
Yup, another story. I seem to have a knack for naming my stories with one word, and I wasn't exactly planning on making another story, but... this idea just popped in my head.

Summary: Have you ever wondered what the characters of FFVII and AC do once they get their hands on a computer? Look no more, this story shows all of the characters' experiences with computers.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, but I do own the plot! ...but I don't own Google either.

Cloud couldn't take his eyes off of the computer screen as he pressed his fingers down on the keyboard keys. He had stayed up all week, trying to find at least something that would revive Aeris, but still, the websites he had visited, the eBooks he had purchased, NOTHING at all had helped him. Though how can it hurt to keep trying?

Cloud typed these keywords into the 'Google' search engine:

raise dead revive wicca magick magic holy sephiroth

He hit the 'Enter' key and took a sip of his coffee as the page loaded.

Cloud nearly spilled his coffee over the keyboard as the page showed up, and his expression turned from dazed, to confused. The first paragraph said this:

This fanclub is for all fangirls (and fanboys) that are mad fans of Sephiroth from everyone's favorite game, FFVII or AC. Now, we don't hate Aeris, or Cloud, even if she is dead because of Sephiroth, in fact, some people here are even Aeris x Sephiroth or Cloud x Sephiroth fans. Here are a few banners, made by Sephiroth's Wife. Holy #!$! these are good! Thank her for making such wonderful banners. - Guardian of Sephiroth.
9999k - Cached - Similar pages

Cloud stared and glared, and stared and glared, and stared and glared till he couldn't no more. So... in other words, Sephiroth, the Sephiroth has a FANCLUB? Plus, what the heck did FFVII or AC stand for? And even more, people imagine Sephiroth paired up with HIM and AERIS? Cloud was highly disturbed...

Though now he was as curious as ever.

Interested, but being cautious, Cloud placed his hand on the mouse, pointed the little arrow at the Sephiroth fanclub link, and clicked it. It took two minutes in total to load, seeming as the fanclub had 9999k of files, art or whatever those mad fans had there.

The layout of the fan site was large, as it seemed like, though Cloud did spill his coffee this time. Lucky it was on the right side of the desk because then it might've spilled. As the warm liquid slowly trickled down to the carpet, Cloud's jaw dropped. He ignored the fresh coffee stains on his brand new carpet.

The image of the layout had loaded, and in large, fancy letters read 'This month's theme: SEPHIROTH x AERIS'. The image was even more horrifying than the title. It was a picture of Aeris and Sephiroth together, and standing back to back in a field of flowers.

Unfortunately for Cloud, he got the wrong idea.

"Why that- how- WHY! So she was with Sephiroth the whole time! She- she- she... ugh. I've had to much coffee." He spun the chair around and stood up, walking into the kitchen and filling up a glass with water. He drank it all in one gulp and placed the cup into the sink. Cloud sighed as he walked back into his bedroom, planting himself in front of the computer once more.

He decided to try and think nothing of what he had just witnessed in the Sephiroth fanclub.

So he clicked the mouse on the 'Back' button in the browser and went back to what he had been trying to do before. Search for a spell to revive Aeris. Of course, if he ever did revive her, she would HAVE to remember getting stabbed by Sephiroth, so they shall never get back together again! Uwahahaha!

It was Cloud's ultimate plan.

In short, he was just trying to revive Aeris, then. Still...

Cloud nearly jumped out of his seat and pranced around in glee. Right below the Sephiroth Fanclub paragraph, Cloud FINALLY found what he had been looking for!

How to revive the dead. Easy step-by-step guide.
Have a descendant, ancestor, or friend that's passed away? Simply follow our step-by-step foolproof guide to revive the dead using the most easiest holy spell ever!
87k - Cached - Similar pages

He didn't know why he hadn't had spotted it ear-

Wait... why does it say 'foolproof'?

Cloud decided to ignore that for now. Right now, his hopes were to high.

So, grinning like a madman, Cloud hastily clicked the link and waited patiently as the page loaded. A gothic-like page appeared with a red and black layout. It was a simple one, unlike that Sephiroth one...

In giant white letters, the title read as the link had.


Cloud quickly scrolled down the page, his nose touching the screen.

And there it was, in golden text.

'Step 1: Cover yourself with feathers.
Step 2: Eat all of your vegetables.
Step 3: Dance to the monkey.
Step 4: Collect some rosemary from your neighbor's garden.
Step 5: Throw it in a pond that relates to the one you hope to revive.
Step 6: Swim in that pond like a duck for five minutes.
Step 7: Leave and send a large sum of money to our site creator.'

What a crazy guide...

But Cloud was crazy. Crazy enough to try it. Besides, wasn't it supposed to be foo- fu- foolproof? Or whatever it was.

So, Cloud copied down the steps and hurried out of his bedroom.

Cloud did do what the paper had said.

He had covered himself with feathers (though he had to put some glue on himself first, because they wouldn't even hold), ate all of the vegetables that were in his house, danced to the monkey, 'borrowed' some rosemary from Tifa's garden, ran over to Aeris' pond and threw it in, swam like a duck, and finally, he had sent ALL of his savings to the owner of that site (who coincidentally, happened to be the user 'Sephiroth's Wife').

Though the horrifying, bone-shattering truth was... it didn't work. Well, to Cloud it hadn't had worked. Cloud felt like an idiot. He shouldn't have given that girl his 394,594 Gil! He needed it!

Wait a moment... foolproof? FOOL! They did that foolproof thing on purpose! It was just a scam to get all of our money! Grrrr...

Cloud sobbed and growled and cried and sniffed until a knock came at the door.

Cloud's hopes were still up.

Thinking it was Aeris, Cloud speedily raced over to the door and opened it. He ran forward and hugged...

The Repo man? What the hell?

"What the hell?" the Repo man blurted out while shoving Cloud aside. Cloud's face turned red in anger and even more, in embarrassment.

Cloud stared at the man as he walked around with a checkboard and a pen.

"Uh, excuse me?" Cloud said, examining the man while he inspected Cloud's house.

"Repo man." he replied in a gruff voice, checking off something on his list.

"REPO!" Cloud shouted with wide eyes. Gee, the Repo people get news quick...

The man nodded while picking up a chair with his over-sized arms. He walked out of the door and came back in a few minutes later.

Cloud's day couldn't get any worse.

"Hey Maureen?"


"Have you updated the club lately?"

"No. Been busy with my magick site. Oh, I've got some news! Somebody just sent us 394,594 Gil!"

"That's great!"

"Yeah! Now I can afford to change the description! People have been very suspicious of that 'foolproof' mistake I did, so now I can change it!"

"Yup. You always got confused with 'fool' with 'full'. Silly girl..."

"Quiet! I'm turning seventeen in a week, so I'm not a girl!"

Tifa stared at Cloud as he unpacked his things.

"So you're saying that you spent your life savings to REVIVE A GHOST? THAT'S IT! OUTTA MY BAR!"

She shoved Cloud out of the bar along with his clothes and suitcases.

Maybe he could stay at the Honeybee Inn... Nah.

He'll just rent a hotel after getting some money from wor- wait. He doesn't even have a job! Cloud, that's it! Get a job, buy some clothes, rent a hotel, and buy a computer!

Top priorities, Cloudie. Top priorities...

Okay, that's the first chapter. Tell me how it was, and don't forget to leave a review! I think I might do Rufus next, or one of the SHM. Not exactly sure, but more likely to do Rufus, 'cause I already have it planned out. So, tell me if it sucked or if it ruled. Your opinion most especially accepted.