Song of Devotion
A Sango and Sesshomaru Fanfic
A/N/ I'm going to mix things up. Yes, i do not own Inuyasha, sadly. In this story, Sesshomaru has never met the gang before. Well, just read and you'll figure out the rest. Enjoy!
Chapter One; Memorys
"Come on Sesshomaru-kun!" A little girl with long dark brown hair yelled, as she ran away from him, laughing like the little five year old she was. Her light brown eyes held happiness in them.
"Sango-chan, Why do we always play tag?" Sesshomaru asked kind of annoyed. His long, silver perfect hair blew in the wind as he stood there, his amber eyes staring at his best friend. He was six, or however demons age.
"Because its fun and you know it!" Sango said happily, coming to a hault on her run.
"Feh." Sesshomaru said, and ran slow like after her, knowing he could catch her with his demon speed. Sango started to run again, laughing. Sango's pink and green kimono blew in the light wind as she ran.
"You can't get me Sesshomaru-kun!" Sango said happily with a smile on her face. Sesshomaru used his demon speed and tapped her on the shoulder.
"Yes i can, i just did." Sesshomaru said with a semi-smile on his face.
" fair, you used your demon speed!" Sango pouted, and she started to fake cry. Sesshomaru hugged her and she smiled. "Thanks Sesshomaru-kun." Sango thanked.
"Sango! Time to come home!" Her younger brother called out. He was standing infront of the hut she lived in, in the demonslayer's village.
"Comeing Kohaku!" Sango replyed." See you tomarrow Sesshomaru!."Sango said and gave him a goodbye hug, and ran off.
"Bye Sango." Sesshomaru said, waving a clawed hand to her. She disappeared into the hut, and he walked off.
(End Flashback)
That was thirteen years ago. He probably forgot me. Sango thought sadly as she sat around the fire with her friends, Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku and Shippo. Kirara sat in her lap, purring softly as she slept.
"Sango, you should get some sleep. I'll watch for now." Miroku said with a warm smile on his face, his dark blue eyes looking at her.
"Thanks Miorku." Sango said and yawned. Her light brown eyes were half closed, and she layed on one of those 'sleeping bags' Kagome brings back from her time. Her dark brown hair was spread out everywhere as she slept. She had a dream, no, it was a nightmare.
(Dream / Flashback)
"Hey Sango!" Sesshomaru said, running towards his best friend, she was crying. Her dark brown bangs covered her light brown eyes as the crystal tears hit the ground.
"I'm not alloud to see you anymore Sesshomaru." Sango said sadly. The demonslayer's ran out of the village, and chased Sesshomaru away, as Sango continued to cry. Sesshomaru looked back, but Sango was looking back at him, as she dissappeared into the village. He had tears come to his amber eyes, but they didn't fall.
"Goodbye Sango..."Sesshomaru said sadly, and ran off to his home, the castle in the Western land.
(End Dream / End Flashback)
Sango awoke from the nightmare that had played in her mind for the past few weeks, but she never told anyone.
I'll never see him again. Sango thought and stood up.
"Sango, why are you up?" Miroku asked.
"I'm going for a walk Miroku. I'll be back soon." Sango said, and walked off into the forest. Sango walked into a clearing in the forest, with a small stream running through it.
"I truely have lost everyone i ever cared about. Why do i keep having these dreams? What do they mean? Are they good, or are they just to haunt me for the rest of my life?" Sango questioned the sky, knowing she wouldn't get an answer. Tears came to her light brown eyes, and she layed on the ground and cryed silent tears, her eyes becoming red and crystal streams came down her face, and hit the soft, green ground below.
I just want to see him one more time...
A/N/ Well this is the first chapter to Song of Devotion. I'm still working on my other Fanfics, but i got major writer's block now. Yes, the pairing is SessxSan, deal with it, or don't read. RxR please! Ja Ne!