This is the FINAL chapter on my revision list!


Since there only seem to be three Mist Swordsmen who have been identified, I've decided to just make some of the cooler shinobi in Naruto part of the swordsmen.

Expect an update on this fic in the near future.


Somewhere in the swirling mists of the Land of Water, a convention of missing nin was taking place.

It's objective?

The destruction of a certain clan in Kirigakure, the Haruno Clan.

The site of the convention was an elegant manor, no doubt the former residence of a lord or a high government official. The previous, unfortunate, owners were no longer among the living.

It was in the lavishly furnished great hall of this estate that several shinobi, with ruthless visages, sat convened around a large, beautifully detailed table.

At the head of this table sat a figure whose mere presence was enough to proclaim him the undisputed leader of the group. His aura all but smothered the room's occupants with it's intensity, serving as a subtle threat to all those foolish enough to think they could oppose him.

In addition to this figure there were six others seated, six whose names only brave, or foolhardy, souls dared whisper even under the safety of daylight.

Deidara, the missing nin from Iwagakure, notorious for both his beautiful clay sculptures and his habit of blowing them up in the most destructive ways possible. His handsome features captivated many, leaving them vulnerable to the twisted soul that lurked beneath. His easy smile, which had lulled more than one unfortunate being into a false sense of security, really bloomed into an expression of malicious merriment when causing extreme devastation.

Tobi, a nin of mysterious origins, whose powerful flame jutsus and adept mimicry of an opponent's attacks led many to believe him an estranged member of Konoha's Uchiha Clan. The fact that Obito Uchiha disappeared around the same time that Tobi came into the public focus further served to cement the suspicions of the general populace.

Zetsu, a native of Kusagakure, part man, part Venus flytrap whose diet made even his battle hardened companions cringe. This nin took bipolar to a new level. His entire body was split into two individuals, his black side more neurotic than his slightly saner white side. Zetsu's dual personality made him unpredictable in battle and his ability to utilize the cover of the ground, as well as his frightening visage, made all who came across him think twice before attacking.

Hidan, a man who refused to call any place home, known for his zealous devotion to Jaganshi, a sadistic god who demanded frequent sacrifices in the bloodiest ways possible. His love for pain, either his or another's, made such sacrifices a nonissue. His immortality and his ability to change into a living breathing "grim reaper" insured that any who went against him wouldn't live to regret it.

Kakuzo, a former nin of Takigakure, whose unending thirst for money gained him the title of treasurer in the organization. His affinity for storing extra organs on his person, and his talent for sewing limbs back on and closing injuries, contributed to making him the longest lived person among his peers. Anyone who challenged this patchwork of body parts would have to destroy all his existing hearts for him to truly die. To date, no one had managed to even severely damage one.

Sasori, a traitor of Sunagakure, was an expert in the art of puppetry; in fact, puppetry was such a passion for that he had, over time, converted his own body into one. His utilization of multiple puppets in combat situations rendered him able to outnumber his enemies with ease. This, in addition to his tactical mind and powerful jutsus, made any encounter with him potentially lethal.

These shinobi made up the high council of the most infamous criminal organization. An organization that consisted mainly of S-Class nin, nin that more often than not held a prominent spot in the Bingo book of every shinobi village.

They were the Akatsuki.

A slight inclination of the leader's head and the meeting of these cutthroat nins began.

"Has the latest shipment arrived yet, Tobi?" The voice, rippling with the power of it's speaker, swept throughout the room effectively stilling the minute movements of the room's occupants.

Tobi, with a pleased smile, answered cheerfully. "Yes Leader-sama. Not only did it arrive early, but the supplier doubled our order."

"Threatening to castrate him apparently did wonders to ensure his cooperation." The statement, accompanied by Kakuzo's smug smirk, clarified the situation to the others.

"You couldn't resist could you, un." Deidara's admonishment was ruined by his amused grin.

"Of course not," he replied. "People tend to be more accommodating when in physical danger."

Leader held a hand up for silence before shifting his piercing gaze to Kakuzo. "You did well."

The addressed individual slightly inclined his head towards his leader in response.

"Now," Leader leaned back in his chair and leveled an irritated gaze on the council, "it's come to my attention that Kirigakure has become aware of our planned attack." His eyes narrowed dangerously. "I'd like to know how this is possible when I continuously stressed the importance of secrecy."

The members, regarded by many as fearsome warriors, squirmed uncomfortably under his intense displeasure.

They were saved from responding by the arrival of a Sound messenger.

"Leader-sama," the panting man wheezed, " my lord sends urgent news." He held out a missive with the stamp of the Sound village's leader. "It's in regards to the Haruno Clan leader."

The Akatsuki head immediately reached for it, eyebrows furrowed in thought. That idiot wouldn't bother me unless it was important. The furrows deepened. I have a feeling I'm not going to like this. With a sense of foreboding, he opened the scroll.


Pein, I'm not going to bother with pleasantries. Two days ago one of my scouts spotted Sakura Haruno and her usual team escorting the Mizukage past the borders of Water Country. They appeared to be heading to Konoha, but my sources have yet to confirm it. I'm sure I don't need to tell you the consequences if Kirigakure decides to align with the Leaf. It would call for major changes-


The letter went on for several more paragraphs, but Leader had long stopped reading.

He crumpled the paper in his clenched fists.

This was bad news.

Very bad news.

Even if Kirigakure didn't join forces with the others, his objective had just become significantly more difficult. Either way the Mist would still be fighting on the same side as the others, especially since they hadn't bothered to hide their terrorist activities from Konoha.

They hadn't bothered because they'd never thought Kirigakure would make any type of contact with the village they despised.

Their organization had counted on the bad blood between the two villages to keep their actions secret. A move that had apparently failed miserably.

Things he thought moodily have just become more complicated. He turned cold eyes to the council.

"Deidara, Zetsu, commence preparations for a stealth attack on Konoha; use the attack as your cover to enter the village. I want a full report detailing any and all alliances the Mist has or will form in two weeks time."

The two named nin gave a curt nod in Pein's direction before disappearing in twin poofs of smoke.

"The rest of you," hard eyes regarded the group of shinobi before him, "will step up our operations in the lands surrounding Kirigakure." The powerful red-head turned his back to the group in a subtle show of condescension. "You're dismissed."


Well this is just fucking great. Sakura approached the dome cautiously.

What the hellam I suppose to do?

While the chakra surrounding her teammate wasn't attacking her, it also wasn't letting her get too close. A pretty sucky situation all around.

Deciding to risk one more step forward, she grit her teeth in anticipation of the pain. Kotetsu flaming emerald eyes glowered you are so going to owe me for this. She stopped midstep, however, when the prone body of Sasuke Uchiha went flying past her.

What the hell…

Her confusion was interrupted by the arrival of one seriously pissed off Kakashi Hayate.

"What did you do to Itachi?" He snarled, glaring at her with furious onyx eyes. "If you don't get him out of there in - "

The rosy haired kunoichi cut him off impatiently. "I didn't do anything to that bastard," she replied curtly, shoving him aside on her way towards the dome. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a teammate to save."

"No," he coldly replied, intercepting her yet again, "I won't excuse you. You did do something," he mercilessly held her upper arms in a bruising grip, "your fucking symbol was on his body!"

Sakura was mildly intrigued by the little tidbit of information. That intrigue, however, didn't abate her irritation in the slightest.

"So your buddy got a new tattoo," she said dismissively. "I don't see how that's any of my concern." She delivered a seemingly careless blow to his gut. "Oops," Sakura's sweet tone contradicted her nasty smirk, "didn't see you there."

Neji bristled at her treatment of Kakashi.

"Hey!" he roughly grabbed her arm, effectively stopping her, "You have no right - "

Sakura had had enough. "Look," she snapped, fiercely yanking her arm out of the Hyuuga's grasp, "I have absolutely no interest in the well being of you or any of your little friends. I will, however, castrate all of you if you don't fucking get out of my way."

And with that, she turned and continued on her way, leaving a stunned, and infuriated, group of Konoha shinobi behind her.


Moments earlier…..

The Konoha shinobi reached the dome within seconds, immediately sensing the power emitting from the swirling masses of chakra.

Closer inspection, when attempted, proved painful; as the impromptu flight of an off guard Sasuke attested.

"Any ideas," the copy nin questioned dryly.

"Nothing comes to mind at the moment," was the Hyuuga's equally dry response.

They had reason to be stumped. The dome had no apparent entrance, no weak point, heck the thing was a fucking fortress.

Further pondering over the dilemma, however, was halted by the sudden transparency of a section of the dome.

"Is that…," Gaara looked on with disbelieving eyes.

Itachi, the pride of the Uchiha clan, the star shinobi of the leaf, the epitome of perfection, was badly injured and fleeing.

The Kazekage had reason to be surprised.

Kakashi was the first to overcome his shock. He sprinted closer to the dome, ignoring the ripples of pain the nearness caused him. What the fuck he wondered is going on Itachi?

As the Hayate peered more carefully at his bloodied friend, fury quickly filled him.

"Those fuckers," he hissed, "those damn mist fuckers!"

His reason for blaming the Mist?

The Kirigakure symbol carved on Itachi's back.


Where we left off…..

Still steaming over her earlier encounter with the Konoha fags, she sensed her team catch up with her.

"Was that really necessary Sakura?" Her leader's dry inquiry made her feel a little ashamed at her behavior.

"They were in my way," she muttered, turning to hide her guilty features.

The amused faces of the rest of her team assured that this incident would reach the ears of all of Kirigakure once they returned.

"You sure have a way with men Pinky," Kisame chortled.

A glare was his only response.

Idiots, all of them. She closed her eyes and once again reached out with her chakra. Searching for even the slightest kink in the thing, searching for anything she could turn into an opening.

There?…no…there?…chakra's too volatile…there?…no…wait…maybe…YES!

She'd finally found the fucking thing.

Finally she thought cheerily something's going my way. Unfortunately for the Mist kunoichi, appearances can be deceiving.


I can finally update this thing!

Thanks to the readers of this for being so patient during my revision period.
