Disclaimer: Don't own anything of the movie Troy. Wouldn't mind owning Hector but ya know, beggars can't be choosers. Enjoy!
Chapter 1
The marketplace was a busy place during the day. Men and women going back and forth trying to find food and things to decorate with. You could hear arguing going on between seller and buyer. It was a magnificent place. Troy. Nowhere in the world was there anything quite like it.
Malina walked through the market finding food for her and her mother. Her mother was very sick and she was in charge of taking care of her. The marketplace wasn't as busy today. Everyone was in a sullen mood. The Princess Andromache had died early yesterday morning. No one knows what happened, but she had died in her sleep. 'That is the most peaceful way to go' Malina thought to herself. As they announced it yesterday, Malina noticed Prince Hector standing with a blank stare on his face. Obviously he had loved her deeply and there was no telling how long it would take for him to be himself again. Prince Hector was on a trip to help get his mind off of everything. He would return sometime today. As Malina walked through getting food, she heard a horrid cry come from the area that she lived. She looked up to see a woman screaming through the streets. Malina knew that something was wrong with her mother. She dropped all of her food and ran towards her house. What she didn't see was Prince Hector behind her, pick up her things and follow her.
Malina ran to her house and noticed her mother lying on the floor near the fireplace. "NO!" she screamed. She flew over to her mother and checked for any signs of life.
"Mother? Please, wake up. Mother? Mother!" Nothing. Malina hunched over and cried. Her mother couldn't have died so suddenly. Yes she was sick, but so soon? Someone wrapped there arms around her and she hugged him back. She didn't know who it was, but whoever they were, she felt safe in their arms. She cried for about 10 more minutes with the person's arms still around her. She wanted to know who it was. She found out by the voice he uttered.
"Moculus. Wrap the mother and prepare a burial service." Malina froze. She knew that voice. She slowly lifted her head to meet the gaze of Prince Hector. Malina just stared. Her breath caught in the back of her throat.
"Are you all right?" he asked. Malina couldn't say anything. Her breath was stuck in her throat. All she could do was shake her head and was in a heap of cries again. "Come."
Malina looked up with tears rolling down her face. "Where are we going?" she asked.
"I am taking you to the palace."
"What!" she was wide awake now if she ever was.
"You have nothing left to live for here. I can take you to the palace where a life for you is saved. We will have a burial ceremony for your mother. You will live in the palace as a servant."
Malina just stared. 'A servant. In the palace. A life of servitude, but still the palace. They weren't horrible there. They were actually nice and treated everyone with respect. Malina could only nod as Hector picked her up and placed her on his horse. They made their way to the palace with Moculus behind them with Malina's mother wrapped up. They entered the gates to see King Priam walking up to them. Malina suddenly forgot her voice. She just stared at him like an animal.
"Hector, my son. Welcome back. And who is this?"
"Well, I actually don't even know her name. Her mother just died, and I offered her a place as a servant in the palace. Is that alright?"
"Of course it is son. She is welcome to live here as long as we know her name. What is your name young lady?" King Priam asked with a kindness to his voice. Malina was finding it hard to even breathe. Here she was in the King's presence and she couldn't even mutter a word. She felt a hand on her shoulder and realized it was Hector. For some reason, that touch gave her the strength she needed.
"Malina." She said in a quite voice.
"Malina. What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Sara, will you please escort Malina to the servant's quarters? She won't hurt you. Please, go with her and get cleaned up. We will discuss this furthermore later on, hm? Go my child."
Malina went with Sara after one last glance towards Hector. King Priam noticed a flicker of something in his son's eyes. He couldn't quite tell what it was, but he knew that Hector felt obligated to protect this girl. He let it slide.
"Hector, my son, why don't you get cleaned up for dinner and we will talk, hm?"
"Yes. I do feel a bit dirty. I will see you at dinner." He kissed his father and went to his room. He walked in and was overwhelmed with the scent of Andromache. It would be hard to move on without her. He pushed it out of his mind and went to take a bath. His servant Kaya was getting old, and could barely bring in the bath water. Then, Hector got a brilliant idea. He washed up and put on his robes. He made his way down to the dining hall and waited till everyone gathered in. They sat in silence as they ate with an occasional chatter here and there.
Hector noticed Malina off to the side with the rest of the servants. She looked noticeably better. Her face was rid of dirt and grime. She had beautiful glowing skin. Her blonde hair was rid of the dirt also and had a beautiful shine to it. It ran just to the bottom of her shoulder blades. She was dressed in more suitable attire and she looked beautiful. Hector couldn't stop these thoughts from entering his mind. He had just lost his wife not but two days ago. He couldn't help it. Once dinner was done, business was to be discussed. As the elders settled down, King Priam stood to address the issue with Malina.
"We have new arrival here, her name is Malina and she will be a servant in the palace."
"Father," Hector interrupted, "I would like to take Malina as my personal servant."
Malina's head shot up at this. She stared directly at Hector. How could he want her as a servant? She just got here. Surely there were better suited servants then her. She continued to stare at Hector.
"Kaya is getting old and cannot do the things that need to be done."
King Priam thought about this while Malina stared at Hector. It wasn't until then did she notice Hector staring at her also. She got a strange vibe from him. But it was a good vibe. She dropped her gaze back to the floor as she waited for King Priam's answer.
"Very well. Kaya is indeed old and you are in need of a new one. Very well. Malina my dear, please come forward."
Malina walked forward to King Priam's outstretched arm. "Malina, you are now in the charge of Prince Hector. I trust you will serve him proudly and get him what he needs when he needs it. Am I understood?"
Malina nodded. "Now, Sara, please take Malina to the servant's quarters and get her the things she will need. Thank you."
Malina followed Sara. As she walked past Hector she glanced at him to find his stare on her. She held it and looked back to the floor. She walked with Sara back to the servant's quarters, not prepared for what was to come for her.