My first attempt at yummi… dunno if its ok.. T.T

Title: Why

Series: Tennis no Oujisama

Pairing: yummi

Summary: Mizuki is angsting not a real word over things.

Disclaimer: I do not own PoT..

I feel miserable.

I know that I lost more than just a game today. I know that I already lost him. Seeing the disbelief reflected in his eyes, etched on his face earlier was enough proof that he will never come to me, never trust me again.

And it hurts me greatly.

I just lost the most precious, most important person in my life.

And how? By my own stupidity. I brought this onto myself.

Now I refuse to meet with anyone, I know they will criticize me for what I've done. Or what I haven't. And I don't need any more mental beating. I already know what they will say.

I heard a knock on my door. I can't face anybody so I willed the person away.

He knocked again. Then spoke.

"Mizuki-san, please open the door for me."

It's him. The last person in the world who I thought would see me. He's outside my room, waiting for me.

I open up, afraid of seeing his angered expression, his condemning look. I was surprised to see the knitting of his eyebrows, the worry on his face.

"Mizuki-san, you've been locked up for at least four hours. It's past dinner, you should eat something."

"Why?" I asked. Yes, why?

Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to hate me, stay away from me? Why is it that I feel so weak under your gaze?

"I'm worried," he answers, stepping in my room. It's the first time he did that without my permission.

"Why?" I ask again, closing the door behind me and leaning back at it.

"Why are you still asking?"

"You shouldn't be here. You hate me don't you?"

"Why would I? "

"Because… because I hurt you, I lied to you"

"You did, didn't you?"

"So why?"

"Because it's you. Because," he touches my cheek, pushing stray tears away, "it will take more than pain and lies to make me hate you. More than that to make me stop loving you."

I blink. Have I heard him right?

"Don't stay quiet on me. I just told you I love you."

"Does this mean you don't hate me?" A stupid question, I know.

"What have we been discussing for the past ten minutes? I don't hate you."

I pulled him by his shirt and buried my face in his neck, holding him tight against me. He holds me back just as tight.

"I was so scared. I really thought you hated me. I thought I lost you. I... oh god… I didn't know what to do. You are so important to me." I confessed and I could feel the smile on his face.

We stayed like that for a few more minutes. I continue to bask in the newfound happiness that I have.

"So I'm forgiven?" I ask him, smiling.

"Yeah, but maybe I should punish you a bit. You deserve it anyway." He says, a glint of evil in his eyes. Have we switched roles now? Because I swear, I'm the one who always wears that look.
