Yes, I know this story doesn't fit in with the books. And I have no clue what color anyone's eyes are.

---Michael's POV---

An hour after the plane left us, I found Mia sitting on the sand, the contents of her purse dumped out in front of her.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked, sitting beside her.

"Surveying our inventory. I have Band-Aids, Tylenol, a notebook and pen, a pack of pretzels, some fuzz, and three dollars and twenty-six cents. Oh, and Lacie contributed Bubble-Yum, watermelon lip gloss and her driver's license."

"Good. It's nice to know we'll survive with all those necessities. Here." I threw in a tissue and my car keys. Mia nodded.

"Great Michael, we never would have managed without either of those." She smirked.

She stared out at the sea, and I looked at her, admiring the way the light of the setting sun danced on her face. She grabbed a handful of sand and sifted it through her fingers. He nails were painted light red. She never wore nail polish in high school; she had always bitten her fingernails too much. How much had she changed, anywise? What did she really do in her free time? What did she think about?

"Earth to Michael." Mia snapped her fingers in front of my face. "We should go find firewood. Or shelter. Or food."

"Mia, we've searched the island over and over. There's nothing here."

"Correction. Lacie's been searching."

"For a life-saving Hollister or Abercrombie."

"At least she's trying." Mia turned and her eyes bored into mine. Was she mad?

"I tried. I climbed six damn trees to try and find coconuts or bananas or…or something." I remarked, not letting her win. She gave a sad smile, and glanced at the ground.

"I know…I'm just worried. What if…Michael, what if they don't realize we're missing? What if we get stuck here?"

"Mia," I said, trying to find some way to comfort her. "We're not going to get stuck here. They know they landed on this island, and they know people got off. They're going to check to make sure everyone got back on."

"Which not everyone did."

"Which not everyone did." I smiled reassuringly. "So they're going to turn around and get our butts out of here."

"You're right." She leapt up, and brushed the sand off her legs. "Let's keep looking."

"Yes, ma'am."

---Mia's POV---

Three hours. It took us three hours of wandering around in circles before we found anything remotely helpful. We finally found some kind of berry, and although we weren't exactly sure whether or not it was poisonous, we ate it after seeing it be devoured by a mouse, bird, rabbit, lizard, and other unidentifiable animal, in that order. After eating as much as we could and hid a few for later (upon Lacie's request, because "Oh my god! Think, guys! What if like, all the little animals eat ALL of our food!") we started to look for firewood. We also had to build a fire, upon another of Lacie's requests. The dark gives her bad pores.

God, help us. Now.

"Mia! Get your butt over here and stop staring at me." Michael teased, lugging a particularly large hunk of driftwood over to our tiny pile. I blushed, and tore my eyes away from him, pretending I hadn't been doing what I had—which was gawking at him. I could see the ripple of his muscles under his red shirt, even in the dim light. Sure, he wasn't Mr. America or anything, but he had a nice body. And his eyes were greener (A/N: Again, no clue whatsoever as to eye colors.) than the last time I had seen him, and his hair was just a little longer and a little darker. I was surprised that he wasn't married to a Playboy and whisked off to Paris to be a male model who wore nothing but a bowtie—Bad Mia! Bad!

Shaking my head, I shuffled over to him and picked up the other end of the wood. The bark dug into my hands, and I grimaced. Lacey bounced by, holding a handful of twigs and deposited them on top of the pile. I wonder what would happen if I knocked her on the head with a certain piece of wood I just so happened to be holding. Kidding.

Kind of.

Now that we had a sufficient amount of wood for a fire, we only need something only a little crucial—fire, maybe? Michael, having realized this, groaned and let his head hang back.

"Lacie, why don't you look for some big leaves and rocks…you know, shelter-making things." He said, seeing as we still had no place to sleep.

"But…it's dark. What if I get lost!" Lacie whined, and I stifled a laugh. Oh, what if, what if…

"Right…we can't have that happening, I guess." Michael said, rolling his eyes. "Mia, you go with her."

"No!" I cried, then seeing Lacie's shocked expression, I felt bad and tried to correct myself. "I just mean, won't you need help, Michael? You know, rubbing sticks together and all that, for the fire?"

"Go Mia. I'll be fine." He smiled. Oh god, I wanted to slap him. Reluctantly, I turned and gestured for Lacie to follow me.

Ten minutes later, after roaming through thorny plants and listening to Lacie ramble on about Britney Spears, we found something.

It was unbelievable.

---Lacie's POV---

Where did I put my Bubble-Yum!

What…what did she find! Oh no! Review review review to find out! Go, press that button now! Only you can…save…them…