Disclaimer: I do not own any of the inuyasha characters

Chapter 1

The Run

She ran as fast as she could, but she could not out run the beast of terror behind her. The bushes, trees, she ran past scraped her smooth soft skin, it tower her school uniform as well, but she did not even flinch as warm cerium blood rolled down from her cuts and scratches, primarily because of fear. She didn't dare to look back for the fear of him right behind her. He was so close, so near, she could feel it even though she couldn't see him.


He could smell her fear even though he was miles away, it was so strong it consumed all his senses and that was all he needed for an encouragement.


'drip' 'drip' 'drip' 'drip'

She was tired from running very tired her cuts may be small but there were so many of them she was losing blood fast, she need to find away to make them stop bleeding. Her face was getting paler by the second.

' why wasn't he here to save her, she had called for him over and over again until her throat was sour from all the yelling , but she already know the answer to her own question…...


'He was with his dead lover of course, the walking corpse of the dead priestess. Well ok she hasn't seen them personally, but the sight of her soul collectors alone was enough.'

He aching body wasn't the only thing that was hurting her, her heart that have been into so many pieces over and over again was causing pain as well, but this kind of pain isn't going to heal with some herbs like her body.


Hi everyone I don't exactly know what happened but some how my story was deleted. Well any way I was like totally freaked and sad because I worked so hard on it and I got a lot of reviews for this story. Plus it being my first sess/kag story didn't exactly help either, then there was this kinda fight at school that involed one of my friends, so between school work, conflicts and this story I didn't really have time to do anything about it. So as you can see I kinda made my chapters a lot longer, so for those who were reading the story I believe I left off at chapter 9 I am really sorry everyone and I'll try to make it up to you all.

Gomenesai everyone.

Hope you enjoy and please review



Jennifer: hey everyone hope you enjoyed chapter one.

Kagome: yeah, oh and why dose Inuyasha has to be with Kikyou every time Jen! TT

Jennifer: nervously laugh umm………. Because this is a sess/kag story remember?

Think about it you get to be with Sesshomaru he way better looooking!

Inuyasha: Hey!

Jennifer: uoh! Umm……… gota run XD

Runs away

Inuyasha: Hey come back here you…

Cut off by Kagome: SIT!

Inuyasha kisses the ground

Inuyasha: What did you do that for you wench!

Kagome: shut up you &!#$$$

Jennifer: umm…. Thanx umm…yeah

Well here's Sesshomaru

Pushes Sesshomaru on the stage

Sesshomaru: What the hell do you think your doing I'm not even in the story right now!

Jennifer: yeah I know FLUFFY but hey you're on next chapter

Sesshomaru: Don't call me fluffy or you'll die a slow and painful death

Flex claws

Jennifer: ahhhh! But I have this

Takes out a picture

Sesshomaru: give it to me and where did you get this Wench

Jennifer: Idiot don't you remember it was for my other fan fiction, but of course no one has seen it.

And no way plus don't forget I'm in control I can kill you all if you like and I could make you do the craziest things.

Sesshomaru: oh right

Kagome: Hay FLUFFY

Sesshomaru: don't call me that or I'll rip you apart.

Jennifer: hemm hemm…

Takes out picture

Sesshomaru: fine

Jennifer: Ok now please review

Kagome: yes please review or no up dates

Hits Sesshomaru and inuyasha

Sesshomaru & inuyasha: review or be killed

Jennifer: see ya!