatious smile. Piper whacked Phoebe's arm slightly.

"You have Cole, remember?" She said.

"I was only smiling," Phoebe said, rubbing her arm, "Plus, Cole is SO much cuter." They all started laughing. They rounded the corner and wondered around all the dress shops.

Prue tried on a couple of dresses but only bought one, Piper tried on a few and then settled for one and bought it, but Phoebe tried on what looked like hundreds of dresses. While she was looking at herself in the mirror, Piper walked up behind her.

"You don't actually have anywhere to go in that, you know." Piper said as she gestured to the dress Phoebe, "And, Prue will never let you out in it." Phoebe nodded and agreed. "It looks good though." Piper added.

After their tiring shopping trip the girls sat outside of Costa, each drinking a hot chocolate. Then Prue noticed Piper had another bag.

"Hey Pipe, what's in the bag? I didn't notice you bought something else." She pointed out.

"Well, I didn't really buy it for me," Piper said as she picked up the bag. " I bought it for Phoebe." She handed the bag to her sister. Phoebe took the bag, opened it and gasped. She looked at Piper, then Prue and then back to the bag.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" Phoebe squealed as she wrapped her arms around her sister's neck.

"Your welcome Phoebe, but I need to breathe." Said Piper half jokingly, half seriously.

"Oh right, sorry." Phoebe said as she withdrew her arms from around Pipers neck and sat back down on her seat. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. Besides Prue and I both got something and I know you loved it."

After sitting around for a bit longer, all three got up and started heading home.

As soon as they walked in to the house, they all collapsed onto the sofa.

"Is anyone else tired?" Asked Phoebe, trying to stop herself from yawning.

"Me too." Piper and Prue agreed. Within minutes they were all sleeping peacefully.

A couple of hours later, Piper started stirring. She opened her eyes and had to blink a couple of times. She looked down at her watch and gasped when she realized what time it was. She only had an hour and a half before her date with Leo. She quickly got up and woke both Phoebe and Prue as well.

"Right, you go have a shower and Phoebe and I will get your make-up and stuff ready." Prue said as they all walked up the stairs.

About 10 minutes later, Piper walked into her bedroom with a towel round her. Within moments she was dry and Prue was doing her hair and Phoebe was doing her make-up. When they were done Piper was amazed at what she saw. She was just finishing putting her dress on when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Phoebe said as she bounced down the stairs. Piper started to get really nervous.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." Prue encouraged her. Piper gave her a smile as Phoebe called up the stairs. With a deep breath she walked out her room and towards the stairs.

Leo stood in the Halliwell hallway and waited for Piper. He twisted his already sweaty hand in each other. He was more nervous then anything in his life. He was looking at his feet and when her looked up, she was standing at the top of the stairs. His mouth dropped open as he looked at what he thought was the most beautiful girl ever. He hair was in curls and they loosely framed her face. Her dress was a knee length and black with a slit up the side. She was almost at the bottom when he realized his mouth was still hanging open, so he closed it.

She looked over at him from where she was on the steps. He was wearing a blue button down shirt and black trousers. She walked over to him.

"Ready?" He asked. She nodded.

"See you later." She said over her shoulder as she was leaving, to Phoebe and Prue.

They talked a little bit in the car but mostly they stayed quiet. When they got to the restaurant, Leo offered Piper his arm and they walked in arm-in-arm. They were shown to their table and ordered their drinks. Leo noticed how the light from the candle on their table made Piper look like she was glowing. The waiter came over again and they ordered their food. Moments later, the food arrived. They talked about school and family and other things. Once they both finished Leo looked at Piper.

"Would you like to dance?" He asked offering her his hand

"Yes." She answered as she slipped her hand in his. They walked over to the dance floor just as a new song started.

The real me is a southern girl
With her Levi's on and an open heart
Wish I could save the world
Like I was supergirl
The real me used to laugh all night
Lying on the grass just talkin' 'bout love
But lately I've been jaded
Life got so complicated

Piper sighed as she and Leo danced. "This is the best night of my life." She thought to herself with a smile.

I start thinkin' about it,
Almost forgot what it was like,
To know when it feels right

But with you
I can let my hair down
I can say anything crazy
And know you'll catch me, right before I hit the ground
With nothing but a t-shirt on
I never felt so beautiful
Baby, as I do now
Now that I'm with you
(With you, With you, With you oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Now that I'm with you)

Leo smiled. He'd probably never felt this nervous and excited at once. And he loved it.

You speak and it's like a song
And just like that all my walls come down
It's like a private joke, just meant for us to know
I relate to you naturally
Everybody else just fades away
Sometimes it's hard to breathe
Just knowing you found me

'Cuz I start thinkin' about it,
I almost forgot what it was like
To know when love feels right
'Cuz with you
I can let my hair down
I can say anything crazy
I know you'll catch me, right before I hit the ground
With nothing but a t-shirt on
I never felt so beautiful
Baby as I do now
Now that I'm with you
(With you, with you, oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh with you)

Come and take me
Love you, save me
Like nobody else
Now I can be myself

With you

I can let my hair down
I can say anything crazy
I know you'll catch me, right before I hit the ground
With nothing but a t-shirt on
I never felt so beautiful
Baby as I do now
Now that I'm with you

I can let my hair down
I can say anything crazy
I know you'll catch me, right before I hit the ground
With nothing but a t-shirt on
I never felt so beautiful
Baby as I do now
Now that I'm with you

The song finish and they just stood there, looking in to each other's eyes. She was lost in the sea of his greeny-blue eyes and he was lost in the web of her brown eyes. Finally they both looked away and Piper tried to hide her blush. They both went back to the table and ordered dessert. They shared an ice-cream dessert. After they finished, Leo paid the check and they left. In the car on the way back, Leo held Piper's hand.

When they got back to the Manor, Leo walked Piper to the door.

"I had a great time tonight." She smiled.

"Me too."

"Well, goodnight."

"Goodnight Piper." Neither of them moved. Piper could feel herself moving closer to Leo. Soon they were kissing passionately. When they finished, they said goodnight again and Leo wait for Piper to enter the Manor before he made his way next door.

Inside the Manor, as soon as Piper closed the door, Phoebe and Prue raced down the stairs.

"So how did it go?" Phoebe asked her.

"Well…." She began.

A/N: So how was it? I'm sorry it took so long to update, I've been busy and had major writer block. The song was 'With You' by Jessica Simpson. Plz r&r. thanks