A/N: I don't own the Teen Titans or Star Wars.

Chapter Three

Darkness extended his hand and caught the enraged Tamaranian's fist in a vice grip. Starfire tried pulling herself free, but the villain out-matched her in raw strength. He thrust his arm back and threw her into the nearest display case. The glass shattered and jewels tumbled from their perch. " Stupid Troq, I can't believe it," He laughed. " You? Kill me?"

" I shall make you pay for hurting my friends!" Starfire shouted standing up. Her eyes let loose beams of energy at the mysterious criminal. He phased into the wall to avoid the devastating attack.

" Come on Troqy, you can do much better than that!" Darkness yelled from behind her. His tentacles wrapped around her wrists and ankles. She struggled to free herself but without the use of her arms and legs, her resistance meant nothing.

" I guess you're about to join your little friend," He whispered. Suddenly he screamed in pain as a sonic blast hit him in the back. Starfire wrenched herself free and sucker punched him in the jaw. He flew back until he reached Cyborg's feet.

" That was for my leg," Cyborg stated aiming the cannon at him. " This is for Beast Boy!" The sonic wave missed the creature as he rolled away. A blast of dark magic shot from Raven's hand and hit him in the side. The wall crumbled as Darkness was thrown against it.

" Now!" Robin shouted. The titans moved as their leader launched a disk at the villain. It exploded on contact trapping Darkness in a net of electricity.

" Ahhh!" Darkness screamed as he tried to break free. Starfire approached him with a mad blaze in her emerald orbs.

" I shall kill you now!" Starfire exclaimed in heated fury.

" Star!" Robin shouted. " No, this isn't right."

" He hurt Beast Boy!" The crazed alien hissed. Darkness looked at her with fear and a hint of admiration.

" Go ahead Troq," He said. " Kill me, then you'll be just like me," He laughed.

" I'll never be anything like you!"

" But, look at you," Darkness said sweetly. " You're violent and obviously you hurt people,"

" No, I only hurt bad people," Starfire stated.

" Really?" Darkness asked. " What about all the things you hurt and destroyed when your little beam went through that wall?" He pointed out into the city and at the smouldering pile of rubble that used to be a playground. " What if there had been children there?"

" But..." Starfire was confused now. Was she really as bad as him? No! He was a criminal, she was a superhero, she helped people in need. Darkness took this opportunity to break free of the net and leap out of the hole.

" Get him!" Robin screamed. They searched the entire area, but the blasted villain had eluded them again.

" I let him get away," Starfire breathed.

" Don't worry about it," Raven said. " We will get him eventually, we always do,"

A Skyscraper across from the museum

" Yes my lord, everything went as planed," Darkness knelt before a figure in the shadows.

" Excellent, tell me, which one of them?" The figure asked.

" There are three, my lord," Darkness stated. " The Tamaranian, the changeling, and the empath,"

" Tell me about each of them, what have you observed?"

" The Tamaranian, Starfire, acts innocent on the outside, but if she is angered enough, then she could become quite murderous,"

" Good, good,"

" The changeling, Beast Boy, believes that he is the cause for the team's failures, if promised the power to help his friends, he could easily be turned,"

" Continue," The figure stated.

" The empath, Raven, is a dark magic sorceress, this alone puts her in tune with the dark side, and she is part demon,"

" They all seem promising, good work my loyal servant,"

" Thank you my lord, your praise makes this all worth it,"

" Now we can initiate the second part of our plan,"

" My lord, what have you come up with?"

" We must separate the two lovers from their friends, we shall send them into the galaxy, I have a friend who will ensure our success in turning them, I shall work with the sorceress directly,"

" As you wish my lord,"

" We must infiltrate the titans' communication systems, then we can use one of the Titans to send them a message,"

" Sounds good my lord," Darkness replied.

" You have served me well, thank you,"

" Why my lord it is an honor," With that the figure turned and prepared to leave. " One more thing, I shall handle the communications problem, this requires finesse,"

" My lord what shall I do until then?"

" Rest my old friend, rest," The figure then disappeared.

Titan's Tower

" How did it go?" Beast Boy asked as Starfire entered his room.

" He escaped," Starfire stated solemnly.

" What happened?" Beast Boy asked. Starfire then began to tell what happened at the museum just an hour ago. She was in tears by the time she finished. Beast Boy sat up painfully and wrapped his arms around the Tamaranian princess.

" It wasn't your fault Starfire," He whispered. " He was lying, you are nothing like him,"

" How can you be so sure?" She asked.

" Remember, Slade used the same line with Robin when he became his apprentice," Starfire nodded and snuggled closer to Beast Boy. " Besides, you're far to sweet and kind to be evil," With that he placed a warm kiss on her lips. She giggled softly and sighed.

" Thank you Beast Boy," She said.

" Well, I thought something was going on," Came a calm monotone from the doorway.

" Raven!" Beast Boy exclaimed and cringed in pain.

" Why friend Raven, is there something wrong?" Starfire asked innocently. Raven had a ghost of a smile on her face as she replied,

" No, of course not, I'm happy for both of you,"

" Thanks Raven," Beast Boy said laying back down.

" Just don't screw this up tofu boy," Raven said.

" Why did you come in here in the first place?"

" I wanted to find Starfire and I sensed she was here,"

" What is it you desire of me Raven?"

" I just wanted to see how you were doing, you were quite upset,"

" I am truly sorry for worrying you, I am feeling much better now,"

" I can see that, well, I'll leave you two alone, just be careful, you know how Robin feels about inter-team relationships," With that she phased out of the room.

" She is right!" Starfire exclaimed. " What if Robin finds out?"

" What if he does?" Beast Boy asked smiling.

" Are you not worried?"

" As long as I have you what do I have to be worried about?" Starfire smiled and embraced him again.

" I love you Beast Boy,"

" I love you too Star,"

Titans East Tower

A man in a black cloak stood above Bumblebee, who was unconscious, and smirked at her. He turned to observe his victory. Taking down the two children was simple enough all he had to do was force push them apart. With their speed gone they stood little chance against a full-fledged sith lord. Then the tamer of water had tried to use the pipes of the tower against him. Force lightning quickly ended that little confrontation. The most annoying one off all had to be that Robin Hood wannabe. His arrows hindered many of his powers and he was reduced to using his lightsaber. Though the boy was strong, he stood no chance against the sith's extensive combat training. I wasn't a general in Seriph's army for nothing. He smiled as he woke the girl below him.

" Who are you?"

" Now dear child, there is no reason to worry about that," The man stated. " Just have a little message to send to the Titans of Jump City and you are going to help me,"

" No," Bumblebee said weakly. The sith extended his hand and smiled.

" You have no choice my dear," Suddenly the titan's eyes glazed over and she stood at attention, like a soldier.

" You will call the titans and request Beast Boy's and Starfire's presence here,"

" What if they question me?" The memorized Bumblebee asked.

" Simply tell them that you need help with something that only those two can handle,"

" As you wish my lord,"

" Good, in a couple of minutes the others should awaken, give them no reason to be suspicious,"

" Yes my lord,"

" Now when all is said and done I want you to contact me,"

" I will,"

" Good, now farewell," With that the man disappeared into the shadows.

Planet Xion

Desdemona smiled as she made her way through the capital city. The veil she wore disguised her perfectly and the guards were none the wiser. She had planted the explosives needed for the diversion, at which time she would make her way into Zulu's office and kill him. Asher and his men would then take military control of the city. Then sith in a nearby quadrant would come in and impose their rule.

:In about five minutes the bombs would go off then Asher would attack the distracted gaurds, allowing her complete access to the government building. Three minutes now. She made her way into the outer courtyard. She passed some children playing in the fountain and smiled. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be that young and innocent again? Desdemona shook her head and made her way into the inner courtyard. One minute left. She approached the building and quickly hid behind a large stone pillar. Suddenly the ground was rocked by explosions as smoke began to rise from the marketplace. The guards marched their way into the city, leaving the building unguarded.

The sith lord sprinted into the building and ducked behind a wall as a group of soldiers made their way outside. She smirked and made her way to the elevator. It had been shut down! A security measure no doubt! Darth Desdemona sighed and used her force powers to obliterate the trap door above the elevator.

She force jumped inside and pulled herself up one of the cables. She climbed a great deal before finally reaching the floor that Zulu was on. She pried open the doors and calmly walked through the empty halls. She reached half way down the main hall before finding the body of a young woman.

Wait! She recognized that girl! " Tanya," She muttered. Zulu's only daughter. Her chest had been penetrated by a lightsaber blade as the sizzling hole left little chance of anything else. She quickly ran into Zulu's office to find him dead with another woman standing over him.

" Kala!" Desdemona exclaimed. The pink-haired woman turned her amber eyes on the sith lord and laughed.

" Darth Desdemona, I didn't realized that the esteemed emperor would send his second in command to kill a small piece of astroscum like Zulu," The leather clad woman held a small device in her hand and noticed Desdemona eyeing it.

" He confiscated this from me when I was arrested," Darth Kala explained. " I wanted it back," She shrugged. " Thank you for the diversion by the way, it really helped,"

" I didn't come to help you sith traitor!" The aqua haired sith exclaimed. She drew her lightsaber and readied herself for battle. " If I bring Cronos the head of a sith space pirate, I will be greatly rewarded,"

" I don't think so," Came a male voice from behind her. Desdemona turned to see a young man of about eighteen years old with a lightsaber pointed at her.

" Have you met my new apprentice?" Kala asked. " Darth Damascus meet Darth Desdemona,"

" Pleasure," The young sith apprentice replied. Desdemona growled and lunged at them, she would make her master proud, she would destroy the sith traitors, and she would make them pay for interfering with her mission.

A/N: Please Read and Review. Next chapter will be up soon.