Author's Note:

So…it's been awhile, hasn't it? I still receive the occasional review for this story and I'm very grateful for that. In fact, I cannot express how much I appreciate all the kind reviews I got for this story. You guys rock.

I left everyone at a terrible cliffhanger. It wasn't very nice of me and I'm sorry. I found at the time that I had written myself into a bit of a corner. Every time I went to write the next chapter I kept getting stuck at some bit or another, because something just felt off about it. I decided to lay it down for a while and see if I could resolve the conflict with the Muse. After a couple of months I still hadn't quite fixed it and I had some changes in my life that started to suck up most of my free time. That is the reason this fic has sat so long without an update.

I am still pretty busy right now, and as is the way of things, new stories have captured my attention. This fic will not remain unfinished. Someday I will start writing it again. It's just on hiatus at the moment.

Thank you all for your generous encouragement and critiques.