If I lost you

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Seed but I do own grass seeds so maybe…

-Yes I do know that Cagalli and Kira are twins - If you don't like don't read.

-The following takes place after episode 51 in Gundam Seed.

The silence of space was all that was heard. The young man lay in his bed, drifting in and out of sleep. 2 figures, both dressed in pilot suits, huddled near the door, speaking in whispers. The first figure was clearly masculine, his broad shoulders filling out the tight fitting pilot suit. The second figure had a more petite, curved look about it.

The first figure silently exited the room, seemingly after the whispered conversation was over. The second figure walked slowly over to the bed, her features becoming visible in the dim light. Strands of golden hair hung loosely about her head, outlining her light complexion. The feminine face looked down into the fluttering eyelids of the young man in his bed. She touched his face gently.

"Kira…" Her pretty features became twisted with agony. "You always get hurt."

Kira's eyelids stopped moving, then opened. "Uhh…" He groaned. "Cagalli?"

He couldn't see the person clearly, like his vision had been blurred.


He was now fully awake, his coordinator reflexes jerking him to a sitting position – until he hit what seemed like a concrete wall. "Uhhhh…talk about ouch…"

He looked around him and saw Cagalli rubbing her pretty forehead.

"Owwww… Kira did you have to go and do that?"

Kira laughed softly, even though it hurt his ribs. "When they said you were hard-headed they weren't kidding"



Kira doubled over after Cagalli's famous punch hit him in the gut. The pain lingered for a moment then was cancelled out by Cagalli's soft arms hugging him. "Kira you idiot. If you ever almost die again I'll… I'll…" Her voice broke, the waves of overcoming emotion sweeping over her.

"Sorry…I wont do it again." He wanted to reach around her to return the hug but his arms were nearly immobile. "I promise."

Cagalli straightened up from her hugging posture.

Even when she is crying…She looks so beautiful.

"Jeez. What am I going to do with you?" She paused. "Anyway, I've got to go back to Athrun…Stay well ok?"

"Ok…" At the mention of Athrun, his face dimmed slightly.

Oh yeah, that's right… Those two had something after all.

He watched her exit the room, the tight pilot suit outlining her womanly curves.

Ah… What am I thinking? We already know that we are twins…

He let out a loud sigh. With his coordinator genes, he knew that he would be out of the hospital bed in a couple of hours.

He jerked up suddenly, sweat running through his clothes. He had bad dreams before, but this one was one of the worse. He stood up shakily after pulling the covers off his bed. The cool hum of the air-conditioning met him in the face, refreshing his memory of the things that had happened not so long ago.

"Kira. Don't die ok?"

"Kira! I thought you were dead you punk!"

He sighed. Memories of Cagalli before they found out they were twins.

She dreamt of weird things that night. She saw Kira drifting away in space. Lifeless. She opened her eyes abruptly. She did not want to dream that dream again. Kira was her only family now. Perhaps… She shook away the stray thought that had wandered into her brain.
Kira strolled along the empty hallway till he came to the enclosed deck. Even enclosed the deck still looked beautiful, outlined by the masses of stars that populated the universe. He sat down beside the doorway and gazed up at the stars.
Cagalli peeked through the doorway of the deck, and seeing no one there gave a small sigh. Even though this time was because of a bad dream, she usually came up here by herself during the night to see the tranquility of space before battles.

Kinda like the calm before the storm. Hehe, kinda like Kira before he goes out to battle. So quiet, yet when he goes out... Its hell.

She went to the railing and stared out at the stars. The stars didn't twinkle as much here as they did on earth, but the beauty still stunned her.

"You can see a whole new galaxy from where I am."

Cagalli turned around, shocked.


The shock was replaced by puzzlement. "I thought…I thought you were still in the hospital bed." Puzzlement was replaced by worry. "Are you sure its alright for you to be out this late?"

Kira chuckled. "Yeah its ok, its ok."

"How are your injuries?" she asked, her worry fading slowly.

"Yeah…Even though I'm in bandages the wounds are starting to close up."

"That's good."

Not those ones you idiot. The ones inside of you.

"Yeah. You know, if you sit here you can see well. The view isn't as obstructed."

Cagalli sat down beside Kira. And sat motionless for a while.

"It's beautiful right?"

Cagalli looked at Kira. She knew all about his emotional problems. It was as if she could feel his pain. "Yeah, I come up here every time I have a bad dream."

And this one was of you, you idiot. If you would stop 'dying' so often I wouldn't be plagued by these nightmares.

"Oh." Silence cut the air. "We must be sort of the same then. I came up here 'cause I had a not-so-nice dream as well."

Cagalli giggled. Kira looked down on her golden head, puzzled at why she was laughing. She stopped, let out a sigh, and then rested her head against his shoulder.

"You know," Cagalli said after a while. "I feel ok - now that you're here."

Kira blushed. "Wa…Hey… I should be the one saying that."

She lifted her head from her resting position on his shoulder.

"What's the puzzled look for?" Kira asked. "I think you should know by now. I mean you've always comforted me."

"Have I?"

Kira stopped, slightly shocked. "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is…" She glared at him behind her golden brown eyes. "What I mean is, every time I come to you, do I always comfort you?"

"Well… Yeah, sure…" Kira scratched his head, looking puzzled.

Actually no. There was that one time when you showed me that picture. I mean, that wasn't comforting! Ah, what am I thinking? I should be happy. I have 'real' family now.

"Hmm…", was all that came out of her lips. Her head fell against his shoulder again.

Kira, you idiot. Stop hiding all this hurt. Let me take some of it.

After sitting in silence for quite some time Kira spoke.

"Hey Caga – Wahhhh! Look at that!"

"Huh? Where? Where?" Cagalli sat up straight.

"Right there – can you see that shooting star?"


"What? Hmm..., I can see it perfectly."

"Er…I still can't see it, Kira." Cagalli said while scanning the space around her. She turned, her back facing Kira. Suddenly strong hands tightened around her slim waist. She felt herself being lifted, ever so gently, moved back a little, and then put down again. She twisted her neck and looked at Kira, who was now directly behind her. He had lifted her into the space between his outstretched legs so that she was sitting between his knees.

Reddining slightly she asked, "Ki-Kira why did…?"

His hands gently guided her face away and up. He pulled her shoulders, so that her back was now against his chest. "Shh… Look." Kira pointed skyward. She lifted her head, and saw the amazing sight that Kira had been looking at. A portion of the sky had been illuminated by a group of comets. Normally on earth, all you could see was a white streak – but here in space comets could be seen as beautiful objects of the universe. Both sat in silence as the comets passed away from their view.

"Ah… That was beautiful" Cagalli sighed.

"Yeah. You... – I mean it was really beautiful." Kira looked away, obviously flustered.

Dammit, I almost gave myself away. Which wouldn't have been so bad a while ago. Now...

Cagalli twisted around until she was facing him, still enclosed by his outstretched legs. She stared at him solemly, until Kira's blush deepened. Then turned around again. She leaned back into his chest, quietly listening to his heartbeat resonating with her own.

His heartbeat is fast. But then again…So is mine. I wonder...this is kind of wierd sitting like this. Hmm... But… it's so comfortable, being surrounded by him.

She blushed suddenly, in spite of herself. Kira felt surprise at the ease at which she just sat there, and the reassuring aura that she was giving off. His hands lifted slowly from his sides but then stopped.

What am I thinking? She is after all… My…And what was I thinking before? Touching her like that.

His mind floated back a few minutes to where he had looked at her figure from behind. Her – a perfect feminine figure silhouetted against the dim light. Him - not resisting the urge, and holding her waist to place her in front of him.

His mind snapped back to reality as he clenched his fists and put them to his side.

"Hey Kira…"

"Um… Yeah?"

"I know those comets weren't shooting stars… But I still wished on them." She chuckled. "Do you know what I wished for?"

"Um… Nope."

"I wished that Flay didn't die. And since there was a group of them, I also wished that everyone could be happy."


Cagalli turned around with an angry expression.

Why doesn't he care? I mean, he loved Flay right? That idiot.

She saw Kira smiling, but tears were flowing down his face. "Oh… sorry. I didn't know you were crying."

"Its fine. Really."

Why do I always cry around you…Jeez…

Cagalli turned around, her back facing Kira once more – but not leaning back into him as before. She was worried about her little brother. At the thought of the words 'little brother' her face dropped slightly.

"Jeez Kira, you could tell me your problems, you know." She exhaled loudly. "I guess I better go get some rest. I mean tomorrow… We're going to enter Earth. And at Earth I'm gonna have a lot of business to take care of." She started to get up.

Suddenly two arms enveloped her, one circling around her slender waist, and the other across her shoulders. As she gaped in surprise, she found herself being pulled back into his embrace. She tensed, then relaxed. As her the back of her neck was nearing Kira, he put his head forward so that it was resting on her shoulder.

"Kira… What are you -?"

Kira turned his head slightly to look at Cagalli, tears still streaming down his face. "Just…" He choked, overcome by emotion. "Just stay for a little while ok? Flay…"

Cagalli smiled softly. "Shh…Of course I will."

Oh yeah, I mentioned Flay…He must be still be feeling sore from what happened. Losing her like that.

She lifted both her hands to grip his hand across her shoulders.

If I lost you…

His hand across her waist hadn't moved, but for some reason she felt comfortable with that position.

It feels oddly… natural. Why…

His chin came off her shoulder, and his arm across her shoulders gently extracted itself from her finger's grip. She tensed suddenly, feeling a slight insecurity. His hand traveled ever-so-slowly down the side of her thinly clothed body, sending the nerves of her skin into frenzy, giving off a small shivering sensation. Then the gentle caress was over as quickly as it started and she felt it joining the other arm at her waist. He was now holding her tightly, as if afraid she would somehow float away. She waited breathlessly for any other movements but felt none. He was just content with holding her. She leaned further back into his embrace, rested the back of her head against his chest, and slept peacefully.

Kira looked down at the sleeping form.

This is hurting me too much. I wonder if you even care. Well, I think you DID but now…And look at you. So comfortable. Not even caring whether our bodies should be so close together. You probably didn't notice my heartbeat racing up to a billion beats per minute when you rested your body against me. But I love this. The warmth of your body…It gives me life.

He sighed, then placed his chin atop of her head, and closed his eyes, his arms not moving from around her waist.

A/N: Thanks for reading, I'll update as soon as I can. Review if you like. Thanks thanks thanks XD