Disclaimer: I do not and WILL NEVER own Harry Potter. For goodness' sake, this drives me insane sometimes.
Chapter 1: A Continuation of our Characters in their Love Lives
Ron, Hermione, and Harry's class finally graduated. Harry decided to go search for Voldemort and defeat him later, when the Ministry was more competent.
Even when Harry had left the school, he still found time for Ginny. He just couldn't help it. As much as he didn't want to get her killed, he found ways around it. So it was okay. Not that Ginny had been willing to give him up either.
Another year passed, and Ginny graduated with her class.
Neville was depressed. Susan did not seem to be the right person for him. They were good friends—just not good as boyfriend and girlfriend. She wasn't extremely exciting; she was nice—he just didn't feel right about her.
Ginny pulled an Emma Woodhouse.
Just in case you are not aware, reader, Emma Woodhouse is the main character of Jane Austin's book, Emma (no kidding). Emma has a peculiar propensity to "make matches," as she puts it. In other words, she sets up who she thinks is right for each other and they end up married.
So Ginny set up someone a little more exciting for Neville—can you guess? Probably not.
Neville had come to Ginny for advice (not a good idea) looking upset. He told her everything, ending with, "Susan is just not that exciting!"
So Ginny thought and thought. And thought and thought and thought.
Who was exciting, and strange, a little crazy, but a good person?
It hit her within two minutes. How did I not think of this immediately? Luna Lovegood of course! God, I am stupid!
Luna Lovegood.
Ginny set them up (I won't bother you with the details; you'll get bored) and within a month, they were going out.
Luna was interesting. She seemed as though she was not making fun of her odd views on things when she told them in great earnest to Neville. She actually believed whatever rubbish she was saying.
"The victims of You-Know-Who have come back as ghosts, do you know?"
"Erm, no, I didn't, as a matter of fact."
"Well, anyway, they're uprising against their killer and first poisoned him with enough poison to kill an elephant. And he's not dead!"
"Really? I—"
"Oh yes. And when he woke up, they blasted him against a wall with his own wand!"
"How the heck did they get a hold of a wand?"
"And then they tied him up with chains and threw him into a frozen lake, and he came back?"
"Where on earth did you hear this?"
"People heard the ghosts and saw chains, and his face."
Luna made no sense sometimes. Her latest piece of news was the next addition to the Rotfang Conspiracy: The Salmonella Scene.
Through the Cruciatus Curse and tapeworms, some traitors inside the Ministry (including Aurors) were planning to bring down the Ministry's Defense Department by slowly poisoning each member.
Neville was fun to entertain. Luna loved the bewildered expressions on his face when she told him the latest news she'd heard. It's good to know you are entertaining people and making them aware of the world around them.
Hermione and Ron continued to date. Ron actually learned what not to do on a date, such as not wearing small maroon sweaters, or high-heeled cowboy boots—and definitely NOT applying every hair-care product known to humankind to his hair. Bad idea.
Hermione loved his "spirit" shall we say; Ron liked Hermione (mainly how she looked).
Draco thought of returning to the UK. Voldemort was in New York and was tailing him (though not doing a very good job of it, not surprising considering the fact that he was getting very, VERY old).
With Parvati and his mother, he formed a Portkey. Right into the Ministry of Magic…