Ok, a One ShotTragedy between... muahaha! I'm not telling! Hehe, I'm evil! Read on to see!

I Wish

A boy knelt down in the moist grass. His eyes were closed as he took in a deep breath.

"Oh God. I always thought this day would just never come. I guess I was wrong. But, God, how I wish… I wish I hadn't picked on you so much. I wish I gave you a smile when you were looking for it. I wish I comforted you when you needed it. I wish I listened to you when you spoke. I wish I took in every sent, every word, every breath. I wish I had taken more pictures. I wish you didn't have to leave. I wish… I wish I could go where you're going. But, I can't do anything about it now. I can't take back all those hurtful words I spat at you. I can't give you any smiles anymore. I can't comfort you anymore. I can't hear you anymore. I can't see you anymore. I can't give you back what you lost. I can't go there… not after what I did. I just can't… But God how I wish…"

The boy opened his eyes, then began tracing the name ingraved on the stone before him. "But most of all, I wish I said it… I wish I told you that… I love you." After finishing trasing the last letter of her name, he stood. His checks stained with the tears he let fall. "Sakura, I'll always love you." As he walked away, someone called him, "Hey, Uchiha! Get to practice!"

Dun dun dun! Sasuke and Sakura! Poor Sakura, dead... but how? Who knows? Really, cause I sure don't. She's just... gone. Anyway, cute huh? Review, and you might not get hurt. Might key word there.