Disclaimer: I don't own KND, but who must I tell?

Title: Operation: VACATION (it rhymes)









Summary: Very interesting, embrassing, terrifying and unforeseen things could happen when the KND goes on vacation.

Author: Me ...HA HA!

Pairings: 1/5 ; 3/4 ; 2/86.

Genres: Comedy, Love and Crazyness (Is it a Genre?)

Extra Info: I'm from Germany so PLEASE ignore my mistakes and don't kill me because of them! (Special thanks go to my dictionary)




"Who want COOKIES?" The screamings of the two girls fullfilled the plane. As a reaction of that, all of the boys, who sat next to them, dropped on the floor.

The two girls clapped their hands against the one of the other.

"Are you WEIRD?" A blond Aussi, who wasn't as tall as the others, stood up quickly to shout at the two girls. They just had a smile for him.

"Oooh, we're so sorry.", said a japanese girl, who wore a green Pullover, wich was definitly to big for her.

"Yeah, you were sleeping so sweet.", added an african-american girl, who wore a red hat on her head.

"Well, why are you screaming arround then?", asked a British boy with sunglasses.

"Because we arriiiived!", responded the two girls at the same time.

Now, everybody looked out of the window. The plane just didn't hold on, but it moved on the ground. Palms passed by and the sky was as blue as nobody have ever seen. The small waves of the sea and the white, wide beach.

I was obvious.

They were on vacations.

Chaptuh one:

The masters of disasters!

"Excuse me?" The young woman, who sat behind the reception heard a voice, but didn't see anyone. Then she realized, that the voice came from behind the table and she looked at the floor to see 5 11-12 years-old kids, who stood there with many cases.

"Can I help you?", she asked.

"Yes, we want to check in, please.", said a bald kid with a red pullover.

"On which names?", she asked rhetoricaly.

"Uno, Gilligan, Sanban, Beetles and Lincoln." The woman searched in the collection of the reservations and finally found all of them.

"Here they are, but...er...?"

"What is it? Is there a problem?"

"No, not direct, but..." She looked at the 5 kids. "..there are only two rooms recorded."

"WHAT?" Five screams were heard in the entry hall.

"How can this be?", asked a bigger boy with yellow glasses.

"I...I don't know.", said the young woman embrassed. "Aren't you here with your parents? Maybe we can ask them."

"No, it's only us!", answered an asian girl desperatly.

"Couldn't you just give us three another rooms?", a small kid asked impatient.

"I'm sorry, but we only make this on reservations.", the woman said guilty. "But let me handle this. I can give you two rooms with doublebeds and in one room we can put another bed, so it would be all right."

"Moment! Doublebeds?", asked the blond boy. "I won't sleep with another person in a doublebed!"


"It's okay. We take them.", interrupted a dark-skinned girl. The young woman looked relieved.

"Oh, thank you.", she said. "I'll arrange everything." Then she turned arround and began to phone someone.

"Numbuh 5, why did you say that?", asked Nigel after turnig to Abby.

"Because there's no other way. You heard it, so we've to arrange with it."

"Okay, then I guess, we have to decide the roomdistribution.", he said then.

"Numbuh 5 thinks, there's no question, that Numbuh 3 and her will sleep in one room and you three in the other.", Abby said, if there was no other way left and went next to Kuki, who seemed to be fine with her decision.

But the other guys didn't look really happy.

"Are you girls CRAZY?", shouted Wally angrily and whirled his arms arround while saying that.

"What's your problem?", Abby asked with a calm voice.

"You ask what my ploblem is?"


"Boys don't sleep together in one bed!", Hoagie added instead of Wally.

"Since when?", Abby asked incredulously.

"Since ever!", added Nigel.

"Why are you guys so stubborn against it?", Abbs asked a little bit angry.

"Listen, girl. There are three things, boys don't and will never ever do:

First: We don't say words like 'cute'.

Second: We don't wear any pink clothes.

And third: We don't sleep with another boy in one bed!", Wally explained wild gesticulating.

"I become crazy. It's typical for you guys.", Abby shouted arround. "You won't become gay, if you sleep with another boy in a bed for one week!"

Kuki began to giggle and the others seemed shocked. Till Nigel seemed to find his voice again.

"STOP! I'm the leader and I say: No!",

"Okay, make a better suggestion!", Abby said while folding her arms.

"Äh...ähm...well,...", he stummered.

"See? So it's desided." Abby and Kuki turned arround and walked away to the steps. "Let's go and unpack our cases!" They let three puzzled boy left behind.

So, that was the first Chapter. GIRL POWER! Please review! If you want or not! R/R!