Charmed My Way

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Charmed characters or the Savage Garden song Affirmation

A/N: This is my first ever fanfic. So enjoy.

Summary: Piper is a geek who gets picked on. This all changes when a certain good-looking boy starts at her school.

Piper: 15 years old, has straight brown hair, which is always in a ponytail, not very popular and is quite shy.

Leo: 15 years old, has short, spiky dirty blonde hair and good looking and new at the school.

Prue: 17 years old, has jet black, always in a different style hair, very popular and head of the cheerleading squad.

Phoebe: 13 years old, has shortish brown hair, quite popular, quite a tomboy and likes playing jokes on people.

Andy: 17 years old, has short brown hair, captain of the footy team and Prue's boyfriend.

Cole: 13 years old, has short brown hair, quite popular and Phoebe's best friend.


Piper jolted awake at the sound of her alarm clock. She leaned over to turn it off, and as she did, she noticed the time. It was 5 o'clock in the morning! Piper almost screamed, she didn't need to be up for another hour and a half to two hours. As Piper laid back on her bed she realised something, there could only be one person who would do that to her alarm clock, Phoebe.

"Note to self: Kill little miss Phoebe later on" muttered Piper as her head hit the pillow. Within two minutes, she was back to sleep.


Piper reached over and pushed the button on the clock to off. She kept her eyes closed because she had a feeling that if she did open them she would be blinded by the sun. After about 5 minutes, Piper opened her eyes and got up. She wandered over to her wardrobe and started deciding on what to wear. In the end, she picked a black top and a pair of blue jeans. Piper put them on the end of the bed, then walked over to the door and opened it so she could go and wake her sisters.

Piper walked to the left of her room and knock on the door. When no answer came, she lightly pushed the door open. She walked over to the bed and started shaking her sister lightly.

"Prue. Prue it's time to get up." Piper said. As soon as she said it, Prue eyes popped open and she leant forward and rubbed her eyes

"Thanks for the wake up call, Pipe."

"Anytime." Piper answered, already getting up to wake up her other sister.

Piper walked across the landing to the door there and knocked. She soon heard a mumble from inside and walked in to the room.

"Hey Pheebs, it's time to get up." Piper said from the door.

"I'm up." Phoebe answered as she swung her legs out of bed..

Piper walked back to her own room and went straight to her CD player. She skipped to song 3, hit pause so it was ready for when she had finished her shower.

She had a quick shower and when she was dry, she hit play on the CD player and one of her favourite songs started playing as she started getting dressed. The song was Affirmation by Savage Garden.

I believe the sun should never set upon an argument

I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands

I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you

I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do

I believe that beauty magazines promote low self-esteem

I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love 'til you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye. . . .

She loved that song, and she believed most of the things in it as well. Piper looked at herself in the mirror. "Why can't I be more like Prue?" she wondered out loud. She stopped her music and left her room and almost walked into Prue.

"Hey Pipes, is Pheebs up?" Prue asked heading down the stairs.

"Yeah she is, I'll see if she's dressed yet."

Just as Piper was about to knock, the door opened and out came Phoebe.

"Hey, I just came to see if you were ready." Piper said as they headed downstairs.

In the kitchen, Piper looked at her sisters. Prue was wearing black hipsters and a red tank top and Phoebe was wearing her combats and a black top with a picture of a cartoon devil on it. Piper shook her head, she so wished she could be more like them. As they all sat at the table, Piper looked out the window and d saw someone she really didn't want to see. Missy. Missy was Piper's worst enemy. Missy was the reason Piper always got picked on, she found it funny to completely humiliate Piper on a daily basis. Missy was the reason Piper wanted to be more liked her sisters so she could stand up for herself. Piper didn't have the power to get Missy to stop it so Piper just tried to stay out of Missy's way.

"You two ready for school?" Prue asked and Piper realised everyone had finished breakfast.

"Yeah." Phoebe and Piper said together. They all got up and got their stuff.

Just as they were leaving, Piper said, " Oh and Pheebs, thanks for the alarm clock."

Phoebe just smiled and said, "Anytime." And with that they left the Manor and walked over to Prue's car.

The conversation was kept to a minimum in the car because Phoebe was listing to her ipod, Prue was concentrating on the road and Piper was daydreaming.

Piper broke out of her daydream just as Prue pulled into the car park. When the car was parked they all hopped out and walked into school. Piper walked to her locker. While she was opening it, someone come past and knocked all her stuff on the floor. Piper looked up to see little Miss Blonde Bimbo herself.

"What do you want Missy?" Piper asked in a tired voice.

"Your stuff was in my way, so I moved it." Missy said like it was obvious.

And with that Missy walked away leaving Piper with the mess. She bent down to pick it up thinking, "I think I'm not going to like this year!" She'd already picked up some of it, and then looking down, she noticed someone was helping her. She looked up and was looking into the nicest eyes she had ever seen. They were green – blue and were looking into her own brown ones.

"I thought you could use a hand," he said putting the stuff into her locker.

When they finished, his stuck out his hand.

"I'm Leo by the way, Leo Wyatt." he flashed a million dollar smile at her.

"Uh, I'm P..Piper, Piper Halliwell" she stuttered a little.

"Well Piper Halliwell, I'll see you around." He flashed her another smile and turned around to go to his class. Piper turned back to her locker and closed it. "Maybe this year won't be as bad as I thought." She wondered smiling.