
"God, I owe you so much Midori!" Kaoru wailed as she watched Midori write up English notes for her assignment.

"Shut up and let me write. I've already told you I'm in a good mood so I might as well! Anyway, you have stuff to practice." Midori looked over at a book lying on the floor where Kaoru had left it, "And it doesn't look like you're trying."

"I will…" Kaoru sighed and sat down and pulled out the book.

Midori sighed and looked back down at the papers in front of her. The first day she was in Kaoru's house, both of them were working their asses off! Just then Misao burst in. Kaoru and Midori looked up.

"Uh oh…" Kaoru muttered to Midori, "She has that look in her eyes…like whenever she and Aoshi do something or…well basically when something involving Aoshi happens…"

Midori suppressed a laugh, "What's up Misao?" she asked the dreamy girl.

Midori blushed, "Nothing important…" She sighed loudly. Kaoru rolled her eyes, "Drop the act. What happened?"

Misao flopped down on the nearest chair to the door and giggled, "Aoshi and I kissed."

That certainly wasn't what Kaoru and Midori were expecting. "Tell us something new," Midori frowned. Kaoru nodded wondering why a plain kiss after how much they've done together would make Misao so excited.

"It wasn't a normal kiss!" Misao gushed, "There was something different…he was slow and passionate and warm…and then he went down to my neck…" she shuddered.

"Urgh! Stop!" Kaoru said in a disgusted voice. Midori was pretending to barf. Misao shrugged, "Fine! But it was incredible. You two were the ones who asked!"

"Yeah we wish we hadn't, ok?" Kaoru shivered then returned to the book and started reading out loud, finding it easier to read in front of the other two than usual. Midori looked up, impressed. Misao watched, "You know Kaoru, I'm pretty sure you'll get through."

"Thanks," Kaoru said, looking up, "But now I'm reading in front of only two people. There's going to be some six strangers I don't know…oh, except Midori!" Kaoru sighed gratefully. Midori grinned, "But don't worry. Everyone there is nice."

"I hope so!" Kaoru smiled nervously. What she would do to be in the play…

"Earth to Kenshin! Earth to-" Sano yelled, waving his arms wildly in front of Kenshin's face as they sat in front of the tv.

Kenshin blinked rapidly, "Sorry! I'm just kind of worried for Kaoru…In twelve hours she'll be in her audition…"

"She'll do fine," Sano said off-handedly as they watched Fight Club.

"Yeah…I know," Kenshin sighed, "Anyway, how was your date with Midori?"

Sano blinked, then grinned, "Really hot…"

Kenshin raised an eyebrow, "How hot?"

"Ok fine, we only kissed. But that was brilliant. And I'm meeting her again day after tomorrow. I'm wondering if I should come to see Kaoru's audition."

"She'd be happy if you came. Midori's going to be there."

"Yeah that's one of the reasons," Sano grinned sheepishly. Kenshin heaved an exasperated sigh, "We're not really watching the movie are we?"

"No, I guess not. Since we've seen it thirty times already…maybe it's getting a little boring."

"MAYBE? Anyway, I'm hitting the sack. See you tomorrow."

"Good night."

Kaoru gulped as she stared up at the Mega Hot Mall. Why would anyone name a mall something so typically pathetic? On top of everything, it was the largest mall near the campus and her flat. And…it was the place for auditioning…

"Kaoru!" Midori's figure stood waving at her from the entrance of the large terror. Kaoru smiled feebly and walked over to her.

"Nervous?" Midori asked, gently.

"Very…" Kaoru struggled to say.

"Don't worry! You'll get through it. After I heard you read, I know you belong here, in the drama category!"

Kaoru smiled gratefully, "Thanks…Where's Misao, Aoshi and Kenshin?"

"They're already waiting upstairs. Sano's there too. I told them I'd come down and wait for you!" Midori said as they walked to the escalator. Kaoru smiled. It was nice of Sano to come…unless he was doing it only because Midori was there. Her smile faltered as they entered the wide hall filled with men and women her age. She started fidgeting with the end of her t-shirt.

"Stop that!" Midori said, slapping her hand, "You'll be fine!" she repeated.

Kaoru drew in a lot of air then nodded in a hard way. Midori looked slightly scared then looked around to see the other four, led by Kenshin charging their way to them. "Here comes your audience!"

Kenshin gave Kaoru a quick hug and kiss, "You'll be ok. We're all here prodding you on!"

Kaoru laughed, "You look and sound more nervous than I am!"

"Don't sweat it, squirt. You'll be ok," Sano smirked from above. Kaoru grinned, "That's the nicest thing you've said to me!"

"And that was so artificial," Misao smiled from behind Sano's tall form. Kaoru smiled at all of them. It was so nice of them to all come. Except Midori, who had to be there but Kaoru was sure that if Midori wasn't a part of this whole thing, she would've come anyway.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" came a voice over the mike, "Please come when called." Midori hesitantly waved bye and went into a room.

"We'd all better sit down and wait for Kaoru's name to be called," Aoshi said from behind Misao. The rest of them nodded and they moved to find seats.

After about fifteen minutes…"Kaoru Kamiya!"

"You'll be fine!" Kenshin said immediately, almost expecting that.

Kaoru drew in large gulps of air. Misao gave her hand a quick squeeze, "Good luck!"

"All the best," Aoshi said monotonously while Sano pushed her lightly towards the door.

Kaoru opened the door. Here goes nothing…

Kenshin glared at his watch, almost hating it, "She's been taking forever!"

"Kenshin?" Sano sighed, "It's been fifteen minutes. Relax. Seriously! You're like a pregnant woman with all your mood swings! Look, any interview would take a lot more than fifteen minutes. I think you would agree with that."

Kenshin bit his lower lip, "I guess so. Misao-" he began to turn to her but realized that she and Aoshi were already fully immersed in a tongue quarrel. He sighed and looked back, "I can't even do that until Kaoru comes out. Nor can you until Midori comes out actually."

"I know," Sano sighed, looking rather depressed, "But we've never done more than lips. I should take it two or threebases higher."

Kenshin pretended to puke, "Don't talk about it."

Sano grinned, "Ok ok. Hey, the door's opening!" So it was. Kenshin and Sano watched expectantly but only Midori walked out. Sano jumped up and ran forwards, "Hey there!" but somehow Kenshin had raced him to it, "How's Kaoru doing?" he asked urgently.

Midori blinked, "Oh! She's doing perfectly fine. They haven't got to the reading part yet though, only asking questions. I just came out to get us some water."

"They've been asking questions for fifteen minutes?" Sano asked, bewildered as they followed her, passing a rather busy Aoshi and Misao.

"Oh, one judge was in the bathroom. I seriously suspect something's wrong with him. He's been going in and out ofthere quite a few times now. We started about five minutes back. Don't worry about Kaoru! She's pretty calm!"

Kenshin sighed and slowed down his pace. Sano kept walking next to Midori and talking as she filled upseven glasses of water on a tray. She blushed and nodded at something he said then went into the room. Sano walked away, looking pretty smug.

"Please tell me all you asked her was for her to go out with you," Kenshin said hopefully.

"Yeah, duh. More like I was confirming since we're already supposed to be going out day after tomorrow," Sano replied, "I mean, I can't ask her to get into bed with me…yet…"

Kenshin groaned. Sometimes friends are pretty damn scary.

Kaoru closed the door behind her and was about to heave a sigh when Kenshin, Sano, Misao and Aoshi (yes, they were finished with there 'business' for now) attacked her with questions about the interview. She started laughing and everyone silenced themselves out of fear for her sudden outburst of happiness.

"Oook…" Sano muttered.

"Kaoru?" Kenshin took a hesitant step to his laughing girlfriend. She flung her arms around him suddenly and said, "I did much better than I expected! I mean, I didn't stammer except for once! And I even made the judges laugh!" Kenshin let out a relieved breath and then smiled and hugged her back, "Great!"

"Yay, Kaoru! We should all celebrate and go for dinner!" Misao exclaimed.

"Hold your horses!" Kaoru said, finally letting go of Kenshin (A/N: good. Keep AWAY from him. ehe.) "It's not like I'm one of the chosen people and all for the play!"

The door opened behind them once more and Midori walked out, smiling at Kaoru, "You did well!"

"What are the judges' decisions?" Aoshi asked.

"That," Midori's eyes twinkled, "Is a secret!" She grinned. "We haven't completely chosen or whatever. We start the proper decisions next week, after we've seen everyone."

"That's too bad…" Sano mumbled, "But I still think all of us should go for dinner for the heck of it. I mean, everyone here has a date!"

"That's not such a bad idea," Midori nodded, glancing at Sano and grinning.

"Alright, let's get the hell out of here!" Misao yelled, causing a lot of people in the room to look at her. She coughed and looked at a lamp. The group hurried out before cracking up, each and every one of them feeling relieved. Kaoru smiled at her friends. What had she done to deserve them?

A/N: Well, the usual. Please review! Two things:

1)I noticed that a few of you have added this story to your story alert list and believe me, I'm REALLY thankful. But what really makes me happy is reviews! Good or bad! Sorry for not updating soon! Once again, the 'workshop excuse'!

2) Some of the words, I realised, stick together after I post the chapter. I apologise about that! There's not much I can do about it. The computer decides things on its own sometimes!

Hope you enjoyed it!