The forest of the hidden leaf village, created to keep the village hidden and safe from invaders.You could hear the sounds of birds chirping, branches rustling in the wind, and the panting of a man in hard training. At a personal training ground deep within this forest made by the same man, was a man who is working to become stronger. A man who dedicated his life to become a great ninja without Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, with only hard work. A man with onyx colored eyes, mop-top hair and ridiculously huge, bushy eyebrows. This man was Rock Lee; Taijutsu expert, loyal comrade and lady's man… hardworking and loyal anyways.

He was doing his usual near-impossible training program; he already done 420/600 crunches, 1002/2000 push-ups, 1238/1500 chin-ups, 1102/4000 jump ropes, and now he's trying to kick the tree 3000 times.

"1002… 1003…1004… 1005…." He said; counting every kick he makes onto the poor, helpless tree. Sweat dripped from his body, running down to the ground in rivers. His muscles ached with exhaustion, begging him to rest. His mind focused single-mindedly continued training; ignoring the pain his body is producing. He had an iron will and was determined to become a great ninja with only effort. He was so preoccupied with his training; he didn't hear the tall figure come from behind him.

"Hey Lee!"

Lee turned around to see who it was, this person was non other then Gai-sensai, Lee's teacher and mentor. He was looking at him with his usual trademark smile of his and his arms folded.

"Come on Lee, it's time for lunch."

"But Gai-sensai, I haven't finished my 3000 tree kicks yet!" he said in his usual determined tone of voice. Gai gave him an "I'm going to give you more words of wisdom" look to Lee.

"Listen Lee, even a great ninja doesn't fight on an empty stomach. They always have three square meals a day, especially after training. It gives them the energy to keep going and refuel their bodies for a hard day's work. It not only refreshes the body, but the mind as well." While he was talking, Lee was scribbling down his usual notes saying "Uh huh" a couple of times. (Where does he keep that thing? Oo?)

"That's one of the ways how a great ninja like me becomes a Jounin, with hard work and a healthy diet." He finishes it off with one of his nice guy poses; winking his eye while smiling with shiny teeth and his thumb up. "Understand?"

"Yes Gai-sensai!" he shouted like he always does.

"Good, now lets head for the Raman shop for some Raman." And so they left the training ground toward the Raman shop, just another average day with Rock Lee.