Love Thy Enemy


"Dammit, where are they?" Kurenai sighed as she went into the lounge. "Their parents are gonna kill me. Shibi isn't going to like this."

"Shibi isn't going to like what?" Kakashi popped into the room. "Hey Kurenai."

"Kakashi! Great timing!" She rubbed her hands together. "Finally I can get somewhere."

"What're you guys doing in here?" Asuma asked as he walked in.

"I could ask you the same question," Gai said. He looked at Kakashi. "So, we meet again eh, my mortal rival?"

Kakashi looked at Gai. "Oh, I didn't see you. What did you say?"

"GAH! Kakashi?"

"Can all of you shut up?" Kurenai shouted.

"Geez, what's your problem?" Asuma asked as he lit a cigarette.

"My students have been missing for two days!" The men looked at her. "I've looked everywhere but I can't find them! Shibi's getting' pissed cuz I 'lost his son'!"

"How in the world did you manage to lose your students?" Asuma asked.

"Shut up, this isn't funny. They've been hanging around a Nozomi girl for the past three months."

"Nozomi?" Gai repeated. "Isn't that the sacred clan or something? I thought that they don't leave their village."

"There was a terrible tragedy nine years ago in that village," Kakashi informed. "Two-thirds of the people were wiped out. No one knows what caused it."

"That's strange though," Asuma said, thinking aloud. "Why would a Nozomi clan member come to our village?"

"That's what I'd like to know," Kurenai said. "And I also wanna know if she ran off with my students! I've received nothing but complaints and threats from Shibi and the parents of Hinata and Kiba." A huge explosion shook the building. "What the hell was that!"

"What's going on!" Gai exclaimed. "Is an enemy here!"

The door swung open and Iruka fell into the room. "AGH!" He was bloody and bruised. "K-Kakashi! E-Everyone!"

"Iruka!" Kurenai shouted. She ran over to him and helped him up. "Iruka, who did this to you!"

"More importantly," Asuma began as another explosion shook the building, "what's happening!"

"Sh-Shibi!" Iruka panted. "Sh-Shibi!"

"What? You can't mean that Shibi is doing this!" Kakashi said.

"N-No!" Iruka stuttered. "Shibi's hurt! He's hurt badly! I-It was Keisuke! I tried to stop him, but he was too strong! Keisuke's out of control! He's attacking everyone in sight!"

"Keisuke?" Kurenai repeated. "Why would he attack Shibi? They're great friends, aren't they?"

"I-I don't know…" Iruka said. "Ack!" He coughed out blood.

"Iruka!" Kurenai walked him over to a chair. "You can't talk or move anymore. You need to rest!"

"Hey, something totally crazy is going on down below!" Asuma shouted. Ear piercing screams began to bellow through the building.

"Something's going on outside too!" Gai informed. "Kakashi, you and Kurenai go outside and see what's up. Asuma and I will take care of things here!"

"Right!" Kakashi and Kurenai said in unison. They jumped out of the window and headed for the heart of the village.

"Oh my God!"

"Look at that!"

"Where is that!"

"Is it the end of the world!"

Kurenai and Kakashi forced their way through the crowd. "Move it! Get out of our way!"

"Sensei!" Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke caught up with Kakashi. "Sensei, what's going on?" Sakura asked.

"I don't know," Kakashi responded, "but we're about to find out!" They pushed their way to the front of the crowd.

"Oh my God!" Kurenai said in shock. Sakura gasped.

"Whoa, what is that!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Something is seriously wrong," Sasuke said quietly.

Kakashi stared at the beam of blue light shooting up into the sky. "Th…That's in the direction of the Nozomi village!"

Kurenai looked at Kakashi. "What!"

"Kurenai, I…I think I know where your students are…" Everyone stared breathlessly at the blue light. "Something very, very bad is about to happen now. We're in for a whole series of events…"