Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Author: Ataraia

Note: This is not a oneshot. The next poem will be in Katara's point of view, and this poem is in Aang's point of view. I hope all you Aang/Katara fans like it!

The sun had risen

Like a flaming yellow ball

Thrown up from the distance

And hanging in midair.

I woke to your voice

As the morning came

Silently, Stealthily,

Like a tiger waiting to pounce.

And I asked, "Why?

Why did you wake me?"

You said, "Come with me, Aang."

And I came.

Along the beach we walked


As the waves lapped at our feet

And the grains of sand trembled from our footsteps.

Hand in hand,

We walked and

Watched the sky turn a pale, light


Like your eyes.

We stood there, looking

Until you placed your

Hand on my shoulder.

And I guess you didn't see me blush

And cower until I said so

But I didn't want you to let go

For some reason.

And so we turned around

Started walking in

the opposite direction

when you asked, "Why?

We could sit here watching

the ocean, the waves,

lapping on the shore

Just me and you


And those words struck me

and I realized there was more

to us than just this moment

on the beach, us two alone.

I replied,

"We have to go, I'm sorry

But I promise we'll come

back, someday soon."

Someday soon, I suppose,

Someday soon, we'll walk

along this same path again

as the waves lap at our feet

and the sand crunches underneath us.

But what if

this "someday soon"

never comes,


When we reached camp,

The sun was wide awake

And the sky was a rich


As you stooped down to

make the campfire,

I contemplated this phrase,

"Love is brightest in the dark."

We had shared a moment before

In the cave

And after that,

Nothing had changed from that first kiss.

Except one thing.

You grow more beautiful

Every day

Like a blossoming flower in spring.

And I know that someday,

Someday you'll go off and

leave me for another

and marry him.

And I wonder why

that lucky man couldn't

be me?

Maybe someday, Katara,

Maybe someday soon.