Chapter 2: Reunion time prt1

"Ok Hermione, breathe…breathe…" Hermione paced around her living room trying not to freak out before this blasted reunion.

"Hermione, calm down," Whined Ron as he rushed around frantically trying to find his left sock.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN! I cant calm down, this is such a bad idea. I cant do this…I wont" Hermione sat herself down on the couch, arms crossed over her chest. Ron came and kneeled in front of her; lifting her chin as he spoke.

"Hey. You can do this, you're the strongest person I know Hermione" A tear streaked down Hermione's face. She thought it over, she could do this. She would, Draco Malfoy or no Draco Malfoy.

"Where the hell is my damn tie?"

A frustrated Malfoy rummaged through his draws and closet looking for a particular tie he so desperately wanted to wear. Pansy who had been strapping her shoes together answered without even looking up.

"It in the third draw, next to your socks" she said flatly. She knew this was going to be a very bad idea going to the reunion, she could feel it.

"Are you sure Claire is going to be alright?" asked Malfoy as he walked into the bathroom.

"Yes dear, my mother said she will put her to bed early" Pansy got up and looked at herself in the mirror. She smirked to herself, wicked thoughts running through her mind.

Half an hour later Malfoy and Pansy stepped out of the mansion ready to apparate.

"Ready?' She asked him. Malfoy sighed.

"Ready as I'll ever be" and with a pop they were gone.

"Ready?" asked Ron, as they stepped out of the apartment.

"Ready as I'll ever be" said Hermione. And with a pop, they were gone.

The castle was as beautiful as the day Hermione first stepped through the doors. Lit with candles and twinkling fairy lights, it was something out a fairytale. The music could be heard as Hermione and Ron walked into the entrance hall. It seemed that nothing had been changed.

The great hall was a vision, floating lights and crystal balls floated in the air. The tables were silver and black and there was a dance floor and a stage for the band.

"HERMIONE!" Hermione whipped around and saw someone in a flowing red dress bustling towards her. It took a few moments to recognise her.

"Lavender! Omg! How are you? You look amazing" the two women quickly embraced. Tears filled Hermione's eyes. It felt as if it had been forever since she saw all these people again.

Two women spoke for a while. More people came up and spoke to Hermione and Ron asking how life had been treating them. Hermione would smile and nod, but secretly her eyes would be searching the hall.

About an hour later, Dumbledore took the stage.

"Greetings graduates. I am so delighted to have you all return to a place that is so full of distant, but strong memories. I'll have you note that the castle has been put exactly how it was when you left it two years ago…well, except for the great hall," small laughed broke in at this, "so please enjoy yourselves" with that, the chatter once again began.

"Draco Malfoy…how long it has been my friend?"

"Blaise" said Malfoy as he shook his hand "it has been too long. What have you been up to?"

As Blaise began to fill Malfoy in on inheriting his father's business, his eyes travelled around the hall.

"…so I think we should catch up more often"

"What? Oh yes, we should. Pansy?" Malfoy looked away again, searching the hall. Pansy who had been standing at Malfoy's side giving Blaise seductive glances spoke slowly

"Oh yes, we should defiantly catch up" Balise shot her a evil grin.

Malfoy turned back around.

"So, who else is here?"

Am hour later…

"I'm just going to check out my old heads dorm, ill be right back" Hermione giggled as she made her way to the heads dorm. When she got there, she was surprised to find it open already. Stepping inside she noted that Dumbledore had returned it exactly how it was when she last left this place.

Hermione stood in the middle of the room a wave of emotions took over her. She tried to bite back the tears as she stepped up into her room.

"Exactly the same" she whispered. She looked up and walked to the other side and through the bathroom door. She stood still, across form her stood Malfoy's door. His door. Slowly she approached it.

Hermione shakily grasped the handle and with a deep breath opened it and stepped inside. It still smelt like him. Was that possible?

Hermione slowly stepped towards his bed, slowly stretching out a shaking had, she ran her fingertips along the sheets.

"Just as beautiful as I remember" Hermione froze.