chapter three has now just been started with an idea that sets me into laughter... i love being who i am, being able to find some of the simplest things funny. If the small things don't make you laugh from time to time then you probably don't laugh at all. Well anyways on with the story.
Another quick disclaimer: I own none of the character from Spawn, Inuyasha, Or Danny Phantom, If i did some of my choice stories off this sight would be turned into actual televised events and i would pay the authors a great amount of money to allow me to do so.
The Reaper's Response
Mandy snorted once again as she looked at her mate. He lay on their bed in the world of dreams( others would probably consider them to be nightmares) a goofy grin on his face. Who would have ever figured the Grim Reaper the type to faint? Had the situation been different Mandy might have laughed at her mates reaction to the news that she was with child.
She sighed and lay back against Grim's chest, listening to the beating of his heart. Slowly a calming came over her as she felt the warmth from his demonicly pale skin. She always thought it was kind of strange, but after the initial ceremony of their wedding when she was fifteen she insisted that they sleep in the same bed so that they would become accustomed to it for when the time came for the more intimate cycles of their relationship, and by now they had come to rely on eachother being there, the warmth and aura each would exude comforting the other. And that's what was strange, A mortal found comfort in the arms of Death.
She gave another sigh as she rested one of her palms on her flat stomach. In the beginning she was absolutely sure she did not want children, that they would only be a burden on her, and negatively affecting her takeover of her rightful throne. But now she was not so sure. She knew there were... Options that could end this but she'd rather not use them. A lesson learnt from her mother.
Mandy was a mistake of a failed marriage and she knew it. Her mother tried to give her all the love she could but after her third birthday Mandy was still able to see a small amount of resentment at the fact that she reminded her mother of her father. But even though she was an accident, her mother raised her deciding that if she used other options then the bastard who had done that to her would have won.
So now even though the small entity growing in her womb was not created knowingly she would refuse to have it terminated before it had a chance at life. She already knew that because of this she was putting not only herself but the child and Grim in danger, but the child deserved a chance at life.
She slowly closed her eyes deciding to dwell on thoughts of danger another time and to focus her attention right now on enjoying the calming beat of her husband's heart. Soon enough the calm that he brought her through the simple involuntary action of a beating heart had her falling into a peaceful slumber with dreams of running the underworld with Grim by her side and a small girl resting in her lap playing with a skull shaped rattle.
(( About an hour later))
Grim slowly woke to find his wife nuzzled into his chest and he gave a minute smile. She had one hand on his shoulder in a claiming manner and the other hand clutching his own. His minute smile grew wider as he sensed the tranquility in both her own aura and the one their child emitted.
That in itself brought a question to his mind. How could a mortal bear the child of a demon, much less him. It was not impossible as he knew of a few over the last couple millenia. Inuyasha, the love child of Izayoi and a great dog demon only known as Inutaisho, Jonathan Seraphi was the child of an arch angel and a mortal man, and finally Candace Star was the child of a wolf demoness and a human father, but those were just three in over five hundred years. The problem was that most times ethereal beings were too powerful for their mate or themselves to become pregnant. He knew that Mandy's own dark powers were strong but for as long as she remained mortal he would be stronger than her. Again it wasn't impossible to have a child with a mortal just very hard.
Grim sighed as he thought more about it. He could sense somewhere in the back of his mind that he was forgetting something, something very important, but he coundlnt remember for anything. It began to annoy him.
Mandy in her sleep picked up on the annoyance coming from her mate and subconsciously bit the juncture between his neck and shoulder sending a jolt of pleasure through Grim's body. From there Grim almost immediately calmed down. Mandy always did know what to do to piss him off, but in all fairness she always knew how to make him happy again as well.
Grim gave a kind of contented sigh and wrapped one arm around his sleeping spouse and looked up to the ceiling going into deep thought again but this time it took a more positive course. Wondering who the child would take after.
(( Somewhere in the underworld))
A flame haired, six foot tall, crimson eyed, muscluar demon with a white business suit on glared at the future seer before him. He stared into one of the crystal balls and watched as he overthrew the underworld. He smiled. That's exactly what he wanted to see.
The future seer then switched the orb back to what the future would currently be. Mandy sat next to Grim on the throne, overwatching their realm. Plasmius snorted in disgust. There was no way these two hacks could make good rulers of the underworld. They'd probably be overwhelmed in the first millenia.
The seer looked at her current client and gave an inward sigh. She already knew that if he ruled this world that he would send devistation from this world and into the next one, into the realm of mortals.
"When should i send my minions to attack for the best result?", the demon asked wisely. The seer looked into her crystal ball for a moment before holding up seven clawed fingers. It was the creed of anyone who took the position of a seer that they would never speak in fear of altering events that they had no right in which to meddle.
"After the seventh month?", he asked referring to Mandy's pregnancy. The seer nodded and then held out her palm as she usually would at the end of a session. The demon glared at her hand before reaching into his pocket. He puled out five flowers, each a different color. One was red, the next blue, another was white, the fourth was black, and the final had partially transparent petals.
The seer grabbed them and ate them one at a time. Plasmius watched with something akin to disgust before leaving. Any creature that could eat the Necro-Roses and be content was vermin in his books. But some vermin had useful skills. He smirked as he once again invisioned his take over.
Oh how he would treasure the day that he enslaved Grim and Destroyed his mate infront of his eyes. No one was quite sure why he hated the Reaper like he did, but all knew he was aiming to hurt the Bringer of death in anyway he could. His maniacal laughter filled the heated air as he walked towards his lair to begin plotting.
(( End chapter three))
A/N: Ok ya ya I know Shorter than the first two chapters but I couldn't figure out what else to put in this chapter. Well i gotta go. Ciao.