Authors Notes: Yumi-Chan here Nyahaha! My first Fan fiction! I hope you all enjoy this. Review please!

Disclaimers: Naruto and all of the characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto-san.

All songs and band names used in this story belong to their respective owners

Summary: SasuNaru/ NaruSasu. High School Setting.

Sasuke is a new student entering Grade.10 in Konoha High. Naruto is a rebel and outgoing teen, all of his friends immediately befriending Sasuke. Naruto is soon jealous of the attention Sasuke receives from… Everyone! Soon angered, and questioned about his disliking for Sasuke. Naruto realizes it's actually the complete opposite.

Warnings: Shonen-ai in later chapters. (You know you love it) But if you have a problem with boy looove then don't read. Ish that simple. And, quite a lot of swearing, so if you wish to protect your virgin little ears than I suggest you don't read it.

Opening Song: Pieces – Sum41

Chapter One

If you believe it's in my soul
I'd say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show
That I'm trying to let you know
That I'm better off on my own

-Sum 41

The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon, beginning a new day for the countless individuals that scrambled about the streets at this early hour. Though some preferred to wait until the alarm clock screamed its wake up call next to your ear, forcing you, rather irritatingly out of your slumber. One of those particular types of people, whom now appeared as a lump of blankets huddled over an undersized mattress, favoured not to welcome the coming of the latest morning.

The heap of blankets stirred slowly, due to the life form that was presently in a deep sleep beneath them. He stopped moving, hanging a limp hand off the side of the bed. The digital alarm clock near the bed flashed its neon green numerals as the minutes increased. It now presented the horrid numbers that the occupant of the bed loathed setting eyes upon, 7:00 am. The loud beeping erupted noisily throughout the room. A tired groan was emitted and the figure rolled over grouchily… over the side of the bed.

"Aw shit…" The young boy was exposed from the blankets as he hit the hardwood floorboards with an excruciating thump. His blonde hair untidily fell over his eyes as he sat up, clad in only boxers. He stood, turning to the most despised object in his reality. He made a tired fist and slammed it onto the clock, it instantaneously shut up afterwards. The scrawny boy made his way inelegantly into the bathroom, looking into the mirror at his face. Three whisker-like scars stood out on each cheek, his half-lidded cerulean eyes staring back at himself.

"Naruto!" An older voice called from outside the room.

"Wha d'ya want Iruka…?" Naruto mumbled back. Turning on the sink and letting the chilly water run into his hands. He splashed it onto his face, eager to rid himself of the tired appearance.

"Hurry up!" Iruka hollered back, rather meaninglessly. Naruto lived in a moderately acceptable looking apartment with his adoptive parent, Iruka. Iruka took Naruto in when he was quite young; he was on his own and felt sorry for the blonde orphan who had lost his parents to a murderer.

Naruto chose to respond with a nod that Iruka, most definitely didn't see due to the walls parting them (unless of course the middle-aged man had some form of X-ray vision.). Now, lets discuss Naruto shall we? The now fifteen year-old boy with messy blonde hair that naturally spiked up here and there. The personality of his is one that many people wouldn't really desire to mess around with. His punk like appearance and rebel attitude is what describes the high-spirited and sociable teen best, on the outside that is…. He hides his true self regularly, his hurting, fearing and alone true self. But as long as he had his friends, Iruka, and a large amount of instant Ramen… He was capable of sticking with his positive exterior.

After his business in the bathroom, he walked (more lively this time) into his bedroom, carelessly throwing on whatever clothes caught his eye. Which at the moment, appeared to be slightly oversized jeans and a black T-shirt with a 'System Of a Down' logo on the front. He dragged himself out of the room and into the small kitchen. He pulled out a chair and sat at the kitchen table, which only really consisted of two chairs because theoretically, that's all they needed.

"Good morning!" Iruka chortled, placing a plate of pancakes before Naruto. These energetic and happy morning moods were a daily routine for Iruka. They didn't really seem to faze Naruto anymore. And plus, it was pretty good to have someone actually excited in the mornings. Naruto picked up his fork and dove hungrily into the food. Iruka continued as he sat down with his own plate, "Oh by the way-" he stopped to take a drink of his milk, "Your school called this morning. There is a new student joining your class today, you're supposed to show him around and introduce him and all that."

Naruto looked up, "New student eh…?" Iruka nodded. And that was pretty much it of the morning conversation. And I have to show him around… what a pain in the ass Naruto mentally laughed at himself I'm starting to sound like Shikamaru He smirked, thinking about his slothful friend. Naruto left his plate on the table, not bothering to put it away. Iruka and him have both become aware that Naruto is… pretty useless around the house when it comes to cleaning. The said teen wandered over to his room once more, slinging his black bag over his shoulder and shoving his MP3 headphones into his ears.

"Alright, Bye Iruka!" Naruto waved as he walked out the door. Iruka looked up from the newspaper he was now occupying himself with and smiled, waving back. Naruto shut the door behind him and dashed down the hallway. He walked to the end of the hall and made a left turn. "Dammit!" He glared at the elevators, which were now highly decorated with 'Out of Order' signs. Naruto growled and lifted an 'inappropriate' finger to the elevators. Unsatisfied, he made his way farther down the hall to the stairwell. Kicking the door open and jumping down the ugly concrete stairs every so often as they spiralled their way to the bottom.

He walked through the lobby, grunting as the desk clerk cheerily greeted him. Naruto continued walking out, stopping at the bus stop outside the door. He hated taking the city bus to school, it smelt awful, garbage was thrown everywhere and worst of all, they were more crowded than anything you could imagine. The mobile billboard/ dumpster lurched to a stop and swung its doors open, allowing the blonde to step on and shove his way through to an empty seat. Luckily, it wasn't as crowded today, meaning people weren't clinging to the bars on the roof and huddled against each other due to lack of any other place to move to. He eyed everyone on the bus, leaning casually against the seat and pressing play on his Mp3. A dark haired boy sat a couple seats down and across from where he was. He was alone, holding a messenger bag containing new looking books on his lap. Naruto eyed him curiously, never noticing him on here before.

The newcomer had raven black hair and was hunched over slightly. He wore jeans that were fairly tight and a black shirt under an open sweatshirt. Naruto studied him, though making sure he wasn't noticed. He slightly chuckled to himself, yup, emo. The wristbands, tight jeans and face concealing black haircut. Naruto didn't need to think twice about that, half of his friends were emo. Seeing Shikamaru, Shino and Neji everyday kind of made him aware of what they were like.

Naruto focused his attention away from the random teen that recently stole his awareness. He looked down at his own book bag, remembering the homework assigned. "Shit!" Naruto said aloud, earning a glare from the plump woman seated beside him. I'll just grab it off of Kiba. Hah, what're friends for? Naruto relaxed again, soon forgetting about the 'emo' one. The bus stopped suddenly, Naruto stood and hastily scrambled out of the bus doors.

People crowded outside of the school, awaiting their horrid fate of hearing the bell and entering the deathly hellhole called a high school. Naruto made his way out to the back of the school, hiding within one of the corners behind the tall brick building were two of his friends, Kiba and Neji. Kiba leaned against the wall talking to a bored looking Neji. Naruto laughed, interrupting the conversation. Kiba looked over and grinned at his friend. Naruto and Kiba have been best friends for… who knows how long. The blonde and the dog loving brunette always seemed to get along perfectly, whether it was the similarities in their personality or the type of music they listened to. Neji, on the other hand, wasn't Naruto's favourite person, though they didn't dislike each other either.

"Hey Uzumaki!" Kiba came out of the shadow the school provided to sling a friendly arm around his friend. A large, shaggy white dog followed, lifting its front paws to lean on Naruto.

"Hey Kiba, Hi Hyuuga." Naruto nodded in Neji's direction. Now aware of the large paws that clung to Naruto's stomach, the blonde looked down and patted the dog over the head, before Kiba pulled him away. "Hello to you to Akamaru." Naruto then remembered Iruka's words from that morning. "Ah, there's a new guy in our school today. I'm supposed to show him around or something." Kiba snickered at that.

"Why the hell would they choose you of all people Naruto?" Kiba's grin still remained on his face.

"Shaddup dog-boy" Naruto retorted. And at that, the bell rang penetratingly through the atmosphere around them. Naruto and Kiba grinned at each other. Neji silently left into the school. Naruto waited until the dark haired boy shooed his dog off, luckily, Akamaru knew the way back to Kiba's house.

"So, d'ya know who this new guy is? Anything about him?" They walked through the double doors at the back of the school. Naruto shook his head in reply. Kiba chuckled, "Anyways, we have History first thing. See ya there Uzumaki." Kiba turned and walked the opposite direction. The metal lockers stood before Naruto, he fiddled with the lock, entering the correct numbers. Throwing his bag in and hastily grabbing the correct books, Naruto sped off to his destination.

The class was already occupying the room, except for the newest member who just rushed in and collapsed into a desk next to Kiba, and of course the teacher, who was probably off reading porn. "Hey Naruto… Dude, why the hell are you always late for class?" Kiba moved so that he was sitting sideways in his chair and facing Naruto.

The bright haired teen just shrugged, grinning somewhat sadistically. "Heeey, Kiba-Kuuuuun" Naruto called out, rather loudly.

"Fuck… what the hell do you want now?" Kiba glared and hunched down in his seat. Naruto always used this tone of voice when wanting something. Or just to annoy Kiba, it usually happened to be the second option.

Naruto lost the annoying tone immediately, making a slight pouting face. "Gimme the homework Dog-boy."

"HA! When you ask like that there's no way in hell I will!" Kiba laughed obnoxiously. Naruto growled and was about to explode angrily when a lazy voice emitted itself from behind them.

"Do you guys ever shut the hell up? What a pain in the ass…" The boy from behind them sighed, lifting his head where is lay on his arms.

"Shikamaru! I never noticed you were even there!" Naruto grinned.

"I was sleeping you idiot." The lazy boy answered. "Until you two screwed it up for me." Naruto then turned completely around in his chair to face Shikamaru. He attempted the most pathetically stupid looking puppy eyed expression to the boy he now faced. "No… I'm not lending you my homework."

"Aw. Screw it!" Naruto turned again and sat the right way in chair, folding his arms over his chest and leaning over his untidy bundle of books and loose paper. Naruto was about to open his mouth once more before a tall man with silvery hair that stuck up particularly… odd, to one side. Following him was a boy with raven black hair, tight-ish jeans and… Naruto immediately sat up in his desk. "Y-You're the emo kid from the bus!" Naruto proclaimed out loud.

"Uzumaki! Shut up!" The man yelled, the 'emo-kid' looked up at Naruto and the corner of his mouth very slightly curled up into an almost unnoticed grin.

"Yeah, yeah…" Naruto huffed, leaning onto his chair as Kiba snickered loudly beside him. "This the new guy Kakashi?" Kakashi nodded.

"This is, Sasuke Uchiha. You all have to be good to him. Naruto, as you know. You're in charge of him." Kakashi placed a hand on Sasuke's shoulder, shoving him forward slightly. The girls within the class were currently obsessing over Sasuke's looks and giggling loudly within one another. "Go sit in front of the blonde loudmouth." Sasuke didn't say anything, just walked and sat before Naruto.

Naruto leaned forward and poked at the new comers shoulder. "Hey Uchiha. Welcome to Konoha high… and History class. I'm Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto pointed a thumb to himself as the dark haired teen turned around.

"I'm Kiba Inuzuka, and this is Shikamaru Nara." Kiba pointed from himself then to Shikamaru's once again unconscious and snoring form.

Sasuke looked up at Naruto, then to Kiba and back to Naruto. His black eyes slightly concealed by his lengthy hair. "Thanks…" His voice was cool and calm. "Could you tell me about everyone here…? I kind of need introductions."

"Gladly! There aren't that many people in this school. So for Grade Ten, these are all the students. We're all in the same class; I have no idea why this place is so unpopulated. But anyways…" Naruto stopped himself from rambling and pointed across the room to a quite looking boy sitting in the back of a row. "That there is Shino, he hangs out with us. Same with Gaara, Neji and Kankurou." Naruto pointed to different people throughout the room. The ones he had introduced all appeared to be wearing dark colours and had the 'punk' or rebel kind of look that Naruto had. "And of course Kiba and Shikamaru too. As for the chicks here…" Naruto pointed to a group of three girls who were talking and giggling loudly. "Sakura, Ino and TenTen. My advice… avoid them. Creepy fan girls if you ask me." Naruto faked a shudder.

"Naruto has the hots for Sakura…" Kiba blurted out.

"WHAT? Dude… that was a long time ago! I got over it!" Naruto's face was now slightly flushed.

"You got over it what… last month! When she didn't agree to go on a date with you and you FINALLY came to the conclusion that she's a heartless bi-t-ch." Kiba laughed loudly after extending 'bitch'. Earning a death glare from Naruto, if only looks could kill.

"Anyways. The only people left are the creepy thick eye-browed Lee, Shikamaru's childhood friend Chouji. Temari and Hinata… Who Kiba is madly in love with!" Naruto stated, Kiba opened his mouth to protest but just ended up hiding his face, which was now almost crimson red. "I advise you to stay with us. You don't want to be attacked by the rabid girls. And Lee is just… creepy in my opinion." Naruto laughed. "Oh yeah! So you were on the bus this morning right?"

Sasuke nodded and was about to reply, until three, brightly coloured, living magnets bombarded him with girlish screams. Naruto groaned and sat back into his chair. Kiba had gotten over his blushing and turned this way as three girls surrounded him.

"Hey Sasuke-kun I'm Sakura Haruno!" Her honeyed voice spilt from her mouth as she presented herself to Sasuke. The dark haired boy let out an annoyed sigh and looked at Naruto with somewhat helpless eyes. Naruto looked back at him, sympathetic, not wanting his first day to be ruined by the three fanatical girls.

"Hey, just leave the guy alone. No clinging to him today!" Naruto announced to the giggling girls. Muttering insults under his breath.

"Shut up Naruto!" Ino spoke, Naruto flinched as she openly clung to Sasuke's neck.

Sasuke looked annoyed, feeling arms suddenly wrap around his neck and pull him close, he suddenly stated. "Get off of me…" His voice was almost inaudible. They didn't listen. "Get-OFF-of-me" He said more clearly, a touch of anger in his voice. Naruto smirked as they removed themselves and walked away, pouting the whole way.

"In your case… You may have to get used to that." Naruto chuckled, Sasuke nodded in return.

End Chapter One

A/N: I know Kankurou and Temari and supposed to be older but… it worked out better this way, so in this one they're the same age as everyone.

I hope you enjoyed! My first try for fan fictions. Review and/or Critique!

Flames are tolerated… and ignored. XP

I'm only going to post the second chapter after a couple reviews are received