4 Years Later…


Hermione stood in front of the large farmhouse that had given her so many memories. She walked around to the back and looked out at the deserted pasture and thought about how many dozens of eggs she had collected in her lifetime and how many gallons of horse manure she'd scooped up. She walked back around to the front of the house and decided to take one last look inside before it was sold. She still had a key so she slipped it in the hole and unlocked the door. As soon as it opened, all the homey smells came rushing out at her, even though the house was now empty. She walked through all the rooms remembering how everything had looked during the last summer she had spent there almost four years ago. She could still see her grandmother in the kitchen working on homemade apple pies and her grandfather sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper.

After spending about twenty minutes there, she left her key on the kitchen counter and locked up behind her. She had intended to get into her car and leave, but somehow her feet had managed to lead her down a dirt path than led to the lake where she had made so many memories. From the looks of the place, it looked like it was still a popular hangout for the kids. Her feet managed to lead her to a single grassy spot with a huge oak tree. She walked over to the tree and traced her finger over the initials that had been carved onto it on that unforgettable night. Draco Malfoy had been her first love even though she'd only truly known him for a short time. Before he had left that day so long ago, he had promised that they would be together again but she never got her hopes up. They wrote a few letters and sent a few cards back and fourth and they talked to each other on the phone for about an hour once. As time went on, they drifted apart and after four years, Draco Malfoy was just a wonderful memory. Hermione leaned against the tree and just thought about everything that had happened that summer and how it had been the best summer of her life.

"Lot's of memories huh?" came a voice from behind.

Hermione turned around and saw that familiar face, "Hi." She said almost breathlessly.

Draco walked over to her, "Hi."

"What are you doing here?"

"Probably the same thing that you are; just remembering old memories."

"Do you live here?"

"No. I was on a business trip and I read your grandmother's obituary in the paper. I wanted to pay my respects. She was a great lady."

Hermione smiled, "Yes she was."

"How is your grandfather?"

"He's ok. They spent almost fifty years in that house together and my grandpa just couldn't imagine living there without her. He's moving in with my parents."

"When was the last time you were in town?"

"Not since that summer. I've been so busy with med school I just never had the time. I did see them once a year at Christmas when they visited my parents."

"Med school huh? That's great."

"Yea it is. I love it." Hermione looked down at her feet, then back up at him, "Quite the coincidence that we're here at the same time."

Draco smiled, "Maybe it's fate."

"Maybe it is."

"Do you have to leave anytime soon? Maybe we could have dinner."

Hermione stared into those silvery-blue eyes for a minute, "Yea, I'd like that."


They had agreed to meet at an Italian restaurant in town around eight o' clock. Hermione hadn't been expecting to be having dinner with anyone, let alone Draco Malfoy so she had nothing to wear. When she got to town, she rented a hotel room then went to the best clothing store in town so she could find a dress for the night. After about an hour of looking through every dress known to mankind, she finally settled on a little black dress (a classic) with spaghetti straps. The dress came just above her knees and fit her like a second skin but it wasn't too tight, and she finished it off with black strappy heels. She curled her hair and put it up leaving just a few loose strands. She grabbed her bag and left her room at exactly eight. She hopped in her car and made it to the restaurant only seven minutes later. She walked in and saw Draco sitting at a table by the window. When he saw her, he stood up and watched memorized as she walked over to him.

He stared at her for a moment before finally speaking. "You are more beautiful than I remember."

Hermione blushed and he helped her take her seat.

"Thank you for inviting me."

"I'm glad you had time to squeeze me in." Draco paused for a second, "I've missed you."

Hermione smiled, "I missed you too."

"I tried to call you once after the last time we talked. Your number had been disconnected."

"Yea, I moved. I wrote you a letter with my new address and number but it came back."

"Yea, I moved too."

"Well, at least we are here now."

"Yes we are."

They spent the next two hours eating dinner and catching up on the last four years of their lives. They talked about school, where they wanted to be in five years, and just stuff. When the restaurant closed, they decided it was time to leave. They stood outside the door for a minute just looking at each other with a semi awkward silence. Finally Draco spoke.

"I've got an obscenely large hotel suite and it's far too early for bed. Do you want to continue this conversation there?"

Hermione smiled, "Your hotel room huh?"

"I promise to behave myself."

"Well, only if you promise."

Hermione followed him to his hotel and they ended up on the couch with drinks. They continued talking for another hour before Hermione set her empty glass down.

"I think I've had enough to drink for one night. It's kinda stuffy in here isn't it?"

She walked out onto the balcony and closed her eyes and took in the soft breeze. She heard footsteps behind her and Draco came up and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I meant it when I said that I've missed you." He whispered into her ear.

She shivered at the contact, "I meant it to Draco, but I've got to leave tomorrow. I have classes on Monday."

He slipped the strap off her shoulder and kissed it, "I know; so do I. I'm not talking about Monday or even tomorrow. I'm talking about right now. I still love you Hermione; I never stopped."

Hermione turned around to face him, "Neither did I. I just don't want to start something and have to end it again. It killed me when you left the first time; I don't want to have to go through that again."

"Don't think about that right now. Think about us being her right now."

She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. Four years of emotions came flooding back to them with that one kiss and in a matter of seconds they went from the balcony to the bed.

Draco woke up the next morning with a note next to his pillow.


Thank you for a wonderful evening. It was truly wonderful seeing you again and I know it won't be the last time. Call me so we can keep in touch: 713-555-1709.

I love you.



4 Months later…

Hermione lugged a moving box up two flights of stairs and dropped in onto the floor in front of her new door. She fiddled with the key for a minute and cursed when she couldn't get the stupid door unlocked. After a few more swears and some doorknob jingling she finally got it opened. She put the box just inside the door and returned minutes later with several more boxes. She heard the door across the hall open and she turned to get a look at her new neighbor.

"Well, I guess it really is fate." She said when saw Draco step out into the hall.

Draco grinned, "It's so much more than that."

He grabbed her and pulled her close and she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him, determined to never again let him go.

The End…


Wow, this story took a LONG time to write. I really hope you guys liked it thanks so much for all the great reviews! I'm thinking about a sequel, but I honestly don't think it'll happen…but who knows!

Thanks again!