A phone call between Chloe and Martha:

Chloe: Hi! This is Chloe.

Martha: Hey, sweetie!

Chloe: How are things?

Martha: Good, but I don't think you want to hear all about life on the farm. It must be boring to someone married to a billionaire.

Chloe: Not to me, Mrs. Kent. Just because I'm married to Bruce Wayne, doesn't mean I've changed.

Martha: That may be but I know you didn't call me to talk about milking cows.

Chloe: Okay, you got me! It's about Lois and Clark. You're one of the few people I can talk to about this and you're family after all. Have they been acting strange, do you think?

Martha: Have they ever! It's got me worried. They came over last weekend and didn't talk to each other at all. With most couples it's bad when they fight over little things but with Clark and Lois it's when they're quiet. They did talk to each other once though. Clark found out their flight was canceled and he had to tell Lois. He suggested they fly back without a plane, if you know what I mean. Lois got mad and yelled something like "That's a great idea, Clark, that way people can say 'look! It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's Superman with a married woman' and it'll be me they hate." It wasn't teasing either. You could cut the tension with a knife.

Chloe: I know. You know how Clark and Bruce get together to talk about the Justice League? Lois usually comes with him and we have a "spouses of the Justice League meeting" where we talk about journalism and stuff. Lois didn't come last time and she wasn't sick. I called her. What can we do?

Martha: Nothing. They're very private, stubborn people. They'll have to work it out themselves. Besides it's not like it's about adultery and they can't get a divorce.

Chloe: Why not?

Martha: One word. Bracelets.

Chloe: Oh yeah. Well it's been nice talking to you. I need to visit Smallville soon.

Martha: Yes, you do.

Chloe: Bye!

Martha: Bye!

Clark and Lois walked into their apartment. Clark went into the kitchen and began to fix supper. Lois turned on the TV and flipped through the channels. They ate supper and Lois washed dishes, while Clark watched TV. Lois went in the bathroom to get ready for bed. After an hour of Clark waiting his turn, he began to get irritated but he never said a word. Lois walked out slowly demonstrating she had been slow on purpose. In the bedroom Lois watched Clark reading a book in the reflection of the dresser mirror. He put his book down, closed his eyes, and moved his lips. She imagined he was praying for patience, something that probably wouldn't hurt her to do either. Clark rolled over and went to sleep without turning off the light. He knew she couldn't sleep with the light on. He was paying her back for being slow. Yep, if ever she needed the virtue of patience but that word was not in her vocabulary. Come to think of it neither was uncomfortable silences.


He jumped so high that he almost hit the ceiling, but he floated down with his hands on his hips (not his classic Superman pose but an I'm-angry pose). "What in the world is the matter with you!"

"We need to talk!" she said in a much quiter tone.

"I knew your silence was too good to be true!"

Lois got up, took a suitcase out of the closet, and began packing. "Clark, I think we both knew this moment was coming."

"Yeah, I guess so. I'll be the one to go."

"Forever a gentleman but I started packing first."

"We can't get divorced or have romantic relationships."

"I know but a physical separation is possible."

There was silence in the air again but no tension.

"Lois, I'm not angry, I'm sad."

"There's always sadness at the end of a relationship. Look on the bright side, there's no children to share, only Krypto, and believe me and my allergies when I say he's all yours."

Clark smiled slightly at the remark.

"Wow! I think that's the first time I've made you smile in I don't know how long."

"Yeah, we've both been sulky. If you could, Lois, would you remarry?"

"No. After you're married to Superman, any other man is just, well, not super."

"Yeah, I wouldn't either. Any woman after you is just plain boring."

"Will wonders ever cease? I think we just gave each other compliments."

"Lois, what went wrong?"

"I don't know, Clark. I guess a lot of things."

"But what specifically?"

"Well, for one, I guess I started to feel dependent. Marriage should make you stronger. Superman makes me feel weak. I can't seem to save myself anymore."

"You're not married to Superman, you're married to Clark Kent."

"We can't ignore your alter ego or your powers."

"I guess Kryptonians and Earth people can't mix after all. It's my fault too. I've been Superman lately, more than Clark. It's ironic, isn't it, that Superman brought us together and now he's breaking us up?"

"Well, goodbye, Clark."


A week went by and their professional relationship was a lot better. Perry and the public saw their shared articles improve 110 percent and yet the articles always had a sad note. Superman had made a lot less public appearances and Lois had gotten herself out of some fatal situations (not that Clark/Superman wasn't watching to be sure).

Clark and Lois were at the fortress as she gathered up her things from over there. Clark fumbled with his glasses and for the first time in a long time, Lois found it cute, but she quickly shoved the feeling away. Lois forcefully marched around gathering up her rightful property and Clark found her forcefulness attractive, but he ignored it.

Suddenly, Jor-El was activated and he asked, "Are you separating?"

"Yes, Jor-El," Clark answered.

"Would you like me to remove the bracelets?"

"I thought you said it wasn't possible?" Clark said, not quite believing what he was hearing.

"It shouldn't be possible, but the bracelets aren't magical. It's technology and technology can always be overridden. Earth marriages are supposed to be permanent too 'for as long as you both shall live', but living people separate all the time. If you want to join in Earth's rising divorce rate, make that choice now."

"Lois?" Clark said, looking to Lois for guidance.

"I guess it's all for the best," she said, not sounding like she really believed it.

"Remove the bracelets, Jor-El."

And with that, they fell off.

"This feels strange. I've had the bracelet on so long, I forgot it was there," Lois commented as she rubbed her the place where it had been.

"I know what you mean. I think I'll miss it."

"I know I'll miss your cooking, Smallville."

"I'll miss your insults."

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you more."

"Clark, if we'll miss each other, what are we doing?"

"I love you, Lois. Will you stay my wife?"

"I will."

They hugged and kissed to seal the deal.

Jor-El said, "Good choice. The bracelets were merely symbols. It's love and God that binds two people together not metal. Besides you now have something that'll ensure you're forever connected. I'm now sensing 3 life forms. Congratulations!"

"Clark, how is that possible? We've been fighting nonstop for almost a year now."

"Did I forget to mention Kryptonian pregnancies last two years?"

"This should be fun," she said, looking toward her belly.

The End (but just the beginning for three people)