Author Note: I have now posted the first chapter of the sequel.

Please go check it out if you found yourself enjoying CaR,

link is at the bottom of the page, or you can simply go to my profile ;3


PART ONE - The beginning.

Darkness lay low as light from the moon and stars were hidden behind a thick layer of clouds. There was little sound but the bustling wind rustling the leaves which had fallen from the trees thick branches. It was fall and the summer warmth was long gone.

The shadow of a man coming closer suddenly appeared in the distance. Another man's voice broke through the nature's own silence.

"Geika, Geika! Is it time yet, is it time yet?!"

Rustling sounds came from a bush, and a head suddenly poked out. "Akuun, shut up! You'll blow our cover!" Purple eyes stared cautiously ahead as if looking for any sort of disturbance. "You are such an idiot! I swear I don't know why Master chose you to be in our group. You're useless."

"Akuma-chan you're so mean!"

"Both of you be quiet!" The man now closer, sneered. He gestured with his hand that they were leaving. As light reflected on glass shards, the man smirked. "It is timeā€¦"

The two known as Akuun and Akuma came out from their hiding and together, the trio disappeared through the trees, leaving behind no trace of evidence but the flutter of leaves.


In the small town of Konoha, Naruto inhaled hungrily the frisk morning air. He stretched his arms to rid them from tension and then started on his way to the Hokage tower where he was going to get his first mission in a long time. It felt good, he decided, he had missed it; the freedom that came with the missions, and the excitement.

As he walked through the city, nothing could ruin his good mood. He smiled at the frowning towns people and to his surprise some actually returned it. The bad talking had not stopped but after his travel it had seemed less painful. The town's people based their opinion about him on false facts. It was up to him to change that.

For more go to : .net/s/5442488/1/Midori_no_Mori