Phantom Genocide

Page Fifteen -- Not dead yet

This is the finally chapter! Yey! I might do a sequel… I just happened to have used my summery for Danger. That was suppose to be the sequel for this story but I changed some things in Danger. Now I have to think of another story. Here's the last chapter. Enjoy!


-Victoria's POV-

It was really hot. I could hear things crackling as they burned. A light weight was on my shoulder. The weight moved to my collar bone and began to shake me. Someone kept calling my slowly my eyes opened to stare into Lynn's brown eyes. With a lot of pain, I managed to sit up. The fire had calmed down a bit but it was still extremely hot.

"Mike! Wake up!" I heard Ryan say.

I looked over at him. Mike was still unconscious; Ryan was leaning over him some tears escaping his eyes.

"How are you feeling?" Lynn asked.

I chuckled, "Like I was hit by a train than trampled by a herd of elephants."

"Always making wise cracks." Lynn laughed.

Mike began to groan and sat up with the help of Ryan. A little blood trickled down his head. Ryan gave him a little hug before helping him stand. Lynn gently helped me up. I almost fell back down once I stood up. Everything was spinning; a snap in my ankle. I must have broken it when the building exploded.

"Come on. Lets get you two to a hospital." Lynn said as we headed to Mike's car.

Ryan and Lynn place Mike and me into the backseat. Ryan sat in the drivers seat and Lynn in the passenger. That got me worried.

"Ryan… do you know how to drive?" I asked.

"The only thing he knows how to drive are in play station games. And he still crashes and burns." Mike joked.

"Hey! That's not true! And when's a better time to learn than now." he grinned and put the car in reverse.

He slammed on the gas and did a 180 spin. I smacked him for it. Ryan made it out of the woods… just barely. He swerved in and out of traffic, nearly hitting five cars, four of which were parked!

"We can't go to the hospital." Mike said.

"Why?" Lynn asked looking at us in the rearview mirror.

"The cops could be waiting for us there. Make a "U"ie. I know where we can go."

Why did he have to say that? Ryan's "u"ie almost made me throw up. This time I smacked Mike. We came to what looked like a bunch of storage sheds. Mike said to go to the one numbered 18. Ryan and Lynn helped us to the door with the same number. Mike knocked and a crazy looking guy opened the door. He had bright, short orange hair with hug glasses over his messed up brown eyes.

"Ah. Mike. What can I do for you?" the guy asked.

"What does it look like?" Mike growled.

"Alright. Come in, come in."

Inside looked like a little house with an operating table. The guy laid Mike on the table. He put what looked like an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. Machines were hooked up to, the once again unconscious, Mike. I fell asleep on the couch so I don't know what happened. But when I woke up I was still on the couch but someone had placed a blanket over me. Mike, Lynn, and Ryan were hovering over me.

"What," I yawned, "What'd I miss?"

"The doctor just operated on you and you didn't notice?" Ryan said.

"He did? Wow. I didn't feel a thing."

"Stay off the ankle for about two months. Take it easy for a while. Mike don't use your wrist for a month also. You both have minor cuts and burns." the crazy man told us.

"Thanks Geoff." Mike smiled at his friend.

We left, me on crutches. We have been hiding ever since.

-Regular POV-

Tasha's hideout had stopped burning. Thick black smoke filled the air. A bloody, crispy, black hand came out of the cloud of smoke. Like a zombie, Tasha crawled out from behind the building. She was burnt, clothes were torn, and she looked dead. A sad, evil smile came onto her face as she limped away from the wreckage.



There ya go! The final chapter. Should I do a sequel?