The cliffhanger ends nowww………

Yumi's POV

Just before William shot the gun I threw my arms around Ulrich, shielding him from the bullet, and taking the hit myself. Right after I heard the loud BANG from the gun, I felt a searing pain in my lower back.

The pain was unbearable. I dropped to ground landing in my own pool of blood. My vision began to blur and I could only see Ulrich leaning over me. His tears ran off of his face and landed on my own.

"I love you." I told him, mustering up all the strength I had to stay conscious.

"…you…too." He said between his sobs.

"It will be ok. I promise." I did my best to smile at him, however, I feared that I was wrong.

"You don't know that. Please don't leave me Yumi. I can't live without you." Tears were now pouring out of his eyes. I tried my best to stay conscious, however it was becoming hard.

Blackness began to consume me and just before I passed out I told him one last thing.

"I promise"

Ulrich's POV

Just as Yumi passed out I grabbed my cell phone and quickly dialed 911.


"Hi, my friend got shot and she needs to get to a hospital right away."

"Ok. Where are you?"

"I'm 30 minutes north of the beach. You will see a lot of smoke and a fire."

"Thank you we will be there as soon as we can."

I hung up my phone and looked up at William.

"You! This is all your fault!" Rage flowed through my body as if it was my blood. I wanted to kill William for what he did to Yumi. He got her pregnant, kidnaps her, and then shoots her!

"Or is it your fault? All you had to do was stay out of mine and Yumi's way." He smirked at me. Who does he think he is trying to blame this on me!

"You say you love her. Who rapes, kidnaps, and shoots the one they love. Tell me that!"

William looks down as if he is thinking then looks back up. He pointed his gun at me and prepared to shoot.

"I really don't like you Stern." He shook his head at me with the gun still pointed at me.

I smiled.

"What are you afraid to shoot?" I taunted him and could see the anger boil in his eyes.

"Say goodbye!!!!" He yelled through the air as he fired his gun.

Just when he fired it he was tackled by Odd who I already saw coming behind him. William's gun landed next to him and Odd lay on top of William pinning him to the hard ground.

Jeremy ran over to Odd in his aid with a large rock.

"Knock him out with it Jeremy." Yelled Odd. Jeremy nodded his head and slammed the rock against Williams head.

Just as planned Williams eyes closed and he passed out. A little bit of blood began to escape the newly gained wound.

I lifted up Yumi and ran her over to my friends.

"Oh my god what happened to her?" Asked a concerned Aelita.

"William tried to shoot me and Yumi jumped in the way and took the hit." I explained as tears started to escape my eyes once again.

Aelita walked up to me and gave me a hug. She started to cry as well

"It will be ok." She tried to comfort me, even though she needed it herself.

Jeremy, Odd, Aelita, and I all gathered around Yumi and awaited the arrival of the ambulance. Jeremy held Aelita as they both cried in concern for Yumi.

Jeremy leaned over and checked Yumi's pulse.

"She is still alive, but barely and probably from the loss of blood." Jeremy explained.

I grabbed Yumi's hand as I was told and began to hear the siren of the ambulance. Only a minute later it arrived and two paramedics came placed her in a stretcher. They then carried her into the ambulance and turned to look at us.

"Are you guys all coming in the ambulance with us?" One of the paramedics asked.

We all looked at each other before Odd responded.

"No just he will." He said while pointing at me. Then Odd turned at looked at all of us.

"Ulrich can go to Yumi to the hospital and we will go back to the hotel and tell Jim what has happened." Odd explained his plan.

"Ok, and don't forget make sure William goes to jail." I told them as I entered the ambulance and wiped away my tears.

"No problem. Good luck with Yumi." Odd smiled at me as water escaped his eye.

The paramedics closed the door and we rushed to the hospital.

"What happened?" One of the paramedics asked.

"She was shot by this guy." I told them as I grabbed Yumi's hand. I reached on her neck to check her pulse. It was extremely slow which made me grasp her hand tighter.

We arrived at the hospital and she was rushed into the emergency room. I was told to wait in the waiting room.

After a half of an hour, a doctor came in and told me how she was.

"I'm not sure if she will make it. She has a slim chance of living because of the amount of blood she has lost. We are giving her blood but we are not sure if it is enough." The doctor explained to me.

Tears swelled up in my eyes making my vision blurred. Then I remembered about her baby.

"She was raped and she got pregnant. Is the baby alive?" I asked.

"The baby is probably dead because the bullet hit her back right behind the baby and just because of the loss of blood. However, we will double check."

"Can I visit her?" I asked praying he would say yes.

"I'm sorry but not yet. I will tell you when you can." The doctor told me with sadness in his voice. I nodded showing I understood.

I walked back to my seat and sat down and began to wait patiently once more. Then I saw the principle, Odd, Jeremy, and Aelita walk through the door. They saw me and sat down next to me.

"How is she?" The principle asked me.

"She has a slim chance of living because of the loss of blood." My voice was breaking as tears slid down my cheek. I hastily wiped them off but only more appeared.

Odd, Aelita, and Jeremy also began to cry softly.

Aelita stood up and gave me a hug. Odd followed behind her and then Jeremy. We all hugged praying that Yumi would make it through this, and we all would make it through this.

After another half an hour of nail biting went by the doctor returned with tears in his eyes.

"Im really sorry, but she didn't make it." The doctor told us as his eyes watered.

"Y..You..Your kidding? R…Ri..Right?" I stammered as I spoke.

"I'm sorry but I'm serious."

We all looked at eachother and started to cry.

"C..Can I go see her?" I asked

"Yes" He nodded.

I walked in her room very slowly and broke down as I saw her lifeless body. I knelt down and laid my head across her stomach, crying uncontrollably. I grabbed her hand letting my warmth run through her body. I just laid there for a couple of minutes still having a hard time excepting the truth.

"I love you." I whispered in her ear. Then a gently kissed her lips and laid my head back on her chest. It was very quiet and still except for a thumping on my head.

'What is that thumping?' I asked to myself. I then looked over to the screen and saw that her heart started beating very slowly. She is alive! I yelled for the doctors as I made the discovery and they came rushing in.

"Her heart! She is alive! It's beating!" I said without taking a breath.

"Oh my god he is right!" I heard a doctor say. They immediately began to try and make her heart beat faster. They were using their hands to help her heart pump.

Her heart began beating faster and faster. After about 10 minutes of this her heart was beating normally again. I just stood there amazed. I had just witnessed a miracle. I went back to the waiting room to tell the others what had just happened. Aelita began crying in happiness, and Jeremy kissed Aelita on the lips and hugged her after that. Odd just looked at me amazed.

"Wow" He said. "She was dead and your love brought her back."

I grinned at him and went back to Yumi's room.

She was awake and walked over to her bed.

"So what did you do?" Yumi asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"The doctors said you must have done something to get my heart beating again." Yumi explained.

"Well, I cried, kissed you, and told you I loved you. And on top of all that you promised didn't you?" I grinned at her heat began to rise to my cheeks.

"I promised." She smiled back.

Aelita, Jeremy, and Odd all came in.

"We are so glad your ok." said Aelita. Odd and Jeremy nodded their head.

"We thought we had lost you." Odd said.

"Yeah, we thought you didn't make it." Jeremy agreed with Odd.

Then the doctor came in the room, interrupting their celebration.

"We know whether or not your baby made it."

Cliffhanger…but not as good as last ones.
