A.N. I have these beautiful Zim fan comics that I've never shown to the public, and that's for the simple reason that. . . I'm too lazy to scan stuff. And they kinda suck. Yeah. . . but at this story is connected to those comics, and at the point when I started writing this, Zim and Tak had just agreed to be friends. . . so. . . yeah. This story is from Tak's point of view, and it sounds like it's gonna be dramatic and crap, but it's not super serious. So, I hope you all enjoy it. . .
Emotion Sickness
by Pinky Lillix
Chapter 1- Exposition
Where will you go from here?
What a stupid question.
So many times though, I've asked myself that. Or others have asked me.
And it doesn'y matter really. Not to those who've asked me anyway. They all went on with their lives.
And I went on with mine.
It doesn't matter whether my destination is clear or not. . . whether or not I know where I'm heading. . . so long as I keep moving.
Only now, I can't.
I'm stuck on Earth. Miserable, ugly little planet. . .
But I have no where to go. I'm stuck on Earth with my former enemy.
Zim. What a fool.
He's so slow sometimes, so warped, it drivews me crazy. Always going on about his hatred for Dib, or some new found paranoia, or his "mission". His mission, his mission is a lie, but I can't really tell him now, and he wouldn't believe me if I did.
I have to wait. For the first time in years, I have to wait, and be completely useless in the meantime. I've been moving nonstop for God knows how long, always with something to drive me, no matter how small.
And now, now, my only goal- to become an elite solider in the Irken military- is 20 years away. Until I can take the test.
And from now until then. . .
I stay put. Listen to Zim's screams. Which I'm getting used to. Endure Gir's outbursts, which never make any sense. Every so often, tweak Zim's base a bit, with or without his consent, just to keep myself busy.
I can build anything.
That is one thing I have absolute confidence in.
But now I find myself building only insignificant things; it's rather humiliating actually.
I used to build ships and weapons and now. . . I'm building miniature robot pigs for Gir, just to get him to leave me alone.
As the humans say,
"How the mighty have fallen."
What a stupid saying.
But it's true, somewhat.
Not that I was ever mighty, but I knew what I was doing.
It's so pathetic.
I've given up, without meaning to. Without recognizing it myself, but now, I realize I gave up awhile ago. A long time ago.
This is so stupid.
Okay, Zim's a fool, but we're friends. Of course, he just says we're allies whenever someone questions our relationship. And so now Dib thinks I'm also seeking this planet's demise, when in all honesty, I don't care.
And I'd rather not have Zim succeed in his "mission" because I really need a place to stay. . .
Okay, I'm not really stuck on Earth. I can leave anytime I want. My ship is in perfect condition, thanks to Dib. But where will I go? I can't go back to Irk. It would be humiliating.
I need to wait until I've really accomplished something.
Which, as I am constantly reminding myself, won't be for another 20 years.
20 years. . .
Compared to how far I've come, it's not that long, but on this planet, everything just seems slower.
I've only been here several months, but it feels as though it's been much longer.
But what can I do?
end of chapter 1. . .
A.N. part 2
Yeah, I know it's sooo eventful right now. Seriously, stuff'll happen by the next chapter.
To be a wonderful person, I'm gonna add the first sentence of the upcoming chapter at the end of each chapter. . . kay. . .? So. . .
"Watch out for that pole," Zim says.
Yes! The suspense must be killing you!