Oh my god what am I doing?
I walked in slowly to find everyone seated, I made my way to the end quietly. God only knows how psycho people thought I was for being there late. They didnt know why I was there, I didnt either. I was just listening to my heart for once. I stood there shaking with this sudden feeling to just pass out but I stood tall watching Oliver. He looked so handsome in his tux, but his face revealed other feelings. As for Tracy she looked so beautiful I dont think I had ever seen such a beautiful bride until then. Her face was literally glowing. It happened so quickly that she turned and saw me. Her eyes shiny and all like she was about to cry. I dont even know how it was she spotted me right away. She didnt look afraid she just looked at me, turned and continued on. It was the way that she had looked at me that made me sigh and give up. I couldnt do it. As much as I wanted to just stop that wedding so I could keep my Oliver, my keeper, my heard, I couldnt. Oliver turned, I think he saw that Tracy had been looking at something intently and looked at me in the eye. He was really surprised, everyone noticed this and turned to look at me. My grandfather gave me a knowing look. I stood there trying to calm my self but I couldnt my legs were shaking. I stood there, though, with my head high and smiled at Oliver. I saw him clench his jaw and turn.

"Oliver Wood, do you take Miss Tracy to be your wife?"
I had been standing there for an hour or so and waiting for this moment. I covered my mouth and waited. I saw Oliver turn and look at me once again. He was quiet for a few seconds. Everyone was looking at me.

"I do" He said and turned, he grabbed Tracys hand and kissed it.

"Tracy Lands, do you take Oliver Wood to be your husband?" She turned and looked at me. Im sorry, she mouthed.

" I do" And with that it was over. They were husband and wife. I shut my eyes and let out a small gasp. I had to lean back to stop myself from falling to the ground and crying. I wasnt crying though I was just standing there watching as Oliver cupped her face and kissed her. They walked out together. Everyone cheering but I stayed there with my lips shut tight and my eyes closed. My whole body shaking and my breaths loud enough to be heard. But there was no one to blame, except myself. I had been the one who had come here.

"Alexia, I think its best we leave" My grandfathers voice filled my ears. I stayed with my eyes closed and nodded.

"Im ok" I whispered and finally started moving towards the back exit.

"You shouldnt have come" My grandfather said.

"I had to" I replied as we walked away from the cheering and the newlyweds. We were halfway down the street where we would apparate when I heard loud footsteps.

"Ally" I didnt turn I stood there trying to tell my self to just walk away.

"Alexia, talk to him" My grandfather said and continued walking.

"I cant" I whispered but he was long gone. I stood there with my back to him.

"Ally" He said quietly and reached for my arm. He turned me around.

"Oliver" I replied not able to say anything. My voice was shaky.

"Ally, why did you come?"

"I wanted to stop the wedding"

"Why didnt you?" He asked and pursed his lips.

"I couldnt, Oliver, shes so happy, she deserves it, she needs you"

"I need you "He said and grabbed both my hands.

"I know, but you did the right thing"

"The right thing hurts, because I cant have you" I stayed there holding the knot that was forming in my throat.

"It just wasnt meant to be, Im sorry it wasnt because, I love you" I said quietly and looked into his chocolate brown eyes" I fell in love you from the moment I saw you and you know that, but you already had someone else"

"Wait for me" He said quietly, I could tell he felt guilty for saying this.

"I cant, youll never try loving her, like she deserves to be loved, it I tell you Ill wait until she...shes not going to, shes a fighter, and Im going to marry Draco, thats they truth" I said and started to turn around.

"I love you" He whispered letting me go. I could hear that he was hurting that he wanted to just kiss me at least one last time before he could finally let go but he knew better, his wife, was waiting for him, and he had to go to her.

"Me too" I whispered, but I dont think he heard me, the cold breeze shut my words away from his ears. I turned with tears falling down and looked at him one last time. He was crying, I continued walking while putting my hands on my face. I had lost him, and there was no going back. But I was strong, I would move on, sometimes hard things have to come for you to realize many things. I straightened and cleaned my tears, I would move on, because after all, live goes on and on..

So youve heard, thats how it happened, I didnt stop the wedding, and I dont regret it either, because I know Tracy lived those years happily and she died happily. I stood and walked to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. That wasnt then end, though, oh on, but a lot of things did change, like that fact that Hermione and Ron moved and we barely speak, sometimes they write, as for Stacie, she broke it off with Harry during those three years, but theres more to that story as well. My father, well who knows, then we were mad and stayed mad, untilwell more on that later. As for now I will tell you this much, I fell in love with Dracoand when I saw Oliver again.well.youll see. Im going to tell you the best part of my story.Stay seated and pay attention..Youll learn that love doesnt always go the way we expect it, its not perfect, its full of conflict and for me, its full of sorrow, youll see why and youll understand me when I tell you did, love does last forever and it can make it through everything, and I mean everything.