Disclaimer: I don't own Obi-Wan, Siri, Luke, Mara, Han or Leia. I'm just borrowing them from Lucas for awhile.
AN: This story is the result of a challenge I was given on the JC Forums. I haven't been able to read hardly any of the EU novels, so the timeline won't go according to the books. This is a VERY AU story, so that is my explanation for any inconsistencies with this story. With that said, happy reading!
Echoes Of The Past
Chapter 1
The dark streets of Coruscant's underbelly always were one of the most dangerous places to be in the galaxy. At night it only becomes worse, as the risks multiply tenfold. For the scum of the galaxy, it is the only home they will ever know. For those who don't want to be found, it's the best place to hide.
A person moved through these dangerous streets, shrouded from head to toe in a black robe that conceals the being's face. Nobody or nothing dared to go near this particular individual, and it was for a good reason too. The being in the cape was not someone to be trifled with; not if they knew what was good for them.
The cloaked individual moved over to an ancient abandoned building, covered in rust. Standing before the doorway, the person moved back the top of the cloak slightly, allowing for a retinal scan. The person was revealed to be a human woman, whose cold, blue stare could scare a normal man into blubbering like a baby.
The cloak was replaced and the door opened. She walks past two stormtroopers on guard, near the door and entered a door on her right. Pressing the button on a holoprojector, the woman stands on the platform in order to transmit.
"The plan has been executed," she says, her voice monotone.
"Our first attack on the New Republic has been carried out, and tomorrow they will know of our first move. It won't be long before their forces are demoralized enough that we can soon take over the galaxy," the woman continues, a smile crossing her features.
The woman must have been beautiful once, but emotional and physical damage harmed her so much that she no longer resembles the person she once was. She is in her fifties, but it's hard for anyone to tell. The woman has short black hair, but it looks unnatural on her, as if it were dyed. No emotion shows on her face, and her eyes did nothing to reveal anything she might be feeling.
"Good work Zora, the Empire is indebted to you," a male voice replies on the other end.
Zora steps off the platform and moves over to stand by the window. Everything was going according to plan.
Luke Skywalker awoke with a start. He didn't know what was wrong, but the Force was telling him that something was amiss. He was dreaming a moment ago, only now he couldn't remember what it was. All he knew was that it was not anything good, and might relate to the feeling the Force was expressing to him now.
He sat up, and wiped the cold sweat from his face. Mara, his wife was sleeping peacefully at his side. Luke drew in the Force and concentrated on letting his nerves out. When he finally relaxed, he again tried to sleep. The tremors in the Force wouldn't let him. Despite the fact that he didn't feel that danger was near, he knew something was wrong. And Luke needed to find out what it was.
"Luke? What's wrong?" Mara said groggily, finally awaken by his restlessness.
Luke sighed. "I don't know yet. Maybe Leia will know," he said, reaching for his comlink on the nightstand.
Before he could do anything however, the comlink signaled. Luke's stomach dropped; he was sure this wasn't going to be good news. He answered the call and soon saw a hologram of his sister Leia. It appeared that she was crying.
"Luke," she managed to gasp.
"What is wrong?" Luke replied, his brow furrowing in worry.
"It's so horrible, Luke," Leia said, her lower lip trembling.
"Tell me," Luke prodded gently.
"It's Mon Mothma!" Leia exclaimed. "She's dead!"