To my readers: I can't control myself! I'm putting this up now! I need you people to tell me what you think. And of course I won't kill off Vi, she's my fave character in this fic.

Oh, and I don't know if you've forgotten this- A review a chapter makes this dragoness happier.

Chapter Twelve

Violet groaned, her head was aching terribly. She felt like it was going to explode. She clutched her aching head and moaned. She opened her eyes and looked down, below her were her family and her friends, weeping over… over something… or someone.

She moved closer and saw herself. Her family and friends were weeping over her! "No," Violet whispered. "I can't be dead!" She shook her head in disbelief, "I can't be dead! I shouldn't be dead." She groaned as the pain in her head increased. She looked up and saw her great grandfather.

"Grand pa?" she said unsurely. She moved over to him, as she moved closer, the pain decreased.

"Violet!" Lao Shi moved closer to is great granddaughter. He hugged her comfortingly. But after a while, he looked at her sternly, "Violet don't give up now, not yet," he said, "Many people still need you,"

"But gramps, the pain-" Violet said.

"Ignore it," he said sternly, "look below you, look at your family and think about how long they will be grieving." When Violet didn't reply, he continued, "Your brother, he still needs you, remember your promise?"

"Don't give up! You must live!" he said. He waved his hand and Violet heard her family and friends speaking.

"Violet, please," she heard her father say, "come back! We still need you! You were a great daughter and a great dragon, I remember when you were born, I knew from the moment I saw you, you'd be a good daughter and a good dragon."

Then she heard her mother crying, "Violet, come back! We took care of you, we fed you, we taught you," Rose sobbed, "You were such a good girl, don't give up now! Come back, please don't die now,"

Violet moved closer, she ignored the pain. She then heard her brother, "Vi, come back, you promised! You promised you'd be with me! I need you, Violet," he said, "I know I'm annoying at times, but I still like and need you, you were a great big sister."

"No, I won't give up now," she move closer to her family and her friends. But she stopped as the pain grew worse. Violet felt like she couldn't go on, then she heard her best friend, Tria.

"Violet, I'm so sorry for bein' rude and impatient," Tria said, "Don't leave now, I still need ya. You were a great friend; you were always there before you became a dragon. Even you were you were there on your spare time."

Violet then heard Spud and Trixie, "Violet, we all need you to come back," Spud said.

"Yeah, you were such a good kid," Trixie said, "Your family needs you."

"Violet, my brother still needs you" said her Aunt Haley, "When you were just a little kid, I'd visit you often and play with you, now, you're a teen, be strong, don't give up now,"

Their words gave her strength to go on, Violet moved closer and heard Farrell's voice, "Vi, I'm sorry for failing to help you escape before," he said, "and whenever you're fighting, I'm always just hiding in the background, but please, come back, you still have a lot to do in life."

Violet slowly opened her eyes. She was lying on her bed; Jake, Rose, Jack, Tria, Spud, Trixie, Farrell and Haley were around her. "I'm back," she said weakly.

"Violet!" Jake hugged his daughter, "you heard what we said?"

"Yeah," she hugged her father.

"Oh, Vi," Rose joined the hug.

"Hey, mom," Violet said. "Wait, not too tight! Can you two lat me breath first?"

"Oh, sorry," Jake and Rose released their daughter.

"How ya feelin' Vi?" Jack asked.

"My head's still aching." Violet rubbed the back if her head.

"But one thing is puzzling me," said Rose, "the Huntsmaster set his laser from stun to kill, how can she be alive?"

"Who cares? It's a miracle, Rose," Haley said.

"I guess you're right," Rose said.

"A miracle and the kind words of my family and friends," Violet said, "and great grandpa's words of wisdom,"

"You saw Gramps?" Spud asked.

"Yes," Violet then told her experience.

Well that's the end of The New Generation, was that chapter too mushy or not mushy enough, or just right? Or was it just weird? TELL ME!

Oh and I'm gonna make a sequel, so I might as well put a summarized prologue. And I'm thinking of making a prequel to this, what do you think?

A large black dragon watched Violet from the screen. "She might be an interesting and strong one to join our army," he said.

"I don't know, master," said Chang, "she might not join, just like her father,"

"We'll see about that," said the dark dragon, "my shades will help capture her and bring her here,"

Well, there ya have it, now it's time for me to think of a sequel title, feel free to give me suggestions.